Chapter 303 Vs [Vajra] (4)

NOTE : Well guys this chapter was uploaded in Dragons Rioting volume....and it's webnovel glitch....and I don't know if you guys have read this chapter or not...well sorry I didn't checked..


"Long range..." - Lenka muttered as he looked at how his weapon had changed shape - "Incredible..."

"From what I can sense, what you have to do is use the energy flowing through your body in order to activate the [Oracle Cells] inside your [God Arc] so you can fire."

". . ." - Lenka was silent as he absorbed all the words Cloud was saying, only to nod firmly - "Thank you, Sensei!"

"Sensei?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow, but decided to ignore it for the moment - "Whatever, you can call me whatever you want."

Lenka nodded firmly as he continued to listen to the blond's instructions.

The sound of the [Aragami]'s firing and howling continued to be heard in the distance as Cloud imparted his knowledge to the boy, or at least what it was possible to tell him in this situation.

"Well, now that you know more or less what you have to do, I think it's time for us to get going" - Cloud said as he struggled to his feet - "Ugh, it still hurts a bit..."

"Are you okay, Sensei?" - Lenka asked as he looked at the blond with concern because it was obvious that he shouldn't be moving after receiving an attack of that magnitude.

"I'm fine" - Cloud answered as he rolled his eyes at him - "That thing needs more than this to be able to stop me, now I want you to do what I asked you to do, go to my teammates and tell them I'm fine, after that I want you to stay by Sakuya's side and help her while they give us support from a distance. Good, now I want you to go."

". . ." - Lenka nodded slowly before disappearing from the place, leaving the blond all alone - "Ok, I think it's time for me to start moving..."

During his stay in [Infinite Stratos], he had helped Ichika a bit with his strength, though most of his time was spent training with Houki, so the help he had given to his recruit's younger brother hadn't been much, outside of pointing out a few things to him.

* * * * *

"Eat bullets, motherfucker!" - Sakuya exclaimed as she continued to bombard the massive [Aragami] with shots, only to notice how it only seemed to growl in irritation.

"I think your attacks are just annoying it" - said Lindow as Soma only gave him a neutral look.

"They're a good distraction" - Soma replied neutrally as he noticed how the rookie he had saved, was running in his direction - "What are you doing here, rookie?"

"I came to help you!" - Lenka exclaimed earnestly as he showed his gun - "Sensei told me to come give you a message!"

"Sensei?" - The three [God Eater] asked, only to jump back when they noticed how the [Aragami] was bombarding them with electrical attacks.

"Cloud-san" - Lenka replied as he looked at the others.

"I didn't know Cloud had taken a student" - Lindow said as he looked at the others, only to notice how they also shook their heads.

"I'm not really his student, I just called him that because he taught me some things when I went to see him after he flew away" - replied Lenka as she scratched her cheek.

"Is he okay!" - Sakuya exclaimed as she grabbed the young man by the shoulders.

"Sakuya... calm down a bit, you're making him dizzy" - said Lindow as he noticed how the boy's eyes seemed to lose focus.

"I know you like the blond, but you have to understand that we're in the middle of something serious here" - said Soma seriously as he used his [God Arc] to block the claw of the huge [Aragami], only to fly away at full speed.

"Sorry" - replied Sakuya as she turned her focus back to her huge opponent - "Now that I know Cloud is okay, I can put my all into taking that thing down."

"Anything else we need to know?" - Lindow asked as he looked at the rookie boy.

"Sensei said he would come in a moment and help Sakuya-san provide support" - replied Lenka seriously.

". . ." - Lindow narrowed his eyes because the blond would never have allowed a rookie to join them, let alone in such a dangerous situation - "Did Cloud see something in the boy?"

Lindow snapped his head around, only to shake his head and focus on the problem in front of them. Then he would ask Cloud about the reason for the rookie's inclusion in this operation.

"OK, that hurt like hell" - growled Soma as he joined the group, only to notice how the young cadet [God Eater] was still on the spot - "Go back to base rookie, we don't have time to be able to babysit you."

"Cloud said to stay, so I guess I'll go along with his proposal for this one" - Lindow replied as he tossed away the cigarette he had been smoking - "He never says random things, so I guess the kid has his uses."

". . ." - Soma frowned before nodding. If those were the orders of his leader and deputy leader, then he would follow them - "OK, I just want you to stay out of my way and everything will be fine."

"Relax, bag of rainbows and unicorns, I'm going to give you support from a distance" - Lenka replied with a frown because he wasn't liking the attitude of the brown-tea man.

"Pff, ha ha ha!" - Lindow couldn't hold back his laughter when he heard the nickname the rookie had said to her stoic teammate, only to growl when she saw the electric breath attack the [Aragami] was throwing at them - "Tch, at least let me enjoy a bit of Soma's annoyed expression!"

Soma didn't say anything in response to Lenka and Lindow, he just concentrated on the [Aragami] while Sakuya started to activate the full power of her [God Arc].

"Rookie-san, it's time for you to show what you're worth" - Sakuya said without even caring if the boy was new to the trade or not, if Cloud had instructed her to help him by giving tactical support to his teammates, then she would accept the request without even thinking twice.

"Somehow I feel that you are the one who is taking me more seriously" - Lenka said with surprise seeing the woman's attitude.

"It's because her beloved Cloud-kun is giving you a vote of confidence" - replied Lindow with a smile, only to be surprised that his teammate didn't shoot him - "OK, I guess things are more serious than I thought".

Soma just kept silent as he ran against the [Vajra] next to a serious Lindow.

"Is what he said true?" - Lenka asked in surprise.

"He's not lying" - replied Sakuya seriously as she looked at the new guy - "If it wasn't because it's Cloud's request, then we would have sent you back to the central base because this situation is much more dangerous than you think."

". . ." - Lenka looked at all the [First Squadron] members present.

"Don't feel bad, we're not doing this because we have something against you, it's just that the danger level of this [Aragami] isn't something a rookie can handle" - Sakuya replied seriously - "Even we have it a little difficult because of how beastly that thing is"

Lenka watched silently as the two short-ranged fighters were dealing damage to the thunder beast, only to notice how the wounds were healing at great speed.

"When [Aragami's] danger level increases, it's not only because its power is much higher, but also all its other passive abilities like its regenerative factor, reaction speed, intelligence" - Sakuya replied as she shot with great mastery - "Though it's time to stop chattering and concentrate on the battle"

"OK!" - Lenka exclaimed as he aimed in the direction of the huge beast.

Sakuya stared at the boy's weapon, only to notice the huge caliber it had - "More than an assault rifle, it looks like a small cannon..."

"?" - Lenka gave the woman a confused look because he honestly didn't understand what she was trying to say. He was more of a man who fought hand-to-hand, so it was his first time picking up a long-range weapon.

"You're going to have to get closer if you want to hit your attacks" - Sakuya said while looking at the boy - "Don't worry about your safety, Lindow and Soma are taking the [agro] while I'll cover you."

". . ." - Lenka took a breath in order to calm his pounding heart, though he wasn't sure if this was because he was terrified or excited. He gripped his [God Arc] firmly while looking at the [Aragami] seriously - "Hai".


NOTE : Hey guys My new Fanfic has been updated.... please read and tell me if you liked the story and it's an onepiece story with the temple system....

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