Chapter 351 [Calamity] (3)

"It's good to see that you're in perfect condition, Sleipnir, Garm" - said Jacob, who, as Houki had said, wasn't upset that he was kept waiting.

"Same to you, Jacob-sama" - replied Houki while bowing slightly.

"It's good to see you again, Lord Jacob," said Sofia with a smile on her lips, though it quickly disappeared.

Jacob smiled in response, but his smile quickly disappeared - "Ok, enough of the greetings, it's time for us to get serious".

The expression of the two women quickly changed to a serious one when they heard their leader's words.

"Have you found out anything about Johannes?" - Jacob asked seriously because he had a bad feeling about the movements of the leader of [Fenrir: Far East] - "The council decided to accept that man's proposal, and I couldn't do anything to stop it."

While he was the leader of [Fenrir], important decisions were decided through a vote where all the top brass of [Fenrir] participate.

"I'm sorry, Master, but we haven't found anything," Houki replied seriously, "Johannes hasn't left any openings that we can use to find out what he's trying to do."

Sofia didn't say anything because she knew that if she spoke, she might fuck up what her friend was trying to do.

"I see" - Jacob muttered with a frown - "But do you at least have a hypothesis?"

"As a matter of fact, we do," Houki replied as she noticed how Sofia's eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh? What's that about?" - Jacob asked curiously as his eyes glittered slightly.

"What are you doing!" - Sofia could only shout in thought as she felt her pulse begin to increase dramatically.

"Possibly they're trying to mix [Oracle Cells] from different [Aragami] in order to create a monstrosity," Houki answered seriously as Sofia's eyes widened in surprise because she didn't expect her companion to say that.

"Houki, what the fuck are you doing!" - Sofia shouted in her thoughts again as her face paled.

". . ." - Jacob frowned when he heard this because he thought he was being teased, but seeing Houki's serious expression he didn't know how to react. If what she said was true, then Johannes was more dangerous than they first thought - "How sure are you of this information?"

"25%" - Houki answered without changing her expression.

Jacob again kept silent for a few seconds before shaking his head - "It's not enough".

"But it is possible to send a group to [Fenrir: Far East] to investigate" - Houki replied as her eyes glittered slightly - "You can even order that group to tell Johannes that they will have to send messages every two days or you will act accordingly."

"I see, with that we can stop their possible moves against our research squad" - nodded Jacob as he started to think - "It's not a bad plan, though I feel it's still not enough"

"You can create a unique code while we carry out this mission" - replied Houki calmly - "If the hidden code is in the message, then everything will be in perfect order, but if it's not"

"Then we will have more than enough reason to be able to act" - nodded Jacob again. A small smile appeared on his face because Houki had covered all the holes that needed to be plugged.

[Fenrir] was not an organisation in perfect harmony as many thought because the higher-ups were waiting for the slightest opportunity to eliminate the competition.

"Okay, I'm satisfied with your answer, Houki" - nodded Jacob as his smile grew - "I could even use this to be able to safeguard my position in case this mission ends badly".

Sofia didn't know how to react to her leader's words because it was obvious that she felt that there was something wrong in this situation.

"As a last piece of information" - Houki said as she earned the gaze of the current leader of [Fenrir] - "In [Far East] there is a woman named Amamiya Tsubaki, she can serve as a contact between the place and you"

"Amamiya" - Jacob muttered as he started to think - "Amamiya as their leader?"

"Exactly, she is the older sister of our leader, Amamiya Lindow" - replied Houki calmly as her eyes glittered slightly.

"!" - Sofia finally understood what was going on. Houki had revealed this information in order to give new protection to their leader's sister, although this was a double-edged sword because they wouldn't know how Johannes would act.

"Sounds perfect to me" - Jacob nodded calmly as he looked at his two subordinates, only to notice Lady Sleipnir's strange reaction - "Is something wrong, Sophia?"

"N-Nothing, sir!" - Sofia exclaimed with a forced smile - "It's just that I've become good friends with Ms. Tsubaki and I'm a little worried about her."

"I see, then I'll tell my subordinates to treat her with care when they go to [Far East]." - Jacob nodded as the two women let out a sigh of relief in their minds.

"Thank you, sir!" - Sophia exclaimed with a smile, only to return to normal after a few seconds.

"Anyway, let's change the subject" - Jacob said calmly as he looked at the two women - "How's everything going with the other mission we gave you? I heard that Cloud Strife disappeared."

". . ." - a forced smile appeared on Sophia's face as Houki just shrugged.

"Anything I need to know?" - Jacob asked with a frown.

"I'm doing fine, but let's just say something happened with my friend," replied Houki with a teasing smile, "Right, Sofia?"

"I'm sorry sir, but I can't do it!" - Sofia exclaimed with a red face - "I'm interested in someone else!"

". . ." - Jacob was silent for a few seconds before nodding - "Ok, I understand."

"Huh? A're?" - Sofia couldn't believe what she had heard. She thought Jacob would lecture her for not fulfilling her mission and becoming interested in another man, but he reacted in a very different way.

"What, did you think I'd be mad because you like another man?" - Jacob asked with a frown - "I may be your leader, but that doesn't give me the right to decide your life."

". . ." - Sofia couldn't believe what she had heard.

"The mission wasn't an obligation, it was an 'in case'" - Jacob replied while holding the bridge of his nose - "We only sent the people with the most potential, after that the decision was up to each individual person."

"B-But the mission said otherwise" - muttered Sofia with a frown.

"What do you mean?" - Jacob asked as he frowned - "Let's see, show me the document".

Sofia followed her leader's instructions and showed him the document with the mission, only for him to frown even more - "I see, someone modified the mission."

Jacob again shook his head - "We left a clause at the end of the mission report, but it seems that someone erased it".

Sofia still couldn't believe the situation, but quickly shook her head - "Thank you, sir".

"You don't have to thank me" - Jacob replied calmly as he took out a new document - "Ok, now let's get back to our business."

Sophia and Houki became serious again as they took the documents Jacob was handing them, only to widen their eyes in surprise.

"Is this true, sir?" - Sofia asked with a pale face.

"100% true" - answered Jacob seriously - "[Ashland] is expanding."

". . ." - Houki could only remain silent when she heard this as she waited for her leader to continue speaking.

"This information will be revealed after your mission, though I want you to know much sooner" - Jacob said seriously - "The reason for this, is because [Ashland] is expanding in the direction towards [Fenrir: Far East]"

"But how can this be possible!" - Sophia exclaimed in surprise as her breath began to hitch - "This has never happened before!"

"There's always a first time for everything" - Houki replied with a frown - "Has the reason why this is happening been discovered?"

"No, but according to our scientists, it's possible that this is all due to [Calamity]" - Jacob replied as he walked over to his desk and sat down in his comfortable chair.

"Really?" - Houki asked as she raised an eyebrow because she found it to be too much of a coincidence.

"The territory of [Ashland], is proportional to the power of the [Ashborn]." - Jacob replied as he frowned - "The stronger the [Ashborn], the larger their territory in [Ashland]."

"That doesn't make sense, sir" - said Sophia seriously.

"I don't think we can talk about common sense in our situation" - Jacob replied seriously - "In our world, anything can happen, so I wouldn't be surprised to see a fully human [Aragami]"

". . ." - Sophia and Houki only kept silent when they remembered Shio, the little girl who accompanied Cloud.

"Anyway, I want you to stay alert" - Jacob said as he looked at the two women - "[Calamity] may be the answer to our problems and it's of utmost importance that we eliminate him."

Houki was silent for a few seconds before nodding.

"Ok, you are dismissed" - said Jacob as the two women followed his instructions.


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