Chapter 316 ( Form of Being )

After eliminating the [Cocoon Maiden], the battle was much easier for the blond, he slowly watched the movements of his opponent, only to smile fiercely when he noticed how the beast seemed to be furious about the loss of his companions, although this was obviously thanks to his sense of self-preservation, and not something as stupid as camaraderie between [Aragami], because it was obvious that the pressure he would feel would be much greater now that he was alone.

"See, now you have my undivided attention, my little friend" - Cloud said as his eyes glittered mischievously at his prey - "Now let's see who is the hunter, and who is the prey..."

He [Vajratail] growled fiercely as his body was surrounded by a massive amount of lightning.

* * * * [Alert! Alert! Mine-boss [Vajratail] entering second phase!] * * *

* * * * [Speed doubled, power of his lightning bolts increased by 25%] * * * * * [Speed doubled, power of his lightning bolts increased by 25%] * * * *

Cloud raised an eyebrow, only to widen his eyes in surprise as a huge row of sharp teeth appeared in front of his eyes. He quickly stepped back, only to frown as he noticed how the small beast pursued him with utmost ease - "Okay, this went from annoying, to fucking annoying..."

The [Aragami] continued its steady attack as it felt its hunting and evolutionary instincts burn fiercely. The beast knew instinctively that if it won, its future would be much brighter than a [Vajra], no, take that away, it would be much brighter than the very deities among the [Aragami].

"ROAR!" - the [Vajratail] was excited as he continued to attack, waiting for the precise moment to be able to land a precise blow and eliminate his prey, but to his growing irritation, it seemed to not want to die so easily despite the fact that he had already activated his [Oracle Cells] has the maximum point of capacity.

Cloud clicked his tongue as he continued to use his mana in order to keep himself on equal footing, but such a drastic increase in the beast's speed was beginning to take its toll.

The passive abilities of his [Dragons Slayer] magic, as well as that of his [Necklace the Apocalypse], were active, proving that the beast before him was categorized as a [Dragon], or at least one that had the blood of one, which was not the case with all [Aragami], for if it were, it would have already balanced its erratic DNA with all the [Cores] it had devoured.

Fire once again surrounded his body like a cloak while his legs glowed with a powerful brown color, proving that he was using two different types of abilities.

"Come, let's get this over with..." - Cloud said as the edge of his spear began to be covered by a thin brown layer that seemed to be made of stones. Flames quickly surrounded the spear as it gave it the appearance as if it was made of molten magma.

Fire and rock mixed around the blond's weapon as the temperature steadily rose, to the point that the wild plants growing on the ground, began to burn.

Cloud released all his mana as he felt his heart begin to pound steadily.

* * * * *

"Wow..." - Sophia said as she stopped her steps when she saw how quickly the situation had changed.

"Ok, that was awesome" - Alisa said as she squinted her eyes because the battle had taken a 180° turn.

"I don't even know what happened..." - Kota said with a frown, only to look at his friend who was one of the few who could tell what had happened.

"Sensei used that thing's attack in order to get close and take out those [Cocoon Maiden]." - Lenka answered seriously as he continued to watch the battle after the group stopped to see what was going on - "Things changed in just a few seconds and the advantage that [Vajratail] or whatever his name was, disappeared because there's nothing to distract Sensei anymore."

Kota nodded at the explanation though he was still frowning because it all happened in a matter of seconds, it was as if everything transpired while he blinked.

"The problem is that thing is now furious" - Tatenashi answered seriously as she watched as the beast started attacking the blond with a much faster speed.

"It went into second phase" - Houki replied calmly as her hand moved to her wrist.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to do that, Houki" - Tatenashi said as she noticed her friend's actions - "Cloud won't be happy about that, besides this is part of his training..."

". . ." - Houki gave her friend a glance before watching as the blond crashed into that beast again with a smile on her face, only to sigh with a frown - "Ok..."

"What was that?" - Kota asked as he looked at Alisa, who was of the three the one who possibly had the most knowledge of what was going on.

"If the information I have is true, then Lady Garm has similar equipment to my teacher's" - answered Alisa seriously - "An unknown armor-type weaponry in the form of an attachment, and from the actions Lady Garm did, I'm sure that attachment is on her wrist."

Kota was silent because it was the first time he had received that kind of information. He had heard that the two women possessed strange armor, and he honestly thought they were the type that had to be put on piece by piece.

"[Akatsubaki]" - Sophia replied calmly as she earned everyone's gaze - "That's the name of Houki-san's unique armament, and according to her own words it's the only memento she has of her sister who is not in this world."

The young men looked pityingly at Houki who had felt him look at her with sympathy at the misunderstanding. She had indeed said those words, but she had meant it literally, not figuratively. Tabane was not in this world and it was a truth that no one could contradict, but that didn't mean she was dead, only that she was in another dimension.

"We'd better change the subject" - said, though inwardly she found the situation amusing, especially how Houki rolled her eyes at her blonde companion.

"Right, we should be giving support to Sensei" - said Lenka as he activated his [God Arc] in its assault rifle mode in order to give tactical support to his instructor.

"No need" - Houki said as she looked at the boy normally, although she had to admit that the young man had all the qualities of what would be expected of a protagonist, he was brave, determined and a bit stupid.

"For someone who has a relationship with Sensei, you don't seem very determined in the idea of helping him"- Lenka replied with a frown.

Take away what she had said, the boy was not a little stupid, but very stupid.

"Listen kid, I know Cloud better than even Tatenashi here, so I know very well about not only his abilities, but his way of being" - Houki said while releasing a bit of her aura and in the process making the boy back away because he felt like a sword was about to split him in half - "Tatenashi is right that if I get in the way, he will be upset with me and believe me when I tell you that you don't want to see him upset..."

"If you say you know him better than my teacher, why were you about to go out and help him even though you knew he was going to be upset?" - Alisa asked with a mysterious smile.

"Because that's the way she is" - replied Tatenashi while rolling her eyes at her student - "Houki has a way of being similar to the attitude of a traditional Japanese woman, she thinks of her 'husband' first and then herself, that's why when she saw that he was in danger, she decided to jump in even though he would be upset with her afterwards"

"So romantic ~!" - Sophia exclaimed as Houki blushed like a tomato because her friend's words were true.

"You act so different" - said Kota as he looked at the beautiful blue-haired woman with red eyes.

"Because I consider myself more like a lover" - Tatenashi answered while licking her lips - "Do I like Cloud? Of course! Do I care about him? Of course! But honestly I'm not like Houki because I prefer to spend with him warm moments, complete release from our problems while.... Oops, I think I got a little carried away with the situation because normally I wouldn't say this kind of thing!"

Tatenashi quickly covered her face with her trusty fan while squinting her eyes - "Although my words are true, I don't like being the center of attention so much, I prefer my kind of fidelity to be something much more secret, not many people to see me or know about me, like I'm a secret lover helping her man through the monotony of his wife."

The boys just stood in silence as Sofia gave her a confused look. She could feel the love and desire the blue haired woman had for the blond, but at the same time the words she had said that she didn't want to show her happiness.


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