Chapter 342 ( Code [A-34] (1) )

[That little bird, she's more dangerous than I thought...] - [Zeus] muttered with a frown as he noticed how his partner was backing down with every exchange against [Yan Zhi] - [And I thought [Hera] would finish quickly...].

[Too bad] - [Cloud replied with a huge toothy grin] - [It's just you and me, I hope you enjoy this battle because it will be your last...] - [... .

[. . .] - [Zeus] took a long look at his opponent, only to let out a snort full of disdain as he released all his mana at once, creating a huge sphere of holy energy around him - [I may have been wrong about your servant, but that doesn't mean I was wrong about you...]

[Believe me... you're a lot more wrong than you think...] - Cloud replied as he roared fiercely, only to increase his speed.

With the increase in [Flight]'s rarity, his movements were much faster in the air and combined with his already high speed, [Zeus] didn't have much hope of hitting the former blond unless he used AoE techniques.

[ROAR!] - Cloud's powerful roar echoed through the place as he moved like a silver flash in the direction of his prey. He could no longer use his weapons thanks to his new body, but that didn't mean he couldn't use his other Skills, such as - [I never thought I'd try this, but let's see how it feels to use [Martial Arts] with this body...].

[Let's see how much longer you're going to have that condescending look on your face, you bastard!] - roared [Zeus] as the whole area around him lit up - [Judgament!]

Pillars of light began to fall from the sky in enormous quantities as Cloud calmly observed everything.

[No... there's something I can do first...] - Cloud muttered as his eyes glowed slightly, only for his silhouette to be swallowed by one of the pillars of light.

[Imbecile!] - exclaimed [Zeus] as he let out a laugh when he saw how his opponent had failed to dodge his attack - [My powers are much more powerful than you think! Failing to dodge my [Judgament] was your worst mistake!]

But his expression distorted as he saw the silhouette of the silver dragon appear inside the pillar of light.

[It hurts...] - Cloud muttered as he watched the wounds that [Zeus] had caused him with his technique begin to close at great speed.

[Resistance to Holy: 75%... 76%... 76%... 77%...]

[Although I have to admit that it's a good way to train my resistances...] - Cloud nodded as he squinted his eyes. His vitality was quickly returning to its peak as his body grew stronger with each passing second resisting [Zeus]'s attack.

When the attack was over, his body had strengthened again, reaching a resistance of Holy 85%, in the process making [Zeus]'s [Judgament] no more than a mosquito bite.

[Impossible...] - [Zeus] said in terror because that was one of his most powerful techniques - [Impossible!]

[I hope that's not all you have...] - replied Cloud as his eyes glittered with mischief - [Because if so... your fate is sealed...]

[Zeus] took a few 'steps' backwards, only to feel his body freeze under the gaze of the silver dragon. It was the first time he felt it, but he knew what was happening.

[Fear...] - [Zeus] muttered as his 'pupils' constricted - [How could I possibly feel fear!]

[Zeus] couldn't understand it, after all, in all his existence he had never felt the terror of being in front of a predator.

Cloud didn't answer him, he just watched [Zeus] with a huge, macabre smile because he could feel how his body was enjoying this. Watching as his victim writhed in terror at his presence, as fear began to consume his existence, as he lost the desire to fight and accepted his fate of becoming the source that would help the [Predator] continue to evolve.

[How delicious...] - muttered Cloud as his red eyes glowed with mischief - [Ok, I think I've had enough of games, I've 'trained' enough and now it's time to eat...].

[!] - [Zeus] reacted when he heard his opponent's words as he stood on guard, only to widen his eyes in terror when he saw a huge jaw appear in front of his 'face' - [Holy shit!]

[Zeus] quickly used his wings so that he could retreat at full speed because he knew that the moment those teeth touched his body, it would be the end for him.

[Good reflexes... let's see how much longer you can dodge before I end up using you as a snack] - said Cloud as he turned into a silver shadow and disappeared from the place.

[Zeus] was completely silent as he scanned the surroundings. He could feel his core throbbing with terror as he felt a double row of sharp teeth slowly approach his neck.

[How does it feel to be on the side of the weak?] - asked Cloud as his voice echoed in the vicinity of the [Aragami] - [I'm curious to know, after all, if you prepare to devour, you have to have the mindset that you could be devoured at any moment].

[. . .] - [Zeus] was silent as he felt the energy consumption increasing due to how disturbed he was.

Evolution in the [Aragami] was a double-edged sword because the more they evolved, the more human they became, which meant that they could resist their instincts, but at the same time they acquired certain disadvantages such as a greater survival instinct thanks to their growing fear of being eaten.

Every living being seeks self-preservation and the [Aragami] are no exception and this case was much more serious in the [Aragami] who were at the top of the evolutionary chain of their respective species. No matter if they were [Psions], [Ashborn] or other unknown types of [Aragami], they all possessed the instinctive and amplified desire of wanting to continue to exist, that is why they despite being at the top, continued to devour their kind in order to continue to evolve, because the more they evolved, the more likely they were to continue to exist.

[I won't let you devour me!" roared [Zeus], who had left his fear behind thanks to his powerful desire for survival - [Sky Might!]

Hundreds of laser beams shot out from [Zeus]'s body while causing massive destruction in the surroundings.

[This is my most powerful technique! I can use it to attack and defend myself!] - [Zeus] roared in fury as he glared at the silver dragon that had stopped - [Let's see how much you can resist my power!]

[. . .] - Cloud frowned as he could tell how [Zeus]'s disk beams were not only much more powerful than his last attack, but also had the ability to ignore some of his [Resistance: Holy] - [Interesting...].

[Holy Resistance: 89%... 90%... 90%... 91%...]

Cloud was surprised to see his elemental resistance increase rapidly, though he had to admit that the more resistance he gained, the more damage he took.

"Does it ignore percentage resistance, or maybe it deals more damage the more resistance it has?" - Cloud thought as he felt the pain increase considerably.

Cloud gritted his teeth as he saw his stamina reach 100%, that meant he was now immune to all [Holy] damage as long as it wasn't like the attack he was currently receiving.

[Feel the real pain!] - exclaimed [Zeus] fiercely as he saw the blood running down his enemy's body, only to open his eyes in surprise when he saw a claw appear in front of his eyes - [!]

Cloud's massive claw pushed [Zeus] to the ground as the two plummeted at full speed, only for him to scream fiercely and increase the power of his attacks, only to notice how the latter seemed to ignore the pain and damage he was suffering.

[ROAR!] - [Zeus] quickly roared fiercely, only to scream as he felt it hit the ground - [Release me this instant!]

[I didn't hear the magic word] - Cloud replied disdainfully as he glared viciously at the huge Harpy-like [Aragami] - [Now if you'll excuse me... Itadakimasu]

[ARGH!] - the roar of pain from [Zeus] echoed through the place as blood spread with every bite Cloud took from his prey - "Not bad... though I still need more so I can satiate the hunger I feel..."

Cloud continued to tear into the flesh of [Zeus] while ignoring the cries of pain and pity from the [Aragami] who never thought he would be devoured while he was still alive, not when he was the one who always did it.

The sound of flesh and bones being chewed continued to echo through the place as little by little [Zeus]'s cries became less and less frequent, as did his pleas.

* * * * *

"Sir... we have a satellite image..." - said a soldier as he looked at his leader - "Satellite sensors sensed a massive energy surge."

"Responsible?" - Asked the older man as he frowned.

"[Zeus], sir" - replied the soldier.

The older man looked curiously at the image they had received, only to open his eyes in surprise as he saw how a huge silver dragon was devouring one of the most powerful beasts that inhabited the Jap area - "I want you to warn our personnel to prepare for a new code [A-34], I also want you to increase the danger level of [Calamity]"

"H-Hai!" - exclaimed the soldier as he left the site to carry out his leader's orders.


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