Chapter 333 ( Revelation - I )

"Anyway, it's not like you have to choose right now" - Shio said while swinging her legs. She had to admit that the view was great from Cloud's shoulder now that he was a huge beast.

". . ." - Cloud frowned when he heard this because the notification kept flashing to the point that it was annoying.


"Seriously, can't you wait a bit?" - Cloud thought with irritation, only to notice as a new pop-up screen appeared in front of his eyes.

[Postponement request accepted, user has a maximum of 24 hours to make a choice, please choose wisely!]

As he finished reading those words, a small clock appeared in his vision.

"Well, at least this settles things a bit..." - Cloud muttered as he sighed in irritation.

"Where are we going now?" - Shio asked as he cocked his head to the side.

"I'm not sure..." - Cloud replied as he growled fiercely because he could feel like something was watching him from afar - "Let's just move aimlessly for now..."

"Ok ~!" - Shio nodded as she walked towards the silver dragon's head and sat down next to its right horn - "Let's go~!"

Cloud started walking with a neutral expression, though inside he was thinking about the pros and cons of the two options he had to choose from.

* * * * *

"Is this true?" - Sakuya asked with concern as she felt her breathing start to become much more erratic.

"I couldn't verify it 100%, but some of the information if true, after all, the group of survivors that arrived at our facility, informed us that [Deusphages: Amaterasu] passed by and there were signs of battle..." - Lindow replied while frowning because he knew things were a bit strange - "And from your words, Cloud's presence near [Ashland] is true..."

". . ." - Tatenashi and Houki frowned when they heard this, though their expressions changed when they heard their leader's next words.

"But things don't end there, according to [Far East], a new [Aragami] appeared on the scene and devoured [Amaterasu], leaving Cloud unaccounted for" - Lindow continued as a blurry image of a huge silver dragon appeared in front of the members of the [First Unit] - "They're not giving it a codename yet, so we'll just call it [Silver]"

"Ugh..." - Houki and Tatenashi groaned in irritation when they saw the beast because they understood what had happened.

"Is something wrong?" - Lindow asked while raising an eyebrow at the two women's expression.

". . ." - Sakuya also frowned when she saw this while Soma and Sofia, just kept silent as they waited for an answer.

"Should we say it?" - Tatenashi muttered as she looked at her companion.

"We have no choice, not to mention that it's the best plan of action to prevent accidents" - replied Houki as she frowned, only to focus on the others inside Lindow's office.

"I see you've come to an agreement..." - Lindow said as he looked at the two women - "If my hypothesis is correct, that new [Aragami] has to do with Cloud, doesn't it?"

"!" - Sofia's eyes widened in surprise because she didn't expect those words.

"How did you come to that conclusion?" - Tatenashi asked simply because she didn't want to show any emotion even though her heart was pounding.

"Shape, colour, place of appearance" - answered Lindow while tapping his desk with his finger - "As well as the time of Cloud's disappearance... there are many factors that make it easy to come to that conclusion, not to mention that this would explain why he decided to disappear without a trace..."

"[Aragamification]" - Sakuya said as her eyes widened in terror, though she wasn't the only one because Soma and Sofia had a similar expression.

"This is bad..." - muttered Soma as his expression changed to a cold one - "Cloud was strong as a human and now transformed into [Aragami] he can become much more dangerous than those monsters inhabiting [Ashland]..."

"It's even possible that his body has adapted to that place" - Sophia added as she bit her lip. While she had come to this place in order to accomplish that stupid mission and now with the blond transformed into a beast there was no need to continue, she didn't feel good knowing that a kind and courageous person like Cloud, was nothing more than a beast ruled by his instincts.

"Cloud..." - Sakuya muttered as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Ok, I think that's enough" - said Lindow as he gained everyone's gaze - "Before you start making a memorial shrine to Cloud, you better listen to what those two have to say because from their expressions, they don't seem very concerned."

"Huh?" - Sakuya and the others watched in shock as Houki and Tatenashi stood as if nothing had happened. The group doctor was about to jump at the necks of those two ungrateful women when she heard words that left her frozen in place.

"He didn't transform into [Aragami], did he?" - Lindow said calmly as he looked at the two women.

"I have to admit, when you're not acting like an idiot, you're a genius, Amamiya Lindow," said Tatenashi as a smile appeared on her face.

"What do you mean he's not an [Aragami]!" - exclaimed Sofia as she looked at her colleague's friend - "Look at that shape!"

Sakuya just kept silent as she waited for the continuation of the blue-haired woman's words.

"As Lindow said, Cloud is not an [Aragami]!" - Houki replied calmly as she looked at her friend from the central base - "If I had to express what it is, I'd say it's something much worse..."

". . ." - Lindow frowned when he heard this, but did nothing to rush them, after all, they would have the answers any moment now.

"Something worse?" - Soma muttered as he thought that his situation wasn't as bad as he thought. He'd always had the thought that he was a monster in human skin, but now he understood that his delusions didn't compare to what the blond was.

"But all the tests showed that he was human, that means that overexposure to the ace [Oracle Cells] should have caused him to mutate" - Sofia said while frowning - "For you to say that he's something worse than an [Aragami], doesn't make sense..."

"I can't go into too much detail due to security issues, but I'll give you one important piece of information" - said Tatenashi while his gaze sharpened - "Cloud is much more than you think, you could even say that's his true form..."

"What do you mean by 'true' form?" - Sakuya asked as she frowned.

"How to explain it?" - Houki said as she thought of an excuse that might leave those present happy - "Let's see, let's say the [Aragami] are a virus designed to eliminate humans from the planet."

"That's a fact" - replied Sophia as she rolled her eyes at him.

"Then you could consider Cloud to be an [antibody]" - replied Houki with a smile - "Does anyone remember how he appeared?"

"He appeared injured and in the middle of a battlefield" - replied Sakuya almost automatically - "He didn't have any information, it was as if he had..."

"Just appeared out of nowhere?" - Tatenashi asked with a smile.

". . ." - Sakuya and Lindow frowned because it was true, Cloud had appeared out of nowhere, that's why after seeing his abnormal abilities, they thought he was some kind of test subject in a top secret experiment.

Tatenashi raised an eyebrow at all the shit her friend was talking, to the point that she actually felt like she was overcomplicating things - "Okay, I think that's enough."

"?" - Lindow and the others looked in confusion at the blue-haired woman, only to realise that they were being taken for a ride.

"Houki-san..." - Sakuya said with a frown.

"Okay, I lied about that part" - Houki replied as she gave her friend an annoyed look - "But everything else is true."

"Please, I'd like you to take this seriously" - said Lindow as she looked at the two women.

"The answer is simple, yet at the same time confusing" - said Tatenashi while looking around - "Cloud is not an [Aragami], but a [Dragon], a very strange and lethal species of dragon..."

". . ." - a deep silence pervaded the place because again they felt as if they were being played with.

"A dragon?" - Lindow repeated with a frown - "That doesn't make the slightest sense..."

"Fighting beasts that were the product of genetic alteration and devour humans in order to evolve makes sense to you?" - Tatenashi asked as she raised an eyebrow, only to notice how those present fell silent.

"So a dragon, huh?" - Lindow said with a smile.

"You believe them that easily!" - Sophia exclaimed as she shot up from her seat. She was of British descent, so it was obvious she knew the legends about those mythical creatures, there were even [Aragami] that had draconic appearances, but these were still [Aragami].

"They are part of my team, so it is my duty as a leader to believe them" - Lindow replied calmly as he shrugged his shoulders, only to notice how everyone was watching him neutrally - "Ok, I believe them because their words explain some things."


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