Chapter 317 ( Disclosure )

"Can lovers be happy?" - Sofia asked herself in dismay because for her that word was a synonym for betrayal and desire. To her, a mistress was just a woman who wanted to destroy a couple's happiness, but now she had met a woman who was giving it a somewhat different meaning to what she thought - "Am I being too drastic?"

Sofia quickly shook her head as she refocused on the battle, only to notice a slight detail - "The floor..."

"What's wrong with the ground?" - Kota asked curiously, only to widen his eyes in surprise when he noticed how the ground where the beast was walking, slowly started to open up, but that wasn't strange because during a fight the ground was the first thing to break, the strange thing was that there were parts where the ground closed itself, as if it wanted to make it easier for the [Aragami] to advance before it fell into the trap.

"It's like someone is controlling the ground..." - Alisa muttered, only to look at the blond with a frown - "Is it because of him?"

"Impossible... I know Cloud senpai is strong and can use fire... but I don't think he can also control the ground.... Right?" - Kota said, though he was becoming less and less sure until the last one didn't know what to think anymore. After seeing so many strange things, as well as remembering what kind of beasts they were fighting, he didn't know how true the idea of a human controlling the elements could be - "I mean, I know the world is in the shit, but I don't think to the point where the "Avatar" has to appear..."

". . ." - those present gave him a blank stare because they never thought they'd hear about such an old story.

"If you've stopped the banter, we'd better get closer because I'm sure things are about to end" - said Tatenashi calmly as she noticed how the beast looked more and more fierce while the blond was getting calmer and calmer.

"Is it only me who feels sorry for that [Aragami]?" - Sofia asked, who indeed felt as if the beast was an insect that was getting closer and closer to the centre of a spider web, one that the arachnid had calculatedly spun.

"Yes" - the response was unanimous, to the point that the blonde [God Eater] could do nothing but look away in embarrassment.

* * * * *

Cloud was continuing his attacks between the blocks he was making in order to prevent taking damage from his opponent, only to squint when he noticed he was in the right place.

Strength, speed, courage, none of that mattered if he didn't have the intellect to use his skills well, which is why for the past six months the only thing he had done outside of going in to keep his form was study. Cloud studied every one of the greatest strategists in the world, every one of their strategies, even those who were only from this current world, and he came to the conclusion that their fighting style was idiotic.

After analysing each of their battles, he noticed how he could improve their performance and reduce the danger by at least 50%.

In [Highschool of the Dead], he could have used the military better, in the [Infinite Stratos] world, he could have simply handed [Raiden] over to Tabane to improve his performance while he trained the main cast, and finally, [Dragons Rioting], he could have simply moved from the shadows, slowly devouring the strength of his opponents while concentrating entirely on the big shots like Ayane or Yonemitsu, though this was under the premise of having the knowledge he now possessed not only about strategy, but about their abilities.

Cloud slowly narrowed his eyes for a few seconds as a small smile appeared on his face. Now that he had eliminated the pests that stood in his way, he was free to begin his plan.

Slowly he moved around the destroyed place as he searched for a perfect spot, one that could suit the needs he had because with his limited control over the ground it made things a little difficult, after all, he had no power over the earth, but over the rocks.

"Perfect..." - Cloud thought when he got to a suitable spot because he could feel it easily.

Masterfully, he dodged the beast's attack while continuing to make it rage.

"Just a little more..." - Cloud thought as his smile grew.

The plan was simple, he would lure the beast to a place that suited what he could use, in other words, he was leading the beast to a place where there was a huge amount of rocks in the underground that he could use as a catalyst and thus create a huge hole to bring the beast down, ending in a powerful fire attack to take it out.

"Now!" - Cloud roared as he lifted one leg and gave a loud stomp - "Iwaryū no Sutonpu (Rock Dragon Stomp)!"

A small earthquake echoed in place as the ground beneath the beast burst open.

He [Vajratail] was equal parts surprised and scared because he never thought something like this would happen, only to react after a few seconds fiercely when he noticed that he was a good distance away from his prey - "ROAR!"

"You think that's a roar?!" - Cloud exclaimed as his reptilian eyes glowed as if his pupils were fire - "That's a roar! Karyū no Hōkō!"

* * * * *

"Karyū no Hōkō!"

"Oh..." - both Houki and Tatenashi only groaned in annoyance when they heard the blond's roar.

"Fire dragon roar?" - Lenka asked as he cocked his head to the side, only for his jaw to drop to the floor as he watched the blond expel a huge fire breath into the hole he had created - "Oh... that explains a few things..."

"Ok, now I don't feel like he's human..." - Kota muttered as his gaze became vacant.

". . ." - Alisa only narrowed her eyes when she saw this, only to be surprised at the blond's actions.

Tatenashi and Houki said nothing, they narrowed their eyes because it was obvious that Cloud hadn't sensed her presence, because if he had, he wouldn't have used such flashy techniques.

"Anything we need to know?" - Sophia asked as she frowned because those were obviously not abilities that any human should possess - "Now I don't find the idea of him being an [Aragami] so crazy, though that itself is strange because the medical reports listed him as fully human"

"Not that I know of, Cloud has always had those abilities, even from a very young age" - Tatenashi replied with an innocent look on her face.

"Really?" - Sofia asked as she looked at her friend, only to see her friend nod.

"Are they aliens?" - Kota asked as everyone present rolled their eyes at him, though it didn't sound that far-fetched because no one knew about the origin of the [Aragami], or rather the origin of the [Oracle Cells].

"Hmm... I never thought of it that way..." - Tatenashi said as a small smile appeared on her face without accepting or denying the boy's words, as if he was playing a joke on him, though at the same time he was causing much more confusion for the group.

"Now I don't know what to think..." - Kota muttered, who as he said, had an expression of utter confusion.

"You're kidding, kid..." - Houki said as she rolled her eyes at him - "As for the abilities, I'm sure they have to come from some kind of experiment, though we'll never know because we have no memories of the past."

"I see..." - Sofia murmured as she nodded, only to widen her eyes in surprise when she saw how Cloud was watching them from a distance - "He detected us?"

"I think the report they gave us said something about supersenses, didn't it?" - Tatenashi said as she gave a blank stare to the blonde woman, who at least had the decency to look away to hide her embarrassment.

"What are you doing here?" - Cloud asked with a frown as he had specifically told Lindow not to interrupt him in his training.

"We wanted to see how you trained, but we got a huge surprise when we discovered abilities you shouldn't have" - Alisa replied as she looked at the blond - "Anything to say to that?"

"Not in the least" - Cloud replied calmly as he jumped towards where the corpse of the beast was supposed to be, only to grab what appeared to be a yellow sphere - "That should be me because I told Lindow that I didn't want anyone to come bother me because as you can see, some of my abilities are not for the sight of others..."

"That explains a few things" - nodded Sofia calmly, only to frown as she realised they would discover nothing more.


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