Chapter 334 ( Revelation - II )

"Cloud always had a mysterious past, unexplainable abilities like being able to release fire and stuff" - replied Lindow as he noticed how everyone was looking at him - "Not to mention..."

"Ok, we get it, you're a genius or whatever" - said Soma as the others gave their leader a blank stare - "Now the question is.... Can he go back to normal?"

"I'm not sure" - replied Tatenashi as she shook her head - "This is the first time this has happened and I don't know if it's a permanent change or not."

Those present frowned when they heard this, only to look at each other in confusion.

"Is he... is he aware of his actions or is he a beast that moves on instinct?" - Sofia asked with concern.

"I'm sure he's still in control, after all, it's only a physical change, not a psychological one" - Houki replied as she started to think, though she quickly frowned - "Though if I'm honest, it's possible he's changed a little..."

"What do you mean?" - Sakuya asked with concern.

"That it's quite possible that he's not the same Cloud we knew" - replied Houki seriously - "He'll keep his personality, but thanks to awakening his new form, it's obvious that there will be slight changes in the way he acts."

"If it's still possible to interact with him, then we'd better get answers from him himself" - said Lindow as he frowned, only to groan in irritation when he read a message he had received a long time ago, but had ignored because of the seriousness of the situation - "Come in..."

Those present looked on in surprise at the arrival of a sultry black-haired woman - "I heard some interesting things..."

"What are you doing here, Tsubaki?" - Sakuya asked with a frown.

"Johannes-sama sent me to supervise the mission and prevent accidents" - replied Amamiya Tsubaki, Lindow's older sister while looking around - "But now I understand the situation better after listening to your conversation, I feel there's something else going on..."

"It's impolite to eavesdrop, Amamiya-san" - Tatenashi said with an expression that was a mixture of surprise and irritation, after all, she hadn't detected that the door had opened slightly and someone was listening in on the conversation,

"I'm sorry, but I don't regret it" - Tsubaki snorted while looking at the two women - "But well, I think we'd better get back to the subject.... Johannes sent me to this place to make sure that this new '[Aragami]' was killed or captured, but now I have a 'slight' suspicion that he knows that this new '[Aragami]', is none other than Cloud-kun, and if so, then..."

"Then he saw everything..." - Lindow muttered as he frowned. He had a bad feeling about Johannes and now it was much worse - "Anyway, for now I want you to get ready, we'll leave immediately."

"What about the recruits?" - Sakuya asked as she looked at her leader.

"We'll leave Alisa-chan in charge while we go on mission" - replied Lindow without a second thought - "If I'm honest with you, I'd prefer this information not to be told to our cute recruits."

"Ok, I'll go get everything ready" - Sakuya said seriously as she walked to where the survivors were so she could ask Cid to take them to where Cloud had fought against [Amaterasu].

* * * * *

Cloud slowly opened his eyes and looked towards the horizon, only to frown as he felt the sound of a helicopter approaching towards their location.

"?" - Shio watched silently as she heard the helicopter, only to notice how her 'big brother' had an irritated expression on his face - "Is something wrong, Onii-san?"

"No... it's nothing..." - Cloud said calmly as he turned around - "Let's continue... if they're coming to bother us, then I guess I've already found my answer..."

Cloud again began his trek through the environs of [Ashland] alongside his young travelling companion, only to frown in irritation as he heard the helicopter getting closer and closer - "I guess our peace won't come so easily..."

"You're too tense, Onii-san" - Shio said as she patted the former blond's scaled reptilian head - "Did you happen to notice that that's Cid-san's helicopter?"

Cloud narrowed his eyes when he heard that, only to snort when he noticed that it was indeed his friend's mode of transportation - "I guess he came to see if I still had my full body..."

"Actually, I sense more than one energy signature inside that helicopter, many that are familiar to you" - Shio replied as she tilted her head in confusion - "I even sense an energy signature that is slightly similar to mine... strange..."

Cloud didn't know how to react to these words, especially the last one because it was practically impossible for something like that to be true. Shio was an [Aragami] with a human body - "No... there is one person who could fit into this category..."

He quickly recalled the investigation that had caused one of his companions to lose his mother - "Soma..."

"?" - Shio looked in confusion at her older brother, only to notice as the helicopter began to descend in the distance.

* * *

"I don't think this is a good idea..." - Cid said as he shivered at the presence of the silver beast in the distance.

"Relax, we're sure it won't attack us" - replied Tatenashi calmly - "And if it's any consolation, just leave us on the ground and then you can fly to safety."

"Ok..." - Cid muttered as he carefully climbed down, only to notice how the huge silver dragon was silently watching you.

* * *

Cloud frowned as he watched Houki, Tatenashi and the others get off the helicopter with the addition of Tsubaki, and start walking in their direction.

"Do they know this is your true form?" - Shio asked as she tilted her head in confusion.

"Not that I know of" - Cloud replied as he watched his former teammates, now nothing more than insects beside him - "Though seeing as they're approaching so nonchalantly, I guess they know it's me..."

"You're huge!" - Lindow exclaimed as he arrived in front of the titanic beast - "I knew you'd do great things, but I never thought you'd take it so literally..."

Sofia and Soma were only silent as they waited for the signal to act, be it communication or their former colleague's attack.

"Is it really you, Cloud?" - Sakuya asked as she looked at the towering beast.

"I have to admit, the silver colour suits it" - said Tsubaki as they all gave him a look - "What?"

"Pff... Ha ha ha ha!" - Cloud couldn't hold back anymore, a thunderous laugh echoed through the place as he felt his mind relax a little at the woman's words - "I have to admit, she's funnier than you, Lindow..."

"Tch, you overdeveloped lizard" - Lindow growled in irritation, though at least he was a little calmer now as this confirmed not only his hypothesis, but also that he hadn't changed his ways.

"You don't look so bad, though I'd prefer less scales and more human" - said Tatenashi as she looked at the huge figure of her leader and crush - "I even feel like you'll tear Houki apart now if you try anything..."

"Tatenashi!" - Houki exclaimed with a red face as she shot an annoyed glare at the blue-haired woman.

". . ." - Cloud fell silent when he heard this before shaking his head - "It's good to see that you two haven't changed the way you interact with me despite my current appearance."

"If you thought we'd treat you worse just because you're a huge beast of about 1000 tons, then you're very wrong" - Tatenashi said as a mysterious smile appeared on his face - "Not to mention that I'm sure it's only a matter of time before you're back to normal."

"True" - nodded Cloud with his huge reptilian head - "But well, if they're here, that means that someone knows that I transformed into this form and I'm almost completely sure that that 'someone' is Johannes."

". . ." - Soma didn't say anything because it was pretty obvious they all thought the same thing and if he was honest, he also thought it was his father.

"You abandoned us because you knew your [Bias Factor] was about to become unbalanced?" - Sakuya asked as she walked over to one of Cloud's silver paws and petted it. Her feelings hadn't changed despite the huge difference in appearances between the two identities of her beloved blonde.

"No..." - Cloud replied while shaking his head - "It was because I found a clue during [Tsukuyomi's] mission, that's why I came to this place, but since fate is a bitch, [Amaterasu] showed up and I was forced to fight."

Cloud explained to them what had happened in great detail, obviously leaving out the sensitive topics or ones they shouldn't know about like his [System] for example.

"How long do you need to get back to normal?" - Tsubaki asked as she raised an eyebrow. She just like Sakuya, she didn't feel disgust for her beloved's new appearance, in fact, the only thing she felt, was surprise because she never thought he would react so normally, although remembering her work, this didn't seem so strange.

"I have a little problem with that," Cloud sighed as he shook his head.


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