Chapter 368 ( Limit )

[Little winged worm!] - roared [Ra] as he watched Cloud consume his holy flames.

"Not bad," muttered Cloud disdainfully, only to feel a small pain in his stomach.

[Ra's] flames were very different from [Amaterasu's] or the other flames he had consumed before, after all, these had enormous penetrating power.

[Ra] narrowed his eyes before propelling himself at his opponent.

Cloud extended his massive arms and stopped his prey's advance.

[Ra] increased the power of his flames as he came into contact with his opponent, only to see his flames again being absorbed by the huge silver dragon - [Impossible] - [Impossible] - [Impossible] - [Impossible].

"I'm sorry, but I am the natural predator of all species that use fire as a weapon" - Cloud replied as his eyes glowed with malice - "And to your misfortune, you are one of them!"

[!] - [Ra] roared in pain as he felt his power reduced by at least 25% - [You consumed one of my suns!]

[Consumed special fire: [Purification Flame] of [Aragami: Ra]]]

[Fire Power, increasing by 10%]

[Skill: [Flame of Purification (R)], has been acquired]

* * * * * * * * * *

[Flame of Purification (R)]

Flames that can burn even fire itself.

Effect [Flame of Purification]: 25% of fire damage is considered pure damage. [Completely ignores fire resistance].

Effect [? (Needs SR Rarity)]: ???

Effect [? (Needs EX Rarity)]: ???

[Additional Info: Consuming flames with similar effects can increase the rarity level of this Skill].

* * * * * * * * * *

"Looks like the world is calling for your death" - smiled Cloud as he opened his huge jaw to devour another one of [Ra]'s suns, waiting for his Skill's level to increase, only to notice that nothing happened - "Well, I wasn't expecting much either".

[Ra] was currently terrified, he never thought that with his enormous level of evolution, he would one day encounter a predator. His survival instinct was activated to full power as he thought at high speed about how to escape as far as possible.

"Terrified?" - Cloud asked as his red eyes flashed fiercely - "Too late!"

Ra]'s roar of pain, echoed through the place as he felt one of his arms being ripped from his body.

"Hmm, not bad" - said Cloud as he devoured his prey's arm in one bite - "Tastes like fried chicken."

[Bastard!"] - [Ra] roared as the power of his flames began to increase considerably.

Cloud was surprised because he could feel his body slowly begin to be burned - "That was interesting."

His surprise didn't end there though, because it seemed like [Ra] wasn't done yet.

[ROAR!] - [Ra's] roar of fury grew louder and louder as all the surroundings seemed to be consumed by powerful golden flames - [Gyooooooo!]

[Warning, [Ra] has activated his [Inferno] Skill!]

[Warning, Pyro's total resistance has been reduced by 75% (Current Resistance: 50%)!

". . ." - Cloud frowned as he read this, only to notice how his prey was now in a frenzy.

[I'm going to devour you!] - [Ra] roared fiercely as his energy boiled furiously.

Cloud only snorted in disdain for this meant only one thing, that the battle was over, after all, [Ra]'s pattern was now predictable thanks to the deep anger the beast felt.

"This isn't fun anymore" - Cloud said as he released all his mana and surrounded his body in flames. What he wanted to do was simple, he would consume the flames directly with his mana, and with this he would further boost his elemental affinity.

[Devour, Consume, Evolve!]

[Ra] reacted as he felt his energy being consumed at great speed, only to notice how his enemy's appearance was becoming more and more terrifying to his eyes, but it was too late.

The gap between the two was growing wider and wider, and his energy was dropping lower and lower.

[Ra] knew that his fate was decided, so he just gave up, after all, for them, the [Aragami], it was a life of eat or be eaten. If he was the weak one, then there was no choice but to accept being the prey.

Cloud understood this, but he did not stop consuming everything that forms the beast called [Ra], he continued to devour its energy, only to strike an accurate blow to tear out its core.

[Ra], one of the [Ashborn], had fallen without anyone knowing it, and the only proof that remained of this event was the blood as Cloud was slowly devouring the body of the beast.

[Ra's] Core, has been consumed, Pyro Resistance, has reached the maximum possible limit].

[Resistance to Pyro (Fire): +200%]

[+200 STR, +5000 Mana]

[Consumed: [Ashborn] 1/2]

Cloud ignored the signals he was receiving as he continued to devour the flesh of his prey, after all, that's what he had come to this place for, too bad.

* * * * *

"There, that's all I could do" - said Kota as he wiped the sweat from his forehead seeing how the computer was now as good as new - "Let's see what they contain, though I tell you to be prepared for anything, because I'm sure there won't just be information inside this computer."

"Anything other than information?" - Alisa asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Let's just say it's something much more personal" - said Kota with a blush on his cheeks.

"Oh, I see" - nodded Alisa as she looked at the boy - "I guess those scientists were a bit tense during their research."

"That's a good way to look at it" - nodded Tatenashi as she shrugged.

Kota and Lenka just kept silent because they were confused, normally girls would blush and make a show when something like this happened, sometimes they would even beat them up for such an unrefined topic, but it seemed like those two didn't seem to be interested or concerned about it.

"Anyway, we'd better get started," said Houki, who had decided to ignore the topic and concentrate on the problem at hand.

Kota nodded when he heard this and turned on the computer. When he saw that it was working normally, he started to check the files for corrupted information, only to let out a sigh of relief when he saw that everything was normal - "That's good, we're past the first problem".

Kota again set to work, only to feel the perspiration start to build up on his forehead as the barriers became more and more apparent as he searched through all the information inside the computer.

"How much do you think you need?" - Houki asked calmly as she saw the young man's expression.

"I'd say a few more hours," replied Kota as he looked at the brown-haired woman, "I might even take a full day."

Houki gave him a glance before nodding and motioning for the others to follow her. It was best that they let the young man work alone, because then at least he would be quiet and undistracted.

Alisa nodded when she noticed this, but Lenka seemed to be worried about her friend, so she decided to stay and work as the young man's assistant, so at least he would do something during all this time.

"As you wish," said Tatenashi, who honestly wasn't too worried about the black-haired young man making a mess. She quickly looked at her student and motioned for him to follow her because she had something important to tell him.

Alisa looked at her instructor before nodding earnestly. Something told her that she would finally find the answers that had been tormenting her all this time.

Houki watched this in silence as she thought it wasn't a good idea for the young blonde to know about this, after all, she was still inexperienced, not to mention that her relationship with Cloud was merely superficial, though at the same time, she trusted her friend.

"Houki-san, I need you to come with me to talk to Tsubaki," Sakuya said as she appeared on the scene. She had been looking for her teammate for hours.

"What's wrong, Sakuya-san?" - Houki asked in surprise.

"I think it's time for you to reveal some more information to us" - said Sakuya seriously as she looked at the brown-haired woman.

Houki was surprised again, but quickly returned to normal as she started to think about how to refuse this request, after all,Yuriko-san and Cloud informed them about the consequences of revealing information they shouldn't tell.

"Ok, though I won't promise to say anything too important because there are certain" - Houki said as she started to think - "Inconveniences".

"Inconveniences?" - Sakuya asked with a frown because she found her teammate's words too strange.

"Exactly, inconveniences" - replied Houki without explaining anything else, or rather, she couldn't explain it any other way.

"Ok, let's go" - Sakuya nodded as she indicated to the Shinonono family woman to accompany her.


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