Chapter 361 ( Hypothesis - I )

A day had passed since Shio had been killed by the members of [Fenrir: Central] and currently Cloud and Sapphire were outside [Ashland].

[Are you sure about this, my lord?] - Sapphire asked as she looked at her leader.

"Yes, I have to do this on my own," replied Cloud calmly. He had achieved the same thing as Shio after taking this semi-humanoid form, being able to communicate with [Aragami] and humans with the same language, although he honestly wasn't very happy with the situation because it was a constant reminder of the huge failure he had made. He could have ended it all very easily, but his instinct to play with his food caused him to lose a person important to him.

[Ok, good luck, my lord] - Sapphire replied as she took flight. She watched as her master was calmly flying towards one of the most dangerous areas in the world as she shook her head, after all, she had received a mission from Cloud.

[Yan Zhi] slowly lowered her gaze and looked carefully at her elder sister's body, only to shake her head - [I still can't get used to these sensations called emotions].

Sapphire again shook her head before flying off in an unknown direction, first she had to bury Shio's body in a safe place, or at least that was what her master said, though if she was honest, she found this a waste.

[My lord should have consumed my elder sister's body, at least then she would be with him for the rest of his life] - muttered Sapphire as she looked at her sister's body. Even though she was 'saddened' by her sister's death, she still maintained her [Aragami] mentality.

* * * * *

"That was an interesting development" - Johannes muttered as he squinted his eyes after watching the video of Cloud's massacre for the hundredth time, only to tap his desk with his finger.

The situation in [Fenrir: Far East] had returned to normal, everything was completely calm, but he knew things wouldn't stay that way for much longer. Johannes had received notification that a group of [God Eater] from [Fenrir: Central], would be coming to his 'domain' to support them, but he knew very well that they were going for another matter.

"This complicates things a bit, but not as much as it seems" - Johannes muttered as he frowned, only to start watching the video again - "The problem is that those assholes want to use Amamiya Tsubaki as a contact".

Johannes was sure that this had been the fault of the [First Unit], and what made the situation worse was that there was no excuse he could use to be able to refuse this request. Tsubaki was not an [Aragami] on duty, that meant he could not say she was on an emergency mission. She was also not a scientist enough to say that she was engaged in an experiment.

"Right now I curse that Tsubaki has decided to stop working as a [God Eater]" - Johannes muttered as he frowned, only to shake his head.

"Sir, I can always use my abilities to make her follow our orders" - said Daigo with a huge smile because this was a perfect opportunity to get what he wanted.

Johannes gave him a cold look, but he didn't respond in denial like the last few times, and this meant that he was thinking about it.

"Sir, I have full confidence that I will deliver what I promise you" - Daigo said as he decided to give his leader a little push - "Give me one day and she will do everything you want".

Johannes was silent for a few seconds as he thought about his subordinate's words. HE slowly closed his eyes as he pondered the pros and cons of Daigo's idea.

The scientist frowned when he saw this, but he didn't interrupt his leader's thoughts, after all, he knew his life was in the hands of the man in front of him.

Johannes snapped his eyes open and gave his subordinate a look, but before he could say anything else, the sound of an alarm echoed through the place.

"Sir, emergency!" - A member of his logistics squad exclaimed - "[Red Rain] a few kilometres from [Fenrir: Far East]!"

"!" - Daigo's eyes widened in terror when he heard this.

"Why didn't anyone tell me about this!" - Johannes roared in fury. Normally before the [Red Rain] happened, certain signs would appear in the area that were easily detectable.

"Sir, this time there were no signs at all," replied the soldier in terror.

". . ." - Johannes' expression changed to a completely neutral one as he pounded his desk with all his might - "I want you to activate protocols [Red-4] and [Red-9]."

"As you command, sir!" - The logistics member exclaimed as he sent the communiqué to all the inhabitants of [Fenrir: Far East].

Johannes frowned at the situation at hand. It was as if the world was constantly raising its middle finger at him, as if it was defending itself against his actions.

"Sir, our plan," Daigo said weakly as he looked at his leader.

"Do you seriously think this is the best time for you to be thinking with your inferior head?!" - Johannes exclaimed angrily - "I want you to speed up the project! Finish the larva programming before those [God Eater] from [Fenrir: Central] get to this damn place!"

". . ." - Daigo gritted his teeth before silently retreating because he knew it wasn't the best time to ask his leader for something.

Johannes was furious with the situation.

The [Red Rain] was a phenomenon that rarely appeared in the world and when it did, everything was in chaos.

"Damn!" - Johannes roared as he continued to pound on his desk, to the point where his fist began to bleed. He could only curse as he fell into the obligation of using much of his subordinates in order to stop the possible crisis produced by the [Red Rain], after all, he was aware that [Fenrir: Central] had received the report about this strange occurrence.

Johannes was not dividing his forces because of his sense of morality, but because he was obliged to. If he failed to do his duty, [Fenrir: Central] would have the perfect excuse to arrest him and torture him for answers.

"Maybe this is a good time to orchestrate my 'death'" - Johannes muttered as he narrowed his eyes. He had thought about this plan for a long time, to fake his death so he could slip under [Fenrir: Central]'s radars while continuing to control [Far East] from the shadows.

Johannes was silent for a few seconds before shaking his head - "No, if I do it right now, even a retard would understand that it's all too good to be true."

The leader of [Fenrir: Far East] was at a crossroads that could decide his fate, that's why he had to think about all the possibilities, as well as their pros and cons.

"For now I will stay as the director of [Fenrir: Far East] and fulfil my duties" - Johannes said as he looked at the video of the [Calamity] massacre again, only this time he concentrated on the girl's body.

"Satellite image acquired" - said a member of the logistics team as he sent the result of his work to his leader.

"Oh?" - Johannes was surprised when he heard this, only to notice how an image appeared on his monitor. He had ordered them to keep an eye on [Calamity] and [Yan Zhi] to find out what they would do after 'escaping' from [End Hill] - "Interesting, [Calamity] entered [Ashland] while [Yan Zhi] headed for destination unknown."

Johannes thought for a few seconds as he looked at the two images. He still couldn't help but be amazed at how fast Cloud was evolving, after all, he now possessed a humanoid appearance despite his reptilian features - "Wait a second, if Cloud can do that, that means the others [Aragami] can possess those same qualities."

Johannes thought carefully as he turned his attention back to [Yan Zhi] - "That [Aragami] was much larger, but now it's of a size that could be compared to an [Aragami (D-Rank)] or smaller."

The leader of [Fenrir: Far East] was amazed by this discovery because it turned all his old researches upside down. Johannes had lived his whole life by his desire to understand every detail of the [Oracle Cells] and now he had discovered a new ability.

"Assimilation, multiplication and growth," muttered Johannes as he recalled the results of his experiments when his wife was still alive, "these are the three primary qualities of the [Oracle Cells]".

Johannes narrowed his eyes as countless possibilities and hypotheses popped into his mind, one after the other.

"Is it possible that the girl is also an [Aragami]? - Johannes wondered as his eyes sparkled with surprise - "If so, does that mean that the peak of an [Aragami]'s Evolution, is to become human?"


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