Chapter 309 ( Recovering Lost Time )

"Really!" - Houki exclaimed in terror as she heard how the blond man had appeared in the middle of a destroyed city with his body completely wounded.

"I gain nothing by lying to you, Houki" - Cloud replied as he shrugged - "If it wasn't for Sakuya here, possibly an [Aragami] would have found me and I would have had to fight with my life on the line."

At this moment 6 people were sitting at a table, which was the center of attention of everyone present because one man was surrounded by 6 beautiful women, each with different qualities. Tatenashi seemed to be a refined aristocrat, Houki was a kind and loving housewife, Sofia seemed to be a Saint, Alisa was a girl who radiated a youthful aura, and finally Sakuya who was a firm warrior who wouldn't let anything get through her.

"Thank you so much for saving Cloud!" - Houki exclaimed as she bowed in front of Sakuya, who honestly didn't know how to react to this. She never thought that someone with such a high status as Houki would 'stoop' so easily, though at the same time this showed how much Cloud mattered to her.

"I want to thank you too" - Tatenashi said with a smile, only for her expression to turn serious - "I honestly don't remember how we parted, only that at one moment we were together and then there was no one..."

"The same thing happened with me, I just remember that we were talking and then everything went white" - Houki replied while frowning - "Anything you have to add, Cloud? I mean, you were always the one with the best senses."

"I'm the same way..." - Cloud replied with a frown - "I don't even know why I was so hurt..."

A deep silence pervaded the place as those present decided to put the topic aside.

"Ok, that explains a few things" - Alisa said as she looked around, just focusing on the blond - "Tell me, Cloud Strife.... What do you think about this mission we were assigned?"

Sakuya raised her ear when she heard this because she was curious too. She wouldn't deny it, this could be any man's dream, and Cloud a monk.

"You want me to be honest?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow - "I find this whole thing to be bullshit, the only good thing that has come out of this fucking mission, is that I finally got to reconnect with Houki and Tatenashi, other than that it's a pain in the ass."

Alisa narrowed her eyes as she tried to look for falsehood in her words, only to shake her head when she saw that it didn't look like she was lying - "I see..."

"What happened next?" - Sophia asked, who seemed to have fallen in love with the blond's story, it was as if she had stepped out of a fairy tale. How the hero is separated from his beloved for reasons neither of them can't control, only to find themselves in the future, but things had changed for both of them, though their love was still just as strong.

"Is this normal?" - Cloud asked as he saw how the blue-suited woman's eyes had transformed into glowing hearts.

"Sofia-san is a fan of romance stories..." - replied Houki with an awkward smile as she noticed her friend's expression - "And there are many times when she enters her fantasy world where everything turns into a romantic comedy."

"Oh... I see..." - Cloud nodded as he shrugged - "Anyway, I already told you how my life has been, so it's your turn to tell me how you've been."

"What can I say? I was adopted by the leader of the Russian Branch of [Fenrir]" - Tatenashi replied as she looked at the blond - "I also became an Ace."

"So you're the woman called the [Russian Mist]" - Sophia said as her expression turned serious - "According to your file, you possess the talent to become a squad leader of the [Fenrir] central base and get the title of [Lady] like us..."

"A tempting offer, but I don't think I will accept it, not when Russia has done so much for me" - Tatenashi answered seriously.

"We have absolute freedom to do whatever we want in our territories" - said Sophia calmly while looking at the potential recruit - "In your case, you could choose Russia as a territory for your squadron."

". . ." - Tatenashi found the offer even more tempting, but quickly shook her head - "I'll think about it after I complete this mission."

Sophia's expression changed to one of utter embarrassment when she heard this because she remembered that she too had to perform such a perverted mission even though both she, and the target seemed unwilling to do anything, though she was surprised to see how Tatenashi's companion seemed to be normal - "Doesn't the idea of doing this kind of mission bother you?"

"Not in the least" - answered Alisa calmly as she looked at the woman who was supposedly just as strong as her teacher - "Russia is very different from the Home Base".

"Yes... I heard about their barbaric practices" - Sofia said seriously because for her, marriage without love was a sin that should not be committed.

"Look, I know it's not the best idea, but the results are effective" - Alisa said seriously - "In the case of Russia, marriages may have started without love, but now those families are happy."

". . ." - Sofia tried to say something, but kept silent when she noticed how she couldn't say anything to contradict her argument because she had heard about it.

"Ok, I think that's enough" - said Tatenashi as she stopped the conversation - "We're not going to force anyone to do this, after all, I am a supporter of the idea that if you're going to have sex, at least make it with someone you like"

"Right" - nodded Houki with a red face.

"Wait a second..." - Sofia said while squinting her eyes as she felt the different atmosphere between the two women - "I feel like there's something I overlooked.... Why does Tatenashi-san want to pursue this mission so badly while Houki-san doesn't seem to be that complicated?"

"That's because she's been in a relationship with Cloud for years" - Tatenashi replied while rolling her eyes at the blonde woman - "They've already done it and everything."

"!" - Sakuya opened her eyes in surprise as she felt a pang in her heart.

Houki blushed when she heard this before shooting an annoyed look at her friend she hadn't seen in years.

"What? I'm telling the truth" - Tatenashi replied calmly - "Or are you just going to deny it?"

"No" - Houki replied as she shook her head.

"Are you serious?" - Sofia asked with surprise because she never thought that her best friend was no longer a 'miss', but a full-fledged woman - "W-Well, that explains some things..."

"Say no more, Sofia-san" - Houki said with a red face because she remembered a certain awkward scene they had years ago.

"Then tell me some more, it never hurts to have embarrassing information from your friends" - said Tatenashi while giving a wink to the blonde girl who had accompanied Houki - "Anyway, that's the way it is, the woman who has the best advantage in this world, is Houki."

Houki frowned when she heard what Tatenashi said because she had said more information than necessary, though looking at the context of the conversation no one could notice anything out of place.

"I-I see..." - Sakuya nodded as she tried to calm herself down. She could only calm herself and tell herself that she had the advantage that she knew the blond from all these years those women had been in unknown location, not to mention that there was chemistry between the two of them.

"Anyway, we'll continue this somewhat awkward conversation later, for now we have to go find our rooms and I'm sure you also have to do the same, Houki" - Tatenashi said as she looked at her fellow recruit - "Why don't we go together?"

"I think it's a perfect idea because I still want to talk some things with you" - said Houki calmly.

"I guess we'll go investigate the surroundings..." - Sofia said noticing how the two women wanted to talk in private - "How about you lead us, Sakuya-san?"

"I agree with Lady Gleipnir" - said Alisa calmly - "It would be a good way to get to know the surroundings if we have a guide."

"I suppose?" - Sakuya replied in confusion, only to shake her head- "I mean, Ok, I'll guide them around."

"Thank you very much" - replied the two women as they stood up.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Cloud Strife-san" - said Sofia with a smile as she gave a small bow and lifted her skirt slightly with elegance.

"The pleasure as well was mine, Sofia-san" - Cloud said with a smile as he nodded, only to notice how Alisa was watching him silently - "Do you need anything?"

"Yes..." - nodded Alisa calmly - "After I find my room and walk around the place, I'd like to have a little practice battle so I can check how good you are, since I have a huge interest in your person after hearing the stories my teacher has told."

"OK, I guess" - Cloud replied as he shrugged his shoulders.


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