Chapter 352 [Calamity] (4)

"Good a good idea, with this we can hold Johannes' movements for a few days" - said Sofia with a smile - "After that though".

"I know, that's why we'll mobilise before that happens" - replied Houki seriously - "In fact, I'd like this mission to end as soon as possible, because the longer we're away from [Fenrir: Far East], the more time Johannes will have to be able to carry out his mission"

". . ." - Sophia was silent before nodding - "But there's a problem, the objective of this mission."

"I know" - Houki replied as she shook her head - "let's just hope the casualties won't be that many because I'm telling you, I've seen Cloud fight and it's not pretty for his opponents."

She still remembered the scenes of Cloud fighting against [Silver Gospel] and during that mission, he was much weaker than his current version.

Sophia again fell silent before shaking her head - "If that happens, we just have to help the others, I'm sure Cloud won't do anything to try and stop us"

"That's obvious, the problem isn't Cloud, it's the others" - Houki said with a frown - "I'm sure those [Aragami] won't stand still while we attack them"

"Right" - muttered Sofia while frowning - "Not to mention that they are many [Aragami(A-Rank)]"

"Exactly" - replied Houki while shaking her head - "If I'm honest with you, the only chance our comrades have, is to ally with Cloud, but you know very well that won't happen."

Sofia again shook her head, though she still thought that possibility might happen when the time was right, after all, no one wanted to meet a premature end.

* * * * *

". . ." - Cloud frowned as he looked in the direction of the northeast.

"Is something wrong, Onii-san?" - Shio asked as she looked in the direction where the silver dragon was watching.

"No, it's nothing," replied Cloud as he devoured the last [Hannibal] in the place.

[Hannibal's] core consumed]

[Limit reached, consuming more cores of this species will not yield further results]

[+100 STR, +50 DEX]

"We'd better continue" - Cloud muttered as he looked towards the mountain.

[Aragami rank A or higher Consumed 10/10]

"Ok!" - Shio nodded. She was enjoying the journey because it was all one big adventure.

[Those pesky insects] - muttered [Yan Zhi] as she saw a group of [Aragami] approaching her position - [Shall I end their lives, my lord?]

[No, let them continue to breathe] - replied Cloud with boredom, after all, there was nothing to be gained by continuing to devour [Hannibal].

[Your heart is magnanimous, my lord, as one would expect from a superior being] - nodded [Yan Zhi] proudly.

Cloud gave his subordinate a blank look because he couldn't believe the drastic change she was undergoing. [Yan Zhi] was not only becoming more and more 'human', but also more and more in control of her instincts.

[Too bad though] - [Yan Zhi] sighed as she shook her head. She had to admit that so many cores were appetizing.

[If you want you can go consume them, though I ask that you give some to Shio] - said Cloud as he noticed how his subordinate seemed to be salivating.

[OK!] - nodded [Yan Zhi] as she flew to her prey.

After a few seconds the [Hannibal]'s cries of anguish began to echo in the area.

"Good to see she's enjoying it" - smiled Shio as she saw the ecstatic smile on [Yan Zhi]'s face as she dismembered her prey - "It's a bit disturbing though."

"As you'd expect from a guy [Harpy]" - Cloud muttered as he shook his head. He already knew that [Yan Zhi] possessed instincts similar to those of a bird of prey - "Anyway, as long as she's having fun I don't find there's much of a problem."

"True, if one doesn't have fun, life is boring" - Shio nodded as she swung her legs happily, though her expression changed when she sensed something strange about the place.

"Is something wrong?" - Cloud asked as he noticed the change in Shio.

"I heard something strange over that direction" - Shio replied as her nose twitched slightly.

Cloud raised an eyebrow, only to look in that direction and watch as a black dot on the horizon grew larger and larger.

"I have a bad feeling, Onii-san" - Shio said as she shook her body.

Cloud was about to say something, but noticed how [Yan Zhi] was walking in his direction.

[It was delicious] - [Yan Zhi] replied as she flew towards the dragon's shoulder - [Though it doesn't compare to the snacks you give me, my lord].

Cloud shook his head as he made a decision to ignore his subordinate's words and thus maintain his mental stability - "We'd better continue."

"Hai ~!" - Shio nodded, though the bad feeling was still present.

* * * * *

"30 minutes to our destination, sir" - said one of the squad leaders as he contacted Jacob.

"Perfect, I want you to land and have the [God Eater] with short range [God Arc] start mobilising" - replied Jacob from the communicator - "The others will stay in the helicopters giving air support".

"As you order" - replied the squadron leader as a serious expression appeared on his face - "Give the orders, we start the operation!"

"Hai!" - exclaimed the helicopter pilot as he contacted the other transports.

* * *

"I guess it's time to begin" - muttered Lindow as he looked at Houki - "What do you have in mind to do?"

"Now that I remember, you still don't show us your [God Arc], Houki-san, Tatenashi-san" - said Sakuya while looking at the two women.

"It's because unlike you, we don't possess a [God Arc]" - Tatenashi-san replied as everyone looked at her in surprise.

"What do you mean?" - Lindow asked with a frown because it was impossible to fight the [Aragami] without a [God Arc]. Cloud was an exception to the rule, but this was because he was a monster.

"You'll see when we land," Houki replied as she lowered her helicopter.

"Now I'm curious" - muttered Sakuya as she looked at Sofia, who only shrugged - "You don't know anything about it?"

"Actually no" - replied Sofia while shaking her head - "Houki-san has never shown me her weaponry, she always uses a pair of katanas with two gauntlets."

"Partial summoning?" - Tatenashi asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"There has been no need to use my full armament" - replied Houki calmly - "Not to mention that the recharge time is great."

"I know, I once used my armament and it ended up needing almost a month to recharge" - replied Tatenashi with a frown - "Since that day I've only used partial summoning."

"I did calculations and ended up deducing that it would take me between four to a week to recharge my [IS]" - Houki replied seriously.

"I'm jealous, I wish your sister could modify my weaponry" - muttered Tatenashi while sighing regretfully.

"You'd have to ask her when we get back" - replied Houki in a low voice so that only her friend could hear her, only to notice how everyone was watching her - "Is something wrong?"

"Did she say your weaponry was built by your older sister?" - Sakuya asked with surprise and curiosity.

"Exactly, Houki's older sister is a genius like no other" - replied Tatenashi before Houki could answer - "She not only created a new line of weaponry, but also a new species of self-renewable energy."

"That sounds impressive" - said Soma with a frown - "Then why haven't we heard of anyone with the surname Shinonono?"

"It's because she's not in this world" - replied Houki as she ducked her gaze and remembered her annoying older sister.

". . ." - a deep silence pervaded the place as everyone looked at Soma seriously.

"I'm sorry," Soma muttered as he realised he had stepped on a mine.

"You don't have to apologise" - replied Houki as she shook her head - "I'm sure I'll see her again someday, but for the moment I think it's best that we concentrate on what's right in front of our eyes."

"That's a pretty mature attitude" - nodded Lindow with a smile on his lips.

Sakuya for her part, felt that there was something strange about the whole conversation, only to recall some conversations she had had with Cloud over the years. She quickly went into her thoughts at high speed, only to come to a conclusion that shocked her - "Did she mean it in the literal sense of the word?"

"Is something wrong, Sakuya-san?" - Houki asked as she watched the black-haired woman's eyes widen in surprise.

"No, I was just thinking about random things," replied Sakuya as she shook her head. She had decided to ask the two women directly when the mission was over because something told her that she had gotten to the truth.

"Okay, I think that's enough of sad background stories, so we'd better get started with this mission" - said Lindow as he noticed how the helicopter had landed - "Houki-san, please activate the camouflage mode to prevent the [Aragami] from detecting our method of escape."

"Done" - Houki replied as she opened the door of the helicopter.

"I hope we all make it back alive" - Lindow said as he looked at his teammates before exiting the vehicle.

"That's called [flag]." - Tatenashi said as she shook her head.


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