Chapter 318 [Deusphages](1)

The group had returned after Cloud had made it clear to them not to tell anyone about their secret, not even Lindow or the other members of the [First Unit].

Kota and Sofia tried to say something, but kept silent when they noticed the change in the blond's gaze, nodding rapidly because they knew things would turn ugly if they didn't agree. They knew Cloud wouldn't kill them or anything, but they were pretty sure it wasn't a good idea to get on the bad side of a man who could go toe-to-toe with an A-Rank [Aragami].

Alisa and Lenka honestly didn't know what to say, because more than anything else what they had seen was too fantastic even for them to fight such monsters. I mean, what kind of mad scientist would believe something as stupid as a man releasing a huge fire breath?

Cloud for his part just shrugged. He had only warned them because he knew that even if they talked, they wouldn't get anything out of it because no one would believe them and the only way they would be able to corroborate his words would be for him to repeat his movements himself, which he wouldn't do unless the situation was extremely serious. Cloud wasn't stupid enough to use all his techniques in such crazy ways just to get caught and used for the 'good of humanity', not when that humanity was almost on the verge of not being worthy of even surviving.

"[Fenrir] is no slouch..." - Cloud thought now that he knew many secrets of the organization thanks to the high level of control Houki and Tatenashi possessed.

"What are you thinking, Cloud?" - Houki asked as she placed her hand on her boyfriend.

"About a lot of nonsensical things..." - Cloud replied as he took out the [Core] he had gotten from the beast and looked at it carefully.

"That's the [Vajratail] Core?" - Tatenashi asked curiously as she looked at the orb, only to be surprised at how beautiful it was. The small orb was a bright golden colour and was the size of an apple - "It's impressive that that thing possesses all the [Bias Factor] activity of an [Aragami]..."

"I've never seen a core so close and unprotected" - Houki added seriously because she knew how dangerous those things were.

The mere physical contact between a [Core] and a [God Eater], could cause a massive increase in the [Oracle Cells] of humans, causing them to mutate and slowly transform into what they knew as Humanoid [Aragami], although the race of the resulting [Aragami] varied thanks to different factors such as compatibility with the core, strength of the [God Eater], as well as the current location.

Houki was about to say something else, but frowned when she heard his communicator start to ring, as did the others.

"Hello? Can you hear me?"

"Leader?" - Everyone asked except Cloud who was taking the opportunity to be able to complain to his so-called leader.

"Ok, I get that you're upset with my actions, Cloud, but you can save that for later, right now we have something to do..."

". . ." - Cloud frowned when he heard this because he knew that when Lindow got serious, it was because the situation was in the deepest of shits - "Ok... but this doesn't stay that way..."

"You're more spiteful than a woman scorned.... Oops, sorry about that..."

". . ." - the women present only rolled their eyes at him in response, but said nothing.

"Anyway, I called you because I've sent Sakuya to pick you up, we have a high-ranking mission to do..."

"Mission?" - Cloud asked with a frown because he wasn't into this kind of words, not when Lenka and Kota weren't ready yet, let alone for a high ranking mission.

"I know what you're thinking and you don't have to worry, this mission is just reconnaissance and research and the place isn't that far away..."

"Anything we need to know, Lindow Leader?" - Houki asked with a frown.

"Sakuya will explain when she arrives, Soma won't go because he's on a separate mission while I'm busy with these damn reports for the new recruitment, as well as sending reports on the performance of our new cadets."

Those present only smiled when they heard Lindow's voice full of irritation when he mentioned the fact that he had to write and send out some reports, everyone knew he wasn't an office person.

"Anyway, Sakuya will be here in a few moments with the details, good luck with the mission."

With that said, the communicators stopped flashing, only for after a few seconds, a huge vehicle to appear on the scene.

"Did someone call for a taxi?" - Sakuya asked from the window of the vehicle, only to receive a blank stare from those present - "I was just trying to lighten things up a bit before starting the mission..."

"What's our objective, Sakuya-san?" - Houki asked as she ignored the joke and concentrated on the mission.

"The objective is simple, to investigate a shipment that was headed to Central Base from an area near Ashland" - replied Sakuya with a frown as she said this - "We have no information on what it was they were carrying, but from how upset the higher ups are it has to be something serious."

Cloud was silent when he heard this because he knew a little about [Ashland], an inhospitable land where any person or [Aragami] could die just by touching its soil, it was for this reason that it was a [SSS] Rank risk zone, one where only a few 'lucky' ones could get close thanks to different factors - "We really don't know anything?"

"Not in the slightest" - Sakuya replied with a frown - "One thing I'm sure of, though, is that whatever they had in store, it was extremely dangerous..."

Those present frowned, especially Houki and Tatenashi who seemed to have received a message on their communicators and from their expressions it didn't look like something good.

"We better go, we have to hurry if we want to find out what happened, because I'm sure the longer we delay, the less clues they'll leave" - Sakuya said as the others nodded.

* * * * *

"[Deusphages]..." - muttered Johannes with a huge grin as he saw the blue core that was inside a tube with a strange green liquid - "It's beautiful, don't you think so?"

"Indeed, it's wonderful" - replied Daigo with excitement because he never thought he would see something so beautiful and lethal so close - "You can still feel the activity den the [Bias Factor] of [Tsukuyomi]..."

"I'm still amazed with the fact that they managed to defeat such an imposing beast" - said Johannes as a screen appeared with all the information about how they achieved such a feat - "So many sacrifices, only for us to be the beneficiaries of their efforts.... "

Daigo said nothing in response, though he too found it amusing, but his expression quickly changed to a serious one - "Are you sure it was a good idea not to destroy all the information about [Tsukuyomi]'s core, Johannes-sama?"

"Are you saying that my decisions are wrong?" - Johannes asked neutrally as he looked at his fellow scientist - "I hope that's not the case, Daigo..."

"I-I'm sorry, Johannes-sama!" - Daigo exclaimed in terror as he knew he had spoken out of turn.

"It's good to see that you understand the situation, now if you would be so kind, I ask you to start with the analysis and the level of compatibility with the samples I already gave you" - said Johannes as he looked coldly at his partner.

"H-Hai!" - exclaimed Daigo as he started with the instructions his leader had handed him with a deep fear inside him. He knew that things would end badly for him if he did not comply with the orders already delivered.

"Soon my project will be completed... I just hope my little gift will be of use to that group because it would be a shame for such talented people to die" - Johannes muttered as he frowned - "Although I have to give them a little punishment for trying to investigate me, especially that idiot Lindow..."

Johannes had noticed the growing, curiosity so to speak on the part of the leader of the [First Unit], though he obviously hadn't done anything to try and get more of the group's attention because in and of themselves, they were already annoying to deal with with their vast catalogue of skills and talents.

"Not to mention that Soma is with them..." - Johannes had a complicated relationship with his son, but that didn't mean he didn't love him in his own way, that was a big part of why he had sent him with the [First Unit]. They were strong enough to protect him and help him grow as a [God Eater].

Johannes quickly shook his head as a new smile appeared on his face as he watched as the blue core was starting to glow slightly, showing that the level of compatibility with the samples that were in the tube were compatible - "Perfect... I think with this we can start with phase 2, don't you think, Daigo?"

"Y-Yes" - nodded Daigo as he sighed with relief because he knew that now that the result had come back positive, his neck was safe, at least for now.


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