Chapter 353 [Calamity] (5)

"Commence operation!" - exclaimed one of the squad leaders as the sound of gunfire and beast roars, echoed through the place.

"I don't think that was the best idea, now all the [Aragami] will come in our direction" - muttered Houki with a frown as she looked down at her wrist.

"I know, these idiots will kill more people than the [Aragami] themselves!" - Tatenashi snorted as she also looked down at her wrist - "Anyway, we'll stick with partial summoning for now because the energy consumption is massive in this place."

"I know, you don't have to tell me" - replied Houki as she narrowed her eyes, then looked at Lindow - "What are your orders, leader?"

"Our safety comes first, the target is secondary" - replied Lindow seriously - "If you want, you can help the others, but don't risk your necks"

"Hai!" - exclaimed the members of the [First Unit] as their gazes turned serious.

"The case is special to you, Sofia-dono" - Lindow added as the blonde woman nearly fell over at his words.

"What's that about!" - Sofia exclaimed, her face red with embarrassment.

"That the short time we've known each other has made me realise how much you like to meddle in other people's affairs, especially when they're in danger," Lindow replied seriously.

"Worried about your girlfriend, Captain?" - asked Soma as a small smile appeared on his face.

"Keep quiet, Soma" - replied Lindow with a frown.

"I didn't hear a no ~" - said Sakuya with a huge smile as she noticed Sofia's face getting redder and redder.

"Ok, you've had enough fun at our expense" - said Lindow with irritation - "Start the operation!"

"OK!" - nodded the members of the [First Unit] as they advanced with their leader in front.

"Good luck" - muttered Sophia as she watched Lindow pass her.

"I always have good luck" - replied Lindow with a smile, only to grunt as he noticed how everyone was looking at them with a smile on their faces - "Start the damn mission!"

"It's not every day we get to see the captain embarrassed" - Soma said as the others nodded, only to notice how Lindow was watching them with his cold black eyes.

* * * * *

Cloud frowned as he noticed how the sound of gunfire and roars from [Aragami], could be heard in the distance.

[God Eater?] - Yan Zhi] asked as she looked hostilely in the direction of the sound of gunfire. This was not because the [God Eater] had attacked it before, but rather an instinct that all [Aragami] possessed.

[Exactly] - Cloud replied calmly as he noticed some huge energy sources heading in that direction - [And from what I can see, they're about to be in big trouble].

[They deserve it] - snorted [Yan Zhi] with disdain - [Shall we go too, my lord?]

[Do you want to join the party?] - asked Cloud while raising an eyebrow.

[I want to bring you the best trophy of those [God Eater]!" - [Yan Zhi] exclaimed wildly.

[Ok, let's go] - nodded Cloud as he noticed how Shio was looking in the direction of where it sounded like the two opposing forces were battling - "Is something wrong, Shio?"

"Your friends are here" - Shio replied as she wiggled her nose - "All but the infants".

"I see" - muttered Cloud as he narrowed his eyes - "More reason to go."

[?] - [Yan Zhi] tilted her head in confusion as she didn't understand her older sister's words - [Friends? What's that?]

"This is going to be a long conversation" - Shio muttered as she looked at her younger sister - "By the way, when are you going to give her a name? I'm asking because I don't think it's a good idea for you to keep calling her by her species."

"True, though I'll have to see about that when I regain my human form" - Cloud replied calmly.

Cloud took one last look at [Yan Zhi], only to notice how she was now the size of a normal woman.

"If she keeps this up, she'll be much smaller than Shio," muttered Cloud as he shook his head.

[Let's go] - said Cloud as [Yan Zhi] spread her wings and Shio continued to move her legs happily. That wasn't the attitude someone had when they were about to enter a butcher shop.

* * * * *

"Squad 7 needs help!" - exclaimed one of the leaders in terror as he watched a [Vajra] appear - "Code A! Repeat, Code A!"

"[Hannibal] in Sector 4! Repeat, Code A in Sector 4!" - [Hannibal] exclaimed another soldier.

The corpses of small [Aragami] lay strewn on the ground, accompanying a few [God Eater] who were so mangled that no one could tell what they looked like before entering this battlefield.

"I knew it" - Houki muttered as she continued to slaughter everything in front of her with her two katanas - "Those assholes did it, they made the mission go from [Danger: A Rank], to [Danger: S Rank] with just a few words".

"I know, now I just want to pierce them with my spear so I can give peace to all the [God Eater] who died because of their stupid actions" - Tatenashi replied as her spear extended to pierce the skull of an [Aragami]

"Good job!" - Sakuya exclaimed as she continued to give tactical support to her group.

"We need support!" - exclaimed a soldier as a group of [Chi-You] appeared flying alongside two [Hera] - "Shit, [Deusphages] started appearing!"

"Help! Help!" - shouted a soldier in fear as he watched his friends being torn apart by the sharp claws of the [Aragami] type [Harpy] - "Shit! Birds motherfuckers!"

"We need backup!" - the cries for help echoed around the place as the soldiers did their best to try and stop their beastly foes.

"We all need backup, now be quiet!" - exclaimed one soldier as he continued to annihilate as many [Aragami] as he could - "Attack! Your lives depend on it!"

"Leader, we're picking up a massive amount of bio-signals approaching our location" - exclaimed a soldier in terror - "And one of them is stupidly huge!"

"Brace for impact!" - roared the leader of the group as he heard the sound of the roars getting closer and closer - "Recon squad, I want you to tell me what you see!"

The soldiers in the helicopters were battling the [Aragami] type [Harpy] and couldn't answer the questions of the soldiers on the ground.

"Shit!" - roared the leader as he gritted his teeth - "I need you to tell me what's coming so I can prepare a plan fast!"

But before anyone could say anything else, the sound of hundreds of footsteps echoed nearby.

"[Ouroboros]!" - A soldier shouted in terror as he saw 10 huge shadows approaching at high speed. These had the appearance of a huge spider very similar to [Amaterasu], with the difference that this one possessed a greyish colour.

"Sir! 2 [Borg Camlann] on our right!" exclaimed another soldier in fear as he noticed two huge [Aragami] in the shape of silver scorpions, approaching from the other flank.

"We are dead," muttered one soldier as he gritted his teeth in terror.

"Sir! The huge biosignal is getting closer and closer!" - exclaimed the soldier as he heard how his biometric meter was oscillating so erratically.

"ROAR!" - only for the roar of a huge beast to echo through the place.

Slowly the sun faded and all the [God Eater] looked up to the sky, only to notice how a huge silhouette was blocking the sun with its body. Its silver wings spread imposingly, its red eyes were staring at the battlefield with savagery and an aura filled with destruction surrounded its body.

"[Calamity]" - Muttered the survivors when they saw the towering beast.

"N-Danger level!" - The leader of the group exclaimed as he noticed how the huge silver dragon was looking in their direction.

"Range S+!" - exclaimed the soldier in terror - "It is possible that it is now SS rank!"

A deep silence pervaded the place as some soldiers fell to their knees.

[Danger: Rank S] was a level they couldn't fight with numbers alone, they had to send their best [God Eater], and that's not to mention SS rank. Never before had they heard of this level of danger that could be on the level of a continent-eater.

"This is bad," muttered the leader as he saw how his group's morale was at rock bottom. They could barely fight off the waves of [Aragami] that seemed to have no end, and now a beast appeared that was possibly the most catastrophic creation to ever walk the earth.

"Sir, I have detected two more bio-signals near [Calamity]!" - exclaimed the soldier in surprise upon noticing this detail - "One possesses a danger level [Rank A+], and the other [Rank F]!"

"Rank F?" - asked the soldier with a frown because that shouldn't be possible. Everyone knew that the danger level [Rank F], was the power level of a novice [God Eater] - "Give me the binoculars!"


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