Chapter 308 ( Reunion )

Cloud was walking through the corridors of [Fenrir: Far East] after having a conversation with Lenka.

"You shouldn't have left me with that woman" - Sakuya said while looking at the blond - "We almost destroyed the medical wing after spending 15 minutes together..."

"You should start working on your problems" - Cloud said while rolling his eyes at her, only to shake his head - "Anyway, we'd better go to Lindow and Soma's, I'm sure they have to be bored in their room not being able to do anything..."

". . ." - Sakuya's expression relaxed when she heard this, but her expression changed when she heard the sound of something sharp heading in her direction. Her pupils constricted as she saw the edge of what appeared to be a blue spear heading towards the blond - "Cloud, watch out!"

But to her relief, Cloud only materialized his sword and blocked the attack, though the words the attacker said, left her worried again because the person she feared the most had arrived.

"I see you haven't lost your touch despite all these years without seeing us, Cloud-kun" - said a female voice as her silhouette materialized. She was a beautiful woman with hair as blue as the sea, eyes as red as rubies, a body that honestly made him jealous because her breasts were bigger than his and that was a merit seeing that food was getting scarcer and scarcer with the constant attacks of [Aragami] in the orchards.

"It's been 6 years... Tatenashi" - Cloud said with a smile seeing one of his traveling companions he hadn't seen in so long - "And I see you've improved your control."

"I can't stay stuck in the same place forever, Cloud" - said Tatenashi as she rolled her eyes at him, though her expression quickly changed to a serious one - "But well, it's time for us to talk... and if you want, you can invite your friend."

Sakuya looked seriously at the woman in front of her, only to feel how the chances of winning were getting smaller and smaller. It was an abysmal difference between the two, she was a simple soldier while the other woman not only had an aura that showed her power, but she had the attitude of an aristocrat, demonstrating her high status.

"?" - Cloud gave her a confused look before nodding - "Ok, let's go to the cafeteria."

"Give me a moment, let me contact my mission partner so we can meet there" - Tatenashi said as he took out his communicator.

* * * * *

"I have bad news, Houki-san" - said Sofia as she gave a worried look to her friend - "It looks like the members of the Russian Branch are already here..."

"Relax, I know Cloud and he won't jump straight to whoever came from Russia" - Houki replied seriously as she walked beside her companion.

All the members of [Far East] could only be dazzled by her beauty because she was not only a pretty face and a sexy body, but she was of Japanese descent, giving her a much greater sense of familiarity to much of the people there.

Houki could feel homesickness invade her insides because even though it wasn't the same world, she had returned to her homeland.

"People change over the years, Houki-san" - Sofia said as she shook her head.

"I know, but I stand firm with my thoughts" - Houki replied as she continued to move through the corridors. She slowly walked to where the personal help system was and put in her ID.

"Welcome to [Fenrir: Far East], Garm-sama..."

"I want information on Cloud Strife's current location, authority level A," Houki said earnestly as a series of confirmations began to appear in front of her.

"Authority level confirmed, initiating search... initiating... acquiring information... acquiring... acquiring... information acquired..."

". . ." - Houki narrowed her eyes for a few seconds, only to open them in surprise when she saw the recording of the blond walking with a girl she knew quite well - "Tatenashi!"

"Tatenashi?" - Sofia repeated in confusion as she watched the recording of the blond and widen her eyes in surprise at the sight of such a beautiful woman - "Wow... I didn't know there was someone like her... I guess you have competition, Houki-san."

"And you don't know how much..." - Houki replied as she narrowed her eyes - "She's our other companion that we hadn't seen in years, as well as another girl who's interested in Cloud."

Houki wouldn't lie, she was surprised to see Tatenashi in this place, though at the same time she was relieved about this because now she knew she was in perfect condition.

"Aren't you worried?" - Sophia asked with a frown because far from being bothered by the presence of a rival, she seemed to be pleased.

"If it were another woman I wouldn't say this, but Tatenashi is my family" - Houki said simply - "But well, we'd better leave that for another time, now we'd better go to Cloud's so we can announce our presence."

"I still don't accept this mission" - said Sofia while crossing her arms.

"I'm not forcing you either" - Houki replied while rolling his eyes at her - "I want to go immediately to Cloud's because then I can tell him and Tatenashi that I'm okay"

"I-I see..." - Sofia nodded with a smile - "It's good to hear that you care about your friends, a kind and caring person as I expected from my best friend"

"Seriously, you should stop talking that kind of stuff, Sofia" - Houki said as she blushed because even though so many years had passed, she was still embarrassed by compliments, as not many people said them to her because of her status as a general.

* * * * *

Sakuya was silently sitting across from a cute girl of about 16 who honestly looked like she had the physique of someone much older by the size of those breasts that would surely be huge by the time she finished her development.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Alisa" - Alisa answered normally while looking at the woman - "New recruit of [Fenrir: Far East] and possible new partner of Cloud Strife..."

". . ." - Sakuya frowned when she heard this, but quickly shook her head - "What do you mean by that?"

"You haven't heard anything?" - Alisa asked as she raised an eyebrow because she wasn't expecting this answer - "I guess you haven't received the news of the mission that the central base has delivered..."

"Please continue..." - Sakuya who was starting to get a bad feeling said.

* * *

"This has to be a joke..." - Cloud said as he frowned because this was the stupidest plan he had ever heard - "Not counting that I can't have children for now so your plans are even more stupid..."

"I know, I also found it funny when I heard it, though at the same time this suits us, at least now we can be together without having to make excuses like you're the last member of an ancient clan..." - Tatenashi said while giving him a teasing smile that he quickly tried to cover up, only to notice that he didn't have his trusty fan - "True... I lost it in an operation years ago... I guess seeing you made my old habit come back..."

"Then I can buy you another one if you want" - Cloud replied calmly - "But for now let's get back to the subject, tell me what else I need to know..."

"Let's see, that the Central Base is also going to send some 'recruits', but it's obvious what their target will be" - Tatenashi replied while shrugging his shoulders - "Though I only know that it will be the so-called Lady Fenrir and Lady Gleipnir"

"Lady?" - Cloud asked in surprise.

"Exactly, Lady, that's the term given to the female generals in charge of one of the different squadrons" - replied Tatenashi while squinting - "They are strong, though I don't know to what extent"

"I could say that myself, after all, they are talking about me" - said a voice they both recognized immediately.

"Houki?" - Asked the two surprised warriors as they watched a beautiful woman with dark brown hair walk in their direction. Her firm thighs, small hips accompanied by a well-proportioned butt, large breasts that seemed to want to bounce with every step she took and finally a gaze so loving that it could melt even the coldest of ice - "It's been so long, Cloud, Tatenashi-san."

"You're a general?" - Tatenashi asked in surprise.

"That's the only thing you can think to say to me after six years of not seeing each other?" - Houki asked as she rolled her eyes at him - "Anyway, it's not like I mind hearing you call me, after all, I only came for one thing, for you, Cloud."

* * *

"Oh, things just got even more complicated..." - Alisa said, though honestly she wasn't too worried, she just had to accomplish her mission, and after seeing how animated the blond was talking to his teacher, it was obvious that he wasn't a bad man, something that gave her a few points in her favor.

". . ." - Sakuya just frowned because the two girls Cloud was looking for had not only appeared by themselves, but they were beautiful and had much more prominent identities than she once thought.


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