Chapter 338 [Yan Zhi]

"It's a rare species around these parts" - Shio said as she tilted her head to the side as she watched the [Yan Zhi] summon a group of [Ogretail] like beings - "No matter how many times I see it, I'm amazed by such unique abilities like summoning [Aragami] as servants."

Cloud pondered that it wouldn't be a bad idea to acquire this ability when he saw how the [Yan Zhi] summoned that group of [Aragami], only to shake his head because this kind of ability was restricted to a certain species.

"Hmm... I'm surprised to see a [Psions]" - Cloud muttered with a frown because this species was just as rare as the [Deusphages], after all, they were modifications, or rather, mixtures of two compatible species. No one knew how they were born, but according to the scientists who managed to capture one of them, they came to the conclusion that the greatest possibility was a genetic mutation when an [Aragami] devoured the nucleus of another [Aragami] compatible with its [DNA], although this mutation had a low percentage of happening, not to mention that the [Aragami] were not compatible with each other, except for a very few species.

What Cloud didn't know was that this information was false because according to the theories of the scientists of [Fenrir: Central], the mutation of the [Psion] was a product of a meteorological phenomenon called [Red Rain], although there was still no way to verify these ideas because the phenomenon [Red Rain] was random.

"What do we do?" - asked Shio as she cocked her head - "That [Yan Zhi] looks weak... possibly it just evolved after a battle where it consumed its opponent..."

Cloud thought for a few seconds while analyzing the pros and cons - "You want a new friend?"

"Friend?" - smiled Shio excitedly - "Sure! I want to have hundreds of friends ~!"

Cloud looked again at the worms that were surrounding that rare [Aragami] before landing on the spot. The [Ogretail] roared at his presence as they backed away because their instincts were screaming that they were facing a predator.

[I recommend you retreat, little insects...] - Cloud growled as he released some of his aura because he honestly didn't want to play with those [Ogretail]. They were useless to his evolution and their cores didn't give them Stats Points when he devoured them so wasting time with them was something he honestly didn't want to do.

The [Ogretail] slowly retreated while glaring wildly at the towering silver dragon and the prey they were about to devour.

"Those flies are irritating" - said Shio as she poked her head out from her 'hiding place' - "They just follow their instincts."

"What else would you expect from the weakest species of us?" - Cloud asked disdainfully as he turned his attention back to [Yan Zhi] - "I guess now that we saved you, you'll become my [Servant]..."

[. . .] - the [Yan Zhi] watched the dragon for a few seconds before spreading her wings and giving a small bow.

With her evolution 'She' had acquired superior intelligence.

The [Aragami] had no sex difference because their races were unique, they were born thanks to a massive alteration in the [Bias Factor] of living beings, but that did not mean that these species could not be categorized into different groups. In the case of the [Yan Zhi] in front of them, 'She' was categorized as [Psions], [Aragami -Humanoid (Female)] thanks to her delicate appearance.

The [Yan Zhi] carefully observed the beast in front of her before 'kneeling' before it, proving that she was intelligent enough to understand that she was in front of a superior being.

"She's good" - Shio said with a smile as she looked at her new friend.

[If I remember correctly, the [Psions] have an ability called [Resonance]...]] - Cloud said as he looked carefully at the [Aragami] in front of him - [What's your resonance?]

[Yan Zhi] stood up slightly before glowing slightly, only for out of nowhere, two strange [Ogretail] to appear beside her.

[Interesting... this species seems to be made entirely of energy...] - Cloud muttered as he looked at the two [Aragami] beside his new subordinate.

[Yan Zhi] quickly pointed towards a stone, only for a strange mark to appear.

[Oh?] - Cloud's eyes widened in surprise as he noticed how he unconsciously wished for that stone to shatter, though this impulse quickly disappeared - [Interesting... a mark that can cause the other [Aragami] to attack the target, and the most impressive thing is that even I felt the impulse to follow your 'order'..."

[Yan Zhi] again knelt down in front of her now master as her body trembled slightly.

[You are a much more interesting [Aragami] than I thought] - said Cloud as he narrowed his eyes - [Come, follow me and I promise you will continue to evolve].

[Yan Zhi] looked up while nodding firmly.

[Bloodline Skill Acquired (Monstrosity - Summon Slave)]

". . ." - Cloud fell silent as he read this because it didn't feel like a good thing.

* * * * * * * * * * *

[Monstrosity - Summon Slave (SR)]

The first step to being considered a [Boss] is to have 'minions'.

Effect 1 [Contract]: You may use all means to subjugate other non-human entities, the number of [Slaves] is your level divided by 10. (When a [Slave] dies, they are lost forever as is their [Space]) [Currently 1/2 Spaces Used].

Effect 2 [Summon Slave]: Summon your [Slaves] regardless of world, though only once per day.

Effect 3 [Name]: Give your [Slaves] a name, makes future evolutions easier and increases talent by 50%.

Slaves: [Yan Zhi (God Eater)]

* * * * * * * * * * *

Name: ???

Race: [Yan Zhi (Harpy-type Aragami)]]

Attribute: Ice


[STR: 500] [DEX: 1000] [VIT: 600] [INT: 600] [ENERGY: 5000] [Energy: 5000


[Summon (Zhou Wang)] [Resistance (Mark - Summon] [Flight].


Ice: +200% [Absorbs 100% of damage as health] [Ice: +200% [Absorbs 100% of damage as health

Fire: -100% [Takes double damage with Fire].


[Weak (Reduces Stats by 75%)]

* * * * * * * * * * *

Cloud nodded when he saw his new minion's Stats and Skills, only to sigh with regret when he saw his new Skills column [Monstrosity], only to notice how these had their names in grey - "[Monstrosity - Coercion], [Monstrosity - Rage], [Monstrosity - ???]..."

". . ." - the emotions inside Cloud became worse and worse, though something inside him told him that they weren't bad Skills even though he couldn't receive information from them - "I'd better let my future self worry about this..."

[Yan Zhi] tilted her head in confusion because she didn't understand what her master was trying to say.

[Let's go, we still have some things to do and on the way we might find something interesting," said Cloud as he shook his head and motioned for his subordinate to climb on his back.

[Yan Zhi] didn't hesitate twice, she slowly flew to her leader's shoulder and 'landed' while curiously observing the 'human' beside her.

"Hello, my name is Shio!" - Shio exclaimed with a smile.

[????] - [Yan Zhi] tilted her head in confusion because she didn't understand what a name was.

"This is going to be a long journey..." - Cloud muttered because he now felt that he would have to take care of two children - "At least with [Yan Zhi] I can try to experience some things..."

Cloud planned to go hunt some [Psions] to see if he could get his subordinate to be able to acquire some other resonances if he devoured the cores of the other species.

* * * * *

"Sir, come!" - Daigo exclaimed excitedly.

"What is it, Daigo?" - Johannes asked as he raised an eyebrow and walked in the direction of his subordinate.

"I managed to mix the genetic codes of [Tsukuyomi] and the two samples you gave me" - said Daigo seriously - "Although to do so I had to mix them with all the [Aragami] samples we had in [Far East]..."

"Excellent..." - Johannes said as his eyes twinkled slightly.

"But there's a problem" - Daigo continued seriously - "Their genetic code became unstable because of so many genotypes together."

Johannes' expression froze when he heard this, only to frown - "If you tell me this, it's because you have a solution? Right?"

"Exactly, sir" - Daigo replied as a small sign appeared on the map that had appeared in front of the two scientists - "I managed to create a sonar using the resonance produced by the genetic code of [N] as a base, with this we will be able to identify the [Aragami] we need to be able to form the larva of the final [Aragami]"

"I see..." - Johannes muttered as different points on the map began to light up.

"I'm not done yet, sir" - Daigo said with a slight smile - "According to my information, when [N] is born, it will be able to hunt on its own and evolve even faster!"

"This couldn't be more perfect" - said Johannes as he let out a laugh - "We're getting closer and closer! Soon our goal can be completed!"

The leader of [Fenrir: Far East] couldn't contain the emotions inside him, though he quickly calmed down.

"For now I'll send my cute subordinates to hunt those [Aragami]..." - Johannes said as his eyes twinkled slightly - "In fact, I'm going to have the [First Unit] be responsible for the most dangerous hunts, though I'm going to have to remind them that they have to bring the full [Aragami] or just bring me their cores..."


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