Chapter 326 ( "Hope for Humanity" )

"A'rere?" - Shio's eyes widened in surprise as she sensed the presence of a human approaching - "Etto... a hu.... I mean, someone is coming in our direction..."

Shio quickly corrected her way of speaking as she tilted her head in confusion because she never thought that one of those humans would willingly approach a place where two superior beings were fighting.

"Oh?" - this gained Cloud's attention because it was obvious that the survivors were trying to make contact with them - "I guess we'll wait here."

"Huh? Really?" - Shio exclaimed in surprise.

"We already defeated all the [Aragami] in the place, so we have nothing to do, not to mention I sense that you're hungry" - Cloud replied calmly, and as if he had heard him, Shio's stomach began to growl in acceptance.

Shio blushed when she saw this as she looked at the blond with annoyance.

"Here," Cloud said as he tossed her some cores he had gotten during their journey.

"These are like snacks..." - Shio muttered with a frown.

"Don't worry, we'll eat some real food later," Cloud replied as a small smile appeared on his face at the sight of the white-haired girl's happiness. She was truly like a child, not only because of her appearance, but because of her innocence and curiosity about everything.

"Promise! Pinky promise!" - Shio said earnestly as she raised her pinky finger.

"I don't know where you learned that from, but Ok, pinky promise!" replied Cloud as their pinky fingers joined together.

"Yei~!" - Shio broke into a happy dance, only to calm down when she heard footsteps approaching - "He's here..."

Cloud looked in the direction where the footsteps were heard, only to see a man of about 25 appear in front of them - "A [God Eater]? Interesting..."

"Huh! Cloud Strife?!" - Gin exclaimed in surprise when he saw the blond. He never thought he'd see a celebrity in this out-of-the-way place.

"Huh? Are you famous, Onii-chan?" - Shio asked as she looked at the blond with eyes shining like stars.

"You could say that, yes," Cloud replied as he shrugged his shoulders.

Gin reacted when he heard this and focused his gaze on the cute, strange girl with white hair and golden eyes, only to frown as she felt an instinctive desire to murder her, though she didn't understand why. The girl looked no older than 13 with innocent eyes that showed she was curious about everything.

"I think I'm hallucinating from being locked up for so long..." - Gin muttered as Cloud gave a glare at Shio, who only shrugged.

"I'm sorry for getting this tense..." - Gin said as he shook his head because he was still weirded out by his reaction - "My name is Gin, [God Eater]who works protecting this small town, and from what you can see, I didn't do a very good job..."

A faint, forced smile appeared on his face as he said the latter, though at the same time a deep hatred appeared in his eyes.

"I feel a lot of negative emotions" - Shio said as she tilted her head as she noticed the change in the man.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I can't control myself when I remember what happened a little over a week ago..." - Gin replied as he gritted his teeth in fury.

"I'd like to know a little more, but for now let's concentrate on what's important" - Cloud said as he looked at his colleague [God Eater] - "I've eliminated all the [Aragami] from the place, so you can come out of hiding, I'll soon contact a friend of mine to send you near the [First Unit]'s base of operations which is in the vicinity of [Far East], I'm sure they can send you to the central base in Japan without a second thought."

"Thank you..." - Gin said as tears ran down his cheeks. He didn't doubt the blond's words because the [First Unit] was renowned for its high efficiency despite being only 4 people, not to mention that he didn't have to lie to him, not with such an abysmal difference between the "Hope of Humanity" and a low-level [God Eater].

"You don't have to thank me, it's my duty as a [God Eater] to help my brothers" - Cloud replied calmly as he noticed how Shio began to observe the surroundings with curiosity - "But for now I want to know one thing..."

"Please tell me" - Gin replied seriously.

"In this place can I get clothes for Shio?" - Cloud asked as he pointed towards where the girl was playing, only for a breeze to lift her clothing and show her bare little bottom - "As you can see, she's just using that torn flag as clothes..."

". . ." - Gin was silent because he didn't expect that kind of question, in fact, he thought Cloud would ask something more serious like for example, what happened in this place - "Yes... please follow me..."

"Shio, come" - Cloud said as the girl ran in his direction.

"What's wrong, Onii-chan ~!" - Shio said with a smile on her small face.

"We'll go get you some real clothes" - Cloud replied as he stroked the little golden-eyed girl's hair - "You can't be on our whole trip wearing that flag.... Can you?"

"Un!" - Shio smiled happily as she ran after Gin because now she was excited to try something else that humans did. She quickly ran past the independent [God Eater] as she hummed a melodious song.

"She's quite the lively one" - Gin said as he noticed Cloud appear next to him - "Though it's a surprise her outfit."

"I found her during my journey, or rather, she was the one who found me" - Cloud replied as he noticed how Shio was running back - "What's wrong?"

"Etto... I don't know where it is..." - Shio said as she tilted her head in embarrassment, only for the two shoulders to let out a laugh - "Mou!"

* * * * *

The survivors were a bit panicked at the moment because Gin had been missing for quite a while and there was still no news on his condition.

"Gin-kun..." - Muttered the huge-breasted woman as she began to tremble.

"Relax, he's fine," said one of the other women locked in, but they all became alert as they heard the door slowly open.

"Hide!" - exclaimed one of the men as he looked at the women because it was better to be safe than sorry - "We'll take care of it, and if the person entering isn't Gin, be prepared to attack while we distract him!"

"H-Hai!" - The women exclaimed as they ducked out of sight.

The door opened wider and wider as everyone present tensed, waiting to see what would happen, but relaxed when they heard a familiar voice.

"You can come out, there's no more danger!" - Gin shouted from the entrance.

"Gin-kun!" - The large-breasted woman exclaimed as she ran to her boyfriend to hug him. She was finally calm now that she knew about her beloved's condition.

"I see you are loved" - said a somewhat cold voice.

"Eh?" - the woman slowly looked in the direction of the voice, only to blush at the sight of the handsome man - "A're?"

"I hope you're not trying to steal my girlfriend, Cloud-san" - Gin said with a teasing tone because he knew it was impossible for it to happen.

"!" - the woman blushed at his words, only to bite her boyfriend's cheek when she heard this because she wasn't just anyone who would change boyfriends just to find a better looking guy.

"Sorry, sorry, you don't have to bite me so hard!" - Gin exclaimed as the other survivors approached with a weird expression on their faces at the strangeness of the situation.

"Huh?" - a woman in the group froze when she noticed her saviour's appearance, only to feel her cheeks light up like Christmas light.

"What's going on?" - asked another of the women as she watched her friend's reaction - "Do you know him?"

"Please give me your autograph!" - exclaimed the woman as she ran to the blonde with a fan-like expression as she met her idol - "Wait, I don't have a sheet of paper or lapis so I can write..."

". . ." - those present were silent because they didn't understand what was going on.

"Is he someone famous?" - asked one of the men as he watched everyone else shake their heads because they weren't sure either.

"Don't they know who he is?!" - exclaimed the woman with indignation as she noticed how her fellow survivors shook their heads - "Ok, listen well... he is Cloud Strife, the [God Eater] who is ranked number one in the Popularity Ranking, not only for his appearance, but also for his enormous power that is comparable to that of the squad leaders of [Fenrir: Central]. He is also known as the 'Hope of Humanity'..."

". . ." - Cloud frowned when he heard this because that was being over the top. He was just working normally, but now he understood that the rumours had been spread and exaggerated to superhuman levels - "Hope of Humanity?"

"You're the only one who can fight head-to-head with an A-Rank [Aragami], for hours" - the woman replied as she batted her eyelashes, though it wasn't very effective with how dishevelled she looked from being locked up for so long.


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