Chapter 360 ( Accepting Destiny )

Cloud took one last look at the two survivors, only to vanish from the scene without a trace.

"We're dead, dead I tell you" - said the [God Eater] as a faint smile appeared on his face.

"And now is that what you say?" - The soldier asked disdainfully. He no longer cared whether he survived or not, after all, he had accepted his fate.

The two survivors looked at each other as they listened to the cries of pain from their former comrades.

* * *

Minutes passed, and the screams of pain from the other survivors were no longer heard.

The last two survivors watched as [Yan Zhi] appeared in front of them.

"I guess it's our turn" - said the soldier as he saw [Sapphire]'s body was covered in blood.

[Sapphire] didn't respond, she just walked over to the last two survivors, only to grab [God Eater]'s head with her sharp claws and crushed his head with all her might.

The floor of the helicopter was destroyed as the [God Eater]'s brain was scattered all over the place.

The soldier watched this in terror before noticing how the [Aragami] gave him a glance before disappearing from the scene.

"He let me go?" - The soldier asked himself in surprise as he looked around cautiously because he was sure this had not happened before.

The soldier was silent for a few seconds as he stuck his head out of the helicopter, only to feel himself lose all sensation in his body. After that, his head separated from his body, but at least he didn't feel any pain.

Cloud watched this silently from where he stood, only to fly out of the place.

[Sapphire] appeared at her master's side with a neutral expression, but you could tell she was saddened by her sister's death. Like [Aragami], she never thought that in her existence she would experience these kinds of incomprehensible emotions.

[Let's go] - Cloud said neutrally as the two of them flew out of the place next to Shio's limp body.

* * * * *

"I demand an explanation!" - Jacob roared as he received the report about the mission.

". . ." - the members of the logistics squad, could only look at each other because they didn't know what had happened either.

"Sir, we've got a signal from one of the teams," said one of the logistics soldiers.

"I want them contacted immediately!" - Jacob exclaimed angrily as he waited for someone to comply with his orders.

After a few seconds, Jacob heard a response from the survivors, only to squint his eyes when he heard a familiar voice.

"Lindow of the [First Unit], giving your report."

"Lindow Amamiya, I'm not surprised to hear from you" - Jacob said with a neutral frown - "Anyway, I want to know what the fuck happened."

Lindow recounted everything that had happened, leaving no details aside, only for Jacob to roar in fury, not at the members of the [First Unit], but at the fact that the situation would have ended well if the others had escaped.

Having destroyed hundreds of [Aragami] with few casualties was something that would cement his position as leader, but hearing how they had all died made it clear that his position as leader was no longer more than an illusion.

"Those sons of bitches" - Jacob growled, only to sigh in regret. What was done was done, and there was nothing that could change what had happened - "Ok, I want them back at the base to receive their punishment."

Lindow said nothing at this, though it was obvious he had accepted his punishment.

"I want you to tell me everything about that girl" - Jacob said seriously.

"Honestly, we don't have much information about it, although I'm almost certain that [Calamity] has taken care of that girl as if she were one of his descendants. [Yan Zhi] would also seem to have a strong protective instinct for the child, and that would explain why they acted so furiously when she died."

Jacob thought for a few seconds before speaking again - "Do you think it's possible that the girl found a way to control those two [Aragami]?"

"The probability is almost nil, possibly she had something on her person that made the two [Aragami] recognise her as one of their own."

"I see" - Jacob muttered as he nodded. This explanation was reasonable from his point of view, though it still didn't explain the most important matter, what that 'object or motive' was - "Thank you very much for your report, hurry back."

"As you command, sir."

Jacob slumped back in his chair with a frown, only to massage his forehead so that he could push away the headache that was tormenting him.

"What shall we do now, sir?" - Asked one of the logistics squad members.

"There is nothing we can do" - replied Jacob because he was sure that it was a matter of seconds before one of the many coyotes would come to his office so that he could repudiate their actions.

The soldiers of the logistics team only sighed with regret when they heard this because it was obvious that they knew what was coming. They were sure that this would be the last time they would see Jacob as their direct superior.

"Thank you very much for following this old man" - Jacob said as he closed his eyes - "It was a pleasure to work with you."

"No, the pleasure was ours, Lord Jacob" - said the logistics team leader as he looked at the older man.

"I want you to do one last thing for me" - Jacob said as he looked at his subordinate - "I want you to organise everything so that the few [God Eater] that were left under my control, go to [Fenrir: Far East] to 'make contact' with Johannes."

"What kind of 'contact', sir?" - The soldier asked with a frown.

"The 'we've got you in our sights' kind" - Jacob replied seriously - "By the way, I want the group to make contact with the woman named Amamiya Tsubaki."

"Ok, I will prepare everything to comply with your last instructions, sir" - nodded the soldier as he started with the preparations.

Jacob nodded as he thanked his subordinate for his loyalty, before walking to the meeting room and having his final confrontation with the other members of [Fenrir]'s council.

* * * * *

"I guess Jacob accepted his fate, just as we did," Lindow said as he shook his head after ending the call.

"What shall we do now?" - Sofia asked with concern.

"I don't know" - replied Lindow as he shrugged - "The only option we have is to try to save Tsubaki".

"Right, she is still in Johannes' hands" - Sofia was embarrassed when she said this because with everything that had happened, she had forgotten the man's sister she was interested in.

Lindow didn't get upset with the girl because he understood how she felt.

"I guess we already know what we're going to do after we get our punishment," Sakuya said as she snorted in disdain. She still didn't understand why they had to accept their punishment when they did their best to complete the mission, but it was the ones who died that screwed up the plan.

"I know what you're thinking, but they can't take the punishment if they're dead," Tatenashi replied calmly as he shook his head, "Being the only survivors, we're the only ones who can be punished."

"Not to mention that we are the only ones who can serve as a 'warning' to the other [God Eater] of [Fenrir]" - Houki added as he snorted with disdain because he knew that the information would become general knowledge.

"My same thoughts" - nodded Lindow as he shook his head - "That's why we have to take advantage of all the time we have before we return to Japan."

"Is that why they didn't use their weaponry?" - Soma asked as he looked at Houki and Tatenashi with an almost neutral expression - "To prevent Johannes from getting information about you."

"That was part of the reason, but it's not just for that" - replied Tatenashi while shaking his head - "Think about it, if we displayed weaponry capable of causing massive damage to [Aragami (Rank A)] or higher, what do you think would happen?"

"They would probably take them away to try to study them and if not possible, they would capture them to try to reveal the secrets of their weaponry" - replied Lindow as she shrugged - "Something along the lines of what they would do to Cloud if they could use his DNA."

". . ." - Sofia was silent when she heard this as she felt it made sense.

"In hindsight, it was a good thing they didn't use his weaponry" - Sakuya smiled as she looked at the two women.

"Always one step ahead" - Tatenashi said as she puffed out her chest proudly while the others rolled their eyes at her.

* * * * *

[Where will we go now, my lord?] - asked [Sapphire] as she looked at her master.

[We'll go to [Ashland], [Sapphire]]." - Cloud replied calmly as the two continued flying.

[OK] - nodded [Sapphire] as she gave Shio a glance before continuing to fly alongside her master.


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