Chapter 319 [Deusphages] (2)

Cloud's group had reached the point where the headquarters had lost contact with the cargo, only to frown because the place didn't seem to have fallen victim to the [Aragami] attack, making the situation that much stranger.

"I'll check the surroundings together with Houki and Sakuya-san" - said Tatenashi as she activated her [IS] next to Tabane's younger sister. Sakuya also activated her [God Arc] while nodding firmly.

"Ok, we'll take care of the others" - nodded Sofia calmly as she noticed how a group of vehicles were spotted in the distance.

Kota was nervous, this was the first time he would experience a real mission, while Lenka had a serious look on his face because this was the second time he was on duty as a [God Eater]. Alisa on the other hand just narrowed her eyes while observing the surroundings on alert because she knew that the situation could change at any moment.

Cloud on the other hand, only frowned because he could smell the scent of blood in the place, and from the smell, he could tell for sure that whoever had attacked the shipment had done so a few hours ago, proving that it had been a premeditated attack.

"Did you find anything, Mr. Cloud?" - Sofia asked as she noticed the change in the blond's expression.

"You don't have to be so formal with me, Sofia-san, after all, you are Houki's friend," Cloud replied calmly, "And to answer your question, yes, I did discover something... and I'm sure our little recruit must have detected it as well."

Sofia glanced at Alisa, only to notice how the girl had also frowned. She had read the report on the girl before and it was no surprise to her to discover how the young girl from Russia had senses far more acute than a normal human's, though obviously not to the level of the other blonde.

"Blood nearby" - Alisa replied with a frown - "But from the state you can see of the vehicles from this distance, I can tell it wasn't an [Aragami] attack..."

Cloud nodded at these words as he walked in the direction of the vehicles because he knew that these had computers where they kept all sorts of information about their targets. The likelihood of them being in good condition was low, but not zero, so his first option was to investigate the condition of these machines to at least find out what kind of cargo they were carrying.

* * * * *

"I feel like you two know more than we do..." - Sakuya said when they were more than a safe distance away.

"Indeed, we know what they were carrying" - replied Houki calmly as she closed her eyes for a few seconds - "We were just informed, though at the same time we were ordered not to say anything unless the group discovered for themselves how dangerous the cargo is."

Sakuya frowned upon hearing this, only to growl in irritation that it was something the higher ups would do.

"But to answer your question, I can only tell you one thing..." - Tatenashi said with a smile on his face as his eyes flashed with seriousness - "The thing they were transporting really is dangerous... much more dangerous than you think..."

"How dangerous?" - Sakuya asked seriously.

"Catastrophically dangerous" - replied Houki without a second thought.

". . ." - a deep silence pervaded the place as Sakuya's expression turned cold - "I see..."

"I'm sure they'll find the necessary information, so you don't have to worry so much" - said Tatenashi with a mysterious smile on her face. With the people who were in the place, it was obvious that they would find something, after all, Lenka was the 'protagonist' of the world and Cloud had extremely high luck.

* * * * *

And as Tatenashi had said, the group had found something, something that had left them frozen in terror.

"[Deusphages]..." - Sophia muttered, her face pale with fear. She knew very well about such things because at the central base she had already read the reports of that dangerous species - "God Eaters, the killers of [God Eater]..."

Lenka and Kota were terrified after reading this information. They thought that the most dangerous thing they would find in the world would be beasts like the [Vajra] that attacked [Fenrir: Far East], but now they discovered that there were far more dangerous monsters.

"[Deusphages]..." - Cloud muttered with a frown after reading how a huge group of [God Eater] had managed to eliminate one of them, [Tsukuyomi] after sacrificing much of their strength.

[You have uncovered information important to the plot]

[Making 'dossier' with the information gathered...]

[ '[Deusphages]', the devourers of [God Eater], the beasts that are its natural predators, a group of [Aragami] of SS danger rank with abilities so dangerous that they could wreak havoc on entire [Fenrir] branches].

[An unknown group has managed to intercept the shipment carrying the core of the species known as [Tsukuyomi], a [Deusphages] with the ability to concentrate large amounts of energy in its body and release it producing shots capable of causing destruction of cities]

[Crossroads activated... delivering options for the user...]

[Remember, your decision has great repercussions for the plot so think clearly before choosing an option...].

". . ." - Cloud narrowed his eyes as he read this because it was obvious that this time his decision would be much more complicated and he would have to think through the pros and cons of each of these better.

"Is something wrong?" - Sofia asked as she noticed the change in her blonde companion's expression.

"No... it's nothing..." - Cloud replied as he shook his head and read the options that appeared in front of his eyes. At times like these, he missed the freedom of level 1 worlds because the level of restriction became greater the further he advanced, something he honestly didn't like in the slightest, although this at the same time showed that things would be much more difficult from now on because now he not only had to think of a route to be able to continue increasing his strength, but a concrete plan to be able to continue advancing in the worlds through these annoying decisions, although the latter was somewhat random because he didn't know what kind of decisions would appear until he had them in front of his eyes, even the [System] could fuck him up in a magnificent way and not give him any decision that would fit his already concreted plan of action, making all his preparations nothing more than a joke without grace.

Cloud again shook his head because it was better not to think about matters that were not yet happening because it was better to concentrate on what was in front of him.

[First Choice (Ignorance): You've found important information, but honestly it's not your problem so you might as well let HQ deal with the problem.]

Cloud frowned when he saw this because this option was stupid because anyone would know that this kind of event was important and the more he was in on the matter, the more benefits he would have, although this was accompanied by huge dangers, although the saying "No risk no gain" was quite optimal for this kind of situation.

[Second Option (Neutrality): You have found important information, but the clues end here. Hand over the information to Lindow and just wait for events to unfold.]

Cloud's frown relaxed slightly, though it still wasn't enough. While this would be the optimal option with regards to not making the plot deviate too far from the original route, it would also make his gains normal.

[Third Option (Activity): You have found important information, but the clues end here. You have a bad feeling because you saw that the attack didn't look like it was done by [Aragami]. Report back to your leader about the situation]

Cloud narrowed his eyes as he read this because this was the option with the best results and suited what he was currently thinking. The event itself was strange, there were no signs of the [Fenrir] members fighting to begin with because there were no traces of blood outside from inside the vehicles.

[Additional information acquired, initiating analysis...]

Cloud's eyes widened in surprise before returning to normal. It seemed that these options weren't as rigid as he thought, but rather they were tailored to the knowledge he currently had, which meant that the more he knew about the plot, the people, or the current situation, the greater the range of these options would be as well as their number.

[Fourth Option (Research): You have discovered the secret about the shipment heading to the central base from [Ashland], as well as clues showing how little resistance the guards put up against their attackers, this caused you to have doubts so you decided to continue investigating personally, coming to a conclusion... you now proceed to personally investigate whether this conclusion is correct or not]

[Warning, fourth option has a high level of risk, [System] warns [User] to think calmly about which decision to make because they are permanent...]

A deep silence pervaded the place as Cloud's expression constantly changed.


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