Chapter 320 [Deusphages] (3)

"Do you think so much information made Cloud senpai go crazy?" - Kota asked as he saw such drastic changes in the blond's expression.

"No... I feel like he came to a conclusion with the clues he found," Lenka replied as he rolled his eyes at his friend.

Alisa remained silent as she waited to see what kind of answer the blond would give with much curiosity.

"Did you discover anything else, Mr. Cloud?" - Sofia asked as she also noticed the change in the blond's expression.

"I think so," Cloud replied as he narrowed his eyes. He had come to a decision, a dangerous decision.

The options quickly disappeared from his sight, leaving only the fourth option that was glowing with a powerful blood red colour.

[I hope you don't regret it, User...]

Cloud was surprised when he saw this response from the [System] because he had never given a human response before, although this did not show on his face. He kept his expression serious as he analyzed all the information he had.

"Though I won't be able to tell you until I check if my analysis is correct," Cloud replied calmly as he started walking towards the other vehicles.

Those present looked at the blond with a frown on their faces because they felt as if he was playing with them.

"What a bad attitude" - Sofia snorted as she shook her head and walked behind the blond with a serious attitude. She slowly looked around to see if she could discover the same thing as Cloud, only to frown as she didn't notice anything out of place - "Wait for a second.... Nothing out of the ordinary?"

She quickly ran inside one of the vehicles and moved a corpse, but not before apologizing, only to widen her eyes in surprise as she noticed how her guess was right - "I see..."

To corroborate once more, she walked over to another vehicle and began to search through the bodies, only to frown as she noticed that the situation was pretty much the same.

"Did you discover something, Lady Sofia?" - Alisa asked as she noticed the change in the woman's expression because as prodigious as she was, it didn't compare to the experience the blonde woman possessed.

"All the vehicles I checked have something in common" - said Sofia with a frown - "In each of them there is at least one of their guards who was killed from behind by what looks like a [God Arc] type sword, proving that they were taken by surprise..."

"I see..." - Alisa muttered. She didn't need any more information because she had come to the conclusion that it seemed Cloud and Sophia had also come to.

"Can someone enlighten me?" - Kota asked as he raised a hand, though he wasn't the only one because Lenka was also surprised.

"What Lady Sofia is trying to say, is that they were attacked from the inside in an unsuspecting manner, that means only one thing" - Alisa answered seriously as she looked at her two fellow recruits - "Whoever attacked them, was someone they knew, or at least they thought they were on the same side..."

"In other words, they were attacked by members of [Fenrir]" - Sophia added with a cold expression as she noticed how the blond had reached the main vehicle where the cargo, the core of [Tsukuyomi], was supposed to have been. The vehicle was completely wrecked on the sides, proven to have been hit by the other vehicles after their guards had been killed.

Cloud's brow narrowed as he looked at the chaos and destruction that had been left in place, only to feel a small icy current. He slowly walked towards the centre, only to frown as he noticed how a strange blue liquid had spread in the place "Strange..."

"Did you find anything else?" - Sophia asked as she stood on guard because now that she knew that something as dangerous as a [Deusphages] was stuck in the middle of everything, it was best to keep her guard up.

"I recommend you stay away," Cloud said with a frown as he could feel his DNA going slightly haywire, as if he was wishing for something as he rested his gaze on the blue liquid that was dripping on the ground.

"What is that stuff?" - Sophia asked with a frown as she could feel her insides trembling in a mixture of fear and anticipation at the blue liquid, and she wasn't the only one because the young men felt the same way too. It was as if the liquid was sending two signals to her body.

"If my hypothesis is correct, that liquid is part of what was covering [Tsukuyomi's] core." - Cloud answered seriously as he slowly brought his hand closer to the blue liquid because his DNA was calling him, though he quickly resisted the urge because his body was warning him not to touch it or the consequences would be catastrophic, something he understood with utmost clarity because he knew that [Tsukuyomi] was not an [Aragami] of Draconian descent, but rather the product of a direct mutation of a [God Eater] and many coincidences.

The group quickly recoiled when they heard this as an expression of terror came over their faces. It was obvious why their bodies were reacting to the blue liquid, their [Oracle Cells] were seeking to evolve into a far superior entity.

[Deusphages] were a rather unique group, their existence was not only a danger, but their method of replication was quite complicated, to the point that scientists still didn't understand how they appeared in the world, although what they did know, was that like the more dangerous [Aragami] that lived in [Ashland], there could only be one of them in the world, as if something was stopping their expansion.

Cloud quickly shook his head as he turned his attention back to his surroundings, but not before using a small container to hold all the blue liquid, only to have it disappear into his inventory because something told him it would come in handy in the future.


[Vial of [Tsukuyomi] (U)]

Vial containing some of the liquid that covered the core of the [Deusphages] [Tsukuyomi], it is extremely dangerous if not handled carefully because it can cause erratic activation of the DNA of whoever touches it.

Special Effect: Unknown


". . ." - Cloud didn't know how to react to this. It was surprising that it was a unique item, but at the same time he was confused rather than excited because it was the first time an item gave no indication of its use. Yes, the vial could be used to cause a mutation on the target, but that was a waste, not to mention that his instincts told him that this was not the true purpose for which he had kept the liquid or it would be painful,

"Ok, I think we have everything we need, now let's destroy this and leave no trace of what happened" - said Sofia seriously as she decided to ignore the blue liquid because they had no way of being able to collect it, not to mention that it could be potentially dangerous to leave it here unsupervised for an [Aragami] to come and consume it in order to evolve.

"Ok" - Cloud nodded without a second thought. He had already collected the liquid, but he had decided that he had better not inform the others because they would ask him to hand it over and that was just as dangerous as leaving it unsupervised, more so when he saw what [Fenrir] was capable of doing for a 'better future'.

"Do you think you can do that trick with fire to incinerate everything?" - Sophia asked calmly.

"I just hope you don't try to videotape me or send the video straight to HQ" - Cloud replied as he narrowed his eyes.

"I promise you on my honour as leader of [Sleipnir] that I won't do anything against you" - replied Sofia seriously. At first she had thought of doing that, but after a few seconds she put the idea aside because she knew that things would go downhill after losing Cloud's trust.

Cloud frowned before nodding when he noticed no falsehood in the woman's words, though to be sure he decided to use his weapon as a catalyst, in case she didn't do her part, he would just say that it was a unique ability of his weapon.

Sofia nodded as she watched the blonde begin to get down to work, though inside she was depressed that the blonde didn't trust her, though at the same time it showed that he was someone who was cautious, which was a plus in order to survive in this wild and crazy world.

Those present quickly backed away because they knew the obvious consequences of contact between fire and gasoline.

Cloud just watched this with amusement as he attacked with his fire-covered spear, only to retreat at high speed because he didn't want to get the blast in his face either.

* * * * *

"I guess they're done" - Houki said as she watched the explosions in the distance - "Now all that's left is to hurry back to our transport and get out of here because I'm sure that explosion is more than enough to attract all the [Aragami] in the area."

"I share your opinion" - Tatenashi replied as Sakuya nodded while she noticed how the opposite group had the same idea by the way they ran to the vehicle.


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