Chapter 354 [Calamity] (6)

"They're annoying" - Cloud muttered irritably as he consumed the core and flesh of a huge grey beast with yellow patterns.

[Orochi's] core consumed]

[+100 DEX, +1000 Mana]

[+25 Pyro (Fire) Resistance, +25 Holy (Sacred-Light) Resistance]

[+5% Bloodline]

"Roar!" - Cloud roared in irritation as he watched a small group of [Orochi] approach his location, as if they knew what he wanted to do - "Pesky little rats!"

Cloud quickly released a powerful fire breath that caused massive damage to his victims despite them having fire resistance. He quickly jumped on his reptilian foes and consumed them without a second thought while ignoring the constant pop-up screens that appeared in his eye.

[Let's go] - Cloud said as Shio nodded. He quickly spread his wings and took flight in the direction where the [God Eater] were fighting.

* * *

[They look like wriggling worms] - [Yan Zhi] snorted disdainfully as she saw how everyone was watching them in terror - [As you would expect from my lord, just feeling their presence brings those parasites to their knees].

Cloud gave his subordinate a blank look, only to focus on the battle and notice how everyone was watching them.

The [Aragami] were looking apprehensive at his arrival because their instincts told them they were facing a superior being while the [God Eater] seemed to be praying.

Cloud slowly looked in the direction where he felt his friends were, only to notice how they were silently watching him. He again focused on the others, only to notice how everything around him seemed to have frozen.

"Oh? I knew I felt them!" - Shio exclaimed with a huge grin, only to frown when she noticed how someone was watching her - "????"

"Is something wrong?" - Cloud asked when he noticed how Shio was acting strange, only to frown when he noticed how he was being watched - ". . ."

Cloud looked in the direction where he felt the stare, only to fully focus on the man who was watching his movements through binoculars.

* * *

The leader of the group quickly stepped back when he felt the cold red eyes of the beast in the skies.

"S-Sir" - muttered one of the soldiers as he shivered in the presence of [Calamity].

"[Yan Zhi] and a strange white girl" - muttered the leader as he shook his head.

"[Yan Zhi]?" - exclaimed the soldier in surprise because he could not believe what he had heard. It was impossible to think of the idea of an [Aragami] like [Calamity] being in the company of two beings like [Yan Zhi] and a girl.

"She looks a little different though" - replied the leader with a frown - "That [Yan Zhi] looks like a miniature version and with strange colours."

The soldier did not understand his leader's words, but his expression changed when he noticed how a strange presence appeared a few meters above them - "!"

The leader looked in the same direction, only to notice how an [Aragami] type [Harpy] was silently watching them.

"S-Sir" - said the soldier in terror because he could feel the hostility of the [Aragami], but what surprised him most, was the fact that they had not sensed when the [Yan Zhi] had appeared so close to them.

[Yan Zhi] quickly disappeared from the spot and reappeared in front of the two soldiers and grabbed them by the neck.

"Let them go, you beast!" - [Yan Zhi] exclaimed a soldier as he saw how two of his comrades had been captured.

[Insects] - muttered [Yan Zhi] with irritation as she dodged the soldiers' shots, only to throw the low-ranking soldier and keep the captain.

"L-Let go of me!" - [Yan Zhi] exclaimed the leader of the soldiers, only to notice how everything was shaking and he was now facing the huge silver dragon - "!"

[You should feel proud that you will soon be part of a superior being] - [Yan Zhi] said neutrally as she growled.

"M-monsters!" - [Calamity] exclaimed the leader of the soldiers in terror at the sight of [Calamity] so closely.

"Hmph! How rude!" said Shio as she leaned out and scowled at the human.

"You!" - exclaimed the soldier in surprise as he squinted his eyes because he didn't feel that the girl was human - "What are you!"

"Me?" - Shio asked in surprise - "I am Shio!"

"That's not what I mean" - said the human with a frown, only to notice how [Yan Zhi] pulled him closer and closer to the huge silver dragon - "What are you planning to do with me!"

"It's not going to be a pretty thing," Cloud replied neutrally - [You can do it].

[Isn't it better to listen to it squirm as you chew on it, my lord?"] - [Yan Zhi] asked in confusion.

[Just do it]," replied Cloud as he glared at his subordinate.

[As you command, my lord!]" exclaimed [Yan Zhi] as she glared hatefully at the human in her clutches and thought it was all her fault. Cloud had never bothered with her, so it was obvious that it was all related to the worm he had caught.

"Can you speak!" - The soldier exclaimed as he realised that the beast in front of him, was very different from the others, but his expression changed to one of pain as he felt something penetrate his chest "Ugh!"

[You should torture yourself for making my my lord angry at me, but since he doesn't seem to enjoy the suffering of lesser beings, I guess I'll give you a quick death] - [Yan Zhi] growled, not noticing that Cloud was giving him a blank stare.

Cloud slowly opened his mouth and devoured the soldier's body, only to signal [Yan Zhi] to continue the hunt, though again he made it clear that he would only capture those who were giving orders to the other soldiers.

[Yan Zhi] quickly descended to capture more soldiers, but not before Cloud told her not to attack the [First Unit].

* * * * *

"That thing is capturing our leaders!" - He exclaimed in terror as he saw how the [Aragami] type [Harpy] was trapping all the squad captains.

"You can worry about them later, now we need to concentrate on defending ourselves!" - exclaimed another soldier was trying to help his comrade who was being attacked by a pair of [Aragami(B Rank)] - "And if I'm honest with you, I'd rather that thing up there attack a few of them, than come down and cause a massacre!"

"Ugh" - the other soldiers had to admit that outside of the occasional shouting from their leaders, [Calamity] hadn't been doing anything out of line.

"Not to mention that thing is not only fast, but also tough" - another soldier muttered in terror that he had managed to land a blow against the [Aragami] type [Harpy], but to his horror, he had failed to cause any damage whatsoever.

"At least he's keeping his end of the bargain" - thought Sofia as she shook her head. The deaths of a few did not compare to the deaths caused by an uncontrolled massacre - "Although now that I know the truth, I feel like I'm aiding in a murder".

"Less talk and more slaughter" - Sakuya said with a frown as she wiped her sweat. She had to admit she had used too much energy.

"Sakuya, retreat to the helicopter and get some rest" - Lindow ordered as he noticed how [Yan Zhi] appeared above them with a confused expression.

Her leader had told her not to attack these humans and in some strange way, she could smell her master's scent on two of these two worms, which made her upset because it shouldn't be possible. [Yan Zhi] quickly shook her head and flew in the direction of her next victim, but not before giving the members of the [First Unit] one last look.

"Did anyone else feel death looking into their eyes?" - asked Sakuya as she felt her entire body covered in a cold sweat.

"No, I felt it too" - replied Lindow with a pale face. He didn't understand how Cloud could control such a dangerous beast like that [Yan Zhi], but now he was relieved that it wasn't his enemy.

Houki and Tatenashi looked at each other when they sensed [Yan Zhi]'s presence. They immediately noticed the connection [Aragami] had with Cloud, though it was very different from the one they had with the blond.

"It's similar to the connection Kyoko-san has with her [Pokémon] and her little black cat," Houki said quietly so no one would hear her.

"Right" - nodded Tatenashi while squinting - "That meant that Cloud has a contract with that [Aragami], though we don't know what kind of contract it is."

"Possibly one of servitude" - said Houki as she started to think, only to shake her head - "We'd better leave that for another time, now we need to concentrate on killing as many [Aragami] as we can and giving support to the other teams"

"I know" - nodded Tatenashi as she walked over to her leader - "Lindow-san, we'd better take control of the other teams so we can increase our chances of survival."

"I was thinking the same thing" - nodded Lindow as he frowned as he saw how the corpses of the [God Eater] and the [Aragami], were scattered on the ground.


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