Chapter 339 ( Hunt - I )

"That may backfire on our plans, sir" - Daigo said seriously because he was sure that the [First Unit] would ignore his orders and devour the cores instead of handing them over as they should.

"They won't if I talk to the central base" - Johannes replied with a small smile on his face as a screen appeared in front of his subordinate.

"Brilliant... this is the best screen we could have, Johannes-sama" - said Daigo excitedly - "And best of all, this information is truthful so the scientists at [Fenrir: Central] will have no excuse to stop me from getting those cores."

"It's good to have a plan B" - smiled Johannes as his gaze darkened slightly - "With this, we are getting closer and closer to completing our dream, soon the world will understand that we were right all along..."

"That's right, sir..." - Daigo muttered as he began to rewrite the report they would deliver to the central base.

* * * * *

[[Slave: Yan Zhi], has successfully devoured the core of [Psions: Nyx Alpha]...]

In front of Cloud, [Yan Zhi] was happily devouring the core of what appeared to be a harpy-type [Aragami -Humanoid]. She had her golden body covered by some sort of purple with black feathers that formed a sort of nebula.

"Hmm... Looks delicious..." - Shio muttered as she watched [Yan Zhi] continue to devour her victim's core.

Cloud could only roll his eyes at the little glutton's comment, only to notice how [Yan Zhi]'s light blue plumage, began to change colour to [Nyx Alpha]'s plumage.

[Core consumed, [Yan Zhi] has acquired a new resonance.]

[[Resonance: Revival], has been added to [Yan Zhi]'s skill list].

"Not bad..." - Cloud muttered with a smile because he had seen [Nyx Alpha]'s unique ability in action - "With this my theory is confirmed, I guess it has to do with the fact that all [Psions] are born the same way..."

[Gyoooo!] - [Yan Zhi] again flew to where her master was and made a small bow before landing on her shoulder.

"I guess this is what raising a pet feels like..." - Cloud thought as he noticed how the harpy nuzzled her head against his scaly fur - "Anyway, we'd better get on with our journey."

"And when will we eat?" - Shio asked as she stroked her stomach.

". . ." - Cloud stood still for a few seconds before looking at the white-haired girl - "In a few hours..."

"Oh, come on ~!" - Shio exclaimed as she pouted, only to feel someone hit her in the head - "Ouch! What was that for!"

"Gyoooo!" - [Yan Zhi] just flapped her wings menacingly, as if she was warning Shio to stop bothering her master.

"Hmph! And I thought you were my friend!" snorted Shio as she curled up, but not before shooting an annoyed glare at the [Aragami] harpy-like [Aragami].

". . ." - Cloud watched this neutrally because he felt that now it hadn't been the best of ideas to recruit [Yan Zhi], and something told him that in the future this feeling would be much greater - "We'd better continue our journey, there's still a long way to go before we get to that place you told me about."

"But I'm hungry!" - Shio exclaimed as tears gathered in her eyes. She felt like she hadn't eaten anything in ages, when the last snack she ate was only a few hours ago - "And you, stop hitting me!"

[Yan Zhi] just looked away as she pretended to be surveying the surroundings.

"God, give me patience..." - Cloud muttered as he watched as the two female [Aragami] were fighting again. Shio was like a little sister while [Yan Zhi] was the typical pet who tried to do all sorts of tricks for her master to praise her.

* * * * *

"Does anyone else think this smells like shit?" - Lindow asked as he looked around at everyone in his office.

"You should watch your language a little more, Baka Otouto" - said Tsubaki as she rolled her eyes at him, who to no one's surprise, had requested a transfer to work as a support for the [First Unit] because she honestly felt that if she stayed in [Far East], something bad might happen to her now that she knew some things she shouldn't know - "But I agree, this smells bad..."

"It doesn't help that it happened right after we got back from our 'failed mission'..." - Soma replied with a frown as he wondered what the fuck his father was trying to do.

"I agree, this puts us against the wall," Sofia added as she started to think. If they accepted, they would be doing what Johannes wishes, but if they refused, then they would be court-martialled for not only not accepting the orders of their superiors, but also for not trying to redeem themselves after that failed mission - "This is a situation that completely favours Johannes..."

"That's why I hate working with organisations" - Tatenashi snorted while narrowing her eyes - "Having to obey every order they throw at you without being able to do anything to stop it because the consequences are unimaginable, it's something I dislike."

"Welcome to the real world, princess" - Houki replied while giving her a smile full of disdain because she knew that Tatenashi was what everyone knew as a full-fledged 'princess'. She was always at the top of the organisations she was a member of, in this life and in the past.

"And even though she had to ask for permissions from the teachers during her tenure as [Student Council President], she stood as the one who made all the decisions..." - Houki thought as she found it amusing to see how Tatenashi was annoyed with her current situation.

"Very funny, Houki-chan" - snorted Tatenashi as she frowned, only to shake her head - "Anyway, what Sofia-san said is true, we're in a precarious situation now."

"What do you plan to do, Lindow?" - Sakuya asked as she raised an eyebrow. Right now it was good to have someone like Lindow as a leader because he had a good brain on his shoulders.

"We'll take Johannes' orders for now" - replied Lindow seriously as he looked around - "We'll hunt those [Aragami] down and hand them over to him, but at the same time we'll keep an eye out for anything that looks strange."

"Hai!" - [First Unit] members exclaimed.

"Tsubaki, I want you to gather as much information as possible about our targets" - said Lindow as he looked at his older sister - "The connection between them, abilities, behaviour, everything you can think of."

"Ok, you can count on me" - Tsubaki assisted while looking at her younger brother with a smile.

"Sakuya, I want you to prepare our medical supplies because this will be a long journey" - ordered Lindow while looking at her doctor - "Remember that now that we have Houki-san, the mobile medical room is operational, now you can bring everything you want, even [Bias Factor] repressors in case any of us show symptoms of [Aragamification]"

"As you command" - Sakuya replied before retreating to carry out her orders.

"Houki-san, I want you to go and do a check on all our machinery, we can't afford any failure in the middle of the mission because it could be fatal" - said Lindow seriously as he looked at the youngest Shinonono sister.

"I'll do it right away" - nodded Houki as she withdrew.

"Sofia, Tatenashi, I want you to go to our recruits and give them last minute training, I want them to be as prepared as possible" - said Lindow seriously - "This mission will be difficult for them, but we can't leave them at the base now".

"Are you sure about this?" - Sofia asked with a frown - "This mission is A-Rank, almost S because of all the [Aragami] we'll have to deal with."

"Like I said, we can't leave them at the base because they're part of the squadron" - replied Lindow while frowning - "Not counting that they're ready for battle"

Sofia frowned when she heard this as she prepared to argue with the squad leader, but stopped when she felt Tatenashi's hand on her shoulder.

"Our leader has spoken, now we must follow his instructions" - Tatenashi said calmly as she looked into the blue eyes of the [Fenrir: Central] girl - "Remember that we are soldiers now, not group leaders..."

"Ok, I'll go and complete your instructions, sir..." - Sofia said reluctantly as she retreated with a face that showed how angry she was.

"It's hard to be the leader of an elite group," said Tatenashi calmly as she walked out of the room, "More so when it's obvious that one of the higher-ups wants to make our lives miserable..."

"Heh, it's obviously difficult" - replied Lindow while giving a small smile to the blue-haired woman - "After all, we hold the lives of our subordinates in our hands. The slightest mistake could cause them to lose their lives, that's why we have to think of the best possible option, but I'm sure I don't have to explain that to you, do I?"

"True, although I thought Sofia-san would understand something so simple, but I think I was overthinking" - replied Tatenashi while narrowing her eyes - "I won't deny that girl's talent, but..."

"We'd better leave the subject until here, I don't feel very comfortable talking about my subordinate while she's not present" - said Lindow as he watched Tatenashi withdraw.


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