Chapter 369 [Dromi]

[+10 STR]

". . ." - Cloud roared fiercely as he managed to finish consuming [Ra]'s corpse as he felt how his body had grown stronger than he thought - "I guess now all that's left is to look for a second [Ashborn]."

Cloud again spread his wings and flew towards the horizon as he felt all the energies surrounding him.

* * * * *

"This is much more interesting than I thought" - Johannes said with a smile full of madness, after all, in front of him was the body of Shio, the little white-haired girl who had been accompanying Cloud and [Sapphire].

With each passing second, he discovered a new secret about his little test subject.

"What is most exciting, is that this girl is not human" - Johannes muttered as his eyes seemed to be bloodshot - "She is an [Aragami] in human form, that explains why [Yan Zhi] was so at ease in her presence."

Johannes set about dissecting the poor girl's corpse as he squinted - "I want you to perform experiment number 24."

"As you command, sir" - said a scientist as he followed his instructions.

Johannes again shook his head as he refocused on the body in front of him, only to be surprised to hear how one of the experiments he had asked for earlier, had been concluded - "Well? What result do we have?"

"Sir, your hypothesis is correct" - said a scientist excitedly - "The compatibility between our larva and that girl, is almost 100%, with her DNA, we can finally start with the growth process!"

"Perfect" - smiled Johannes while looking at Shio's corpse as if it was a treasure - "Thank you very much, you [Fenrir] assholes!"

Johannes couldn't contain his laughter as he remembered how easy things had been thanks to the help of his former colleagues.

"Sir, there's been a huge temperature rise in [Ashland]" - said a scientist from the communicator next to the former leader of [Fenrir: Far East] - "According to the latest satellite images, it looks like [Calamity] confronted [Ra]"

"The result?" - Johannes asked curiously, though inside, a deep sense of crisis surfaced. He understood all too well how lethal the [Ashborn], or better known as [Calamity Aragami], were, a race known for their massive defences and adaptive capabilities.

"[Calamity] was the winner" - the scientist replied with concern - "I can even deduce that [Fenrir: Central] has to be concerned about [Calamity's] increasing rise in power."

"True, though I would be the same way too if I had provoked it" - Johannes replied, though inwardly, he only sighed with regret because he knew about the origin of that monster called [Calamity] - "Anyway, for now let's concentrate on the project at hand, after all, we are 'dead', so we don't have to worry about that sort of thing"

"As you command, Johannes-sama" - replied the scientist.

"On the bright side, Cloud Strife won't be coming to us now that we're out of the game" - muttered Johannes when he saw how the call had ended - "Though we'd better hurry up and finish the project, although seeing how fast the experiments are now progressing, I can deduce that the larva's maturation stage, will be over within a day or two."

Johannes again began to read the reports he had received, only to concentrate on the last one that had reached him.

* * * * *

As Johannes had said, [Fenrir: Central] was on alert with the report of [Calamity's] increased power.

"Where is Cloud Strife when we need him!" - One of the higher-ups exclaimed in fury. His words caused everyone to react.

"Right, Cloud Strife" - said another of the higher-ups as he instructed his subordinates to communicate with 'The Hope of Humanity'.

"Sir, we can't contact Cloud Strife" - said the soldier with fear as he saw the cold expression of his superiors - "Sir".

"If you do not contact him within the next hour, I promise you that your jobs will be the least of your worries!" - roared the high command of [Fenrir] as he watched the soldiers seem to run around like headless chickens.

"That wasn't necessary" - said another of the leaders as he frowned.

"Yes it was" - replied the current leader of [Fenrir] with disdain - "With this, they will work much faster."

"But that doesn't change the situation at all" - said a high commander as he frowned - "It's possible that Cloud Strife is dead"

"Impossible" - said a scientist as he walked into the office where the higher-ups were gathered - "It is more likely that he has transformed into an [Aragami], than that he is dead."

"Impossible" - said a scientist as he entered the office where the higher-ups were gathered - "It is more likely that he has transformed into an [Aragami], than that he has died."

"That doesn't comfort us in the least" - said the leader of [Fenrir] with a frown. He didn't want to imagine how lethal Cloud Strife would be if he went through the mutagenic process called [Aragamification] - "If that were to happen, then the world could come to an end at any minute."

"That's true, though the likelihood of it happening is almost nil" - replied the scientist with a frown - "But well, that's not what I came here for."

"Then what did you come here for?" - asked the leader of [Fenrir] - "Did you manage to decipher what was inside the computer?"

"Indeed" - replied the scientist with a serious expression on his face - "And I can only say one thing".

"What?" - Asked another of the [Fenrir] leaders.

"Whatever Johannes has been researching, it's fucking lethal" - said the scientist seriously.

"And what was it he was researching?" - Asked one of the leaders as he raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry to tell you that we have nothing more yet" - answered the scientist seriously.

* * * * *

"It's this way" - said Cloud as his instincts screamed that what he was looking for was nearby. He slowly looked around and noticed how in the middle of a huge crater, there seemed to be a huge cave.

His eyes twinkled slightly as a huge toothy grin appeared on his reptilian face, only to let out a low chuckle - "I know you have sensed my presence since I have entered your territory."

[Insolent infant!] - roared a deep voice as the temperature of the place began to drop with every passing second - [Just because you devoured Ra, you think you can take me on?!]

"You took the words right out of my mouth" - Cloud replied neutrally - "Now, come out once and for all because I want to get this over with as quickly as possible."

[OK, I didn't want to kill you, but you seem to want to leave this world] - roared the unknown [Aragami] as he made his presence known. He was a huge three-headed crocodile, whose scales were of multiple colours, the most predominant being silver.

His huge jaws were releasing a powerful icy breath as he glared viciously at the small opponent in his territory.

"Dromi" - muttered Cloud as his body transformed back into his [Tyrant] form - "It will be a pleasure to devour you."

[. . .] - [Dromi], the Snow Tyrant, an [Ashborn] of high danger level, a beast that was said to be capable of casting potent icy breaths capable of reaching 1000 degrees below zero in a matter of seconds - [Feel the embrace of the icy wasteland!]

"I don't understand why they always start with a sentence like that" - Cloud muttered as he shook his head, only to spread his wings and have his body surrounded by a sea of flames - "If you're a frozen wasteland, then I'm a hugging inferno!"

The temperature changed again, from a cold winter, to a hot summer.

[Dromi] narrowed the eyes of his three heads as an icy air surrounded his body - [How I hate fighting beings like you or [Ra], you're both annoying sons of bitches].

Cloud grinned in response as he turned into a silver flash that appeared right in front of [Dromi], only to release a powerful breath of fire.

[Dromi] growled angrily as he responded with an icy breath from his three snouts.

Cloud narrowed his eyes when he saw this because he didn't think that the [Aragami] in front of him could block his attack, so he slowly used his second ability.

[Dromi] opened his eyes in surprise when he felt himself lose his balance. No, it wasn't that, he understood that the earth around him seemed to have become much weaker, to the point that it couldn't support his weight.

The fire hit one of his crocodile heads as a deep pain invaded his insides. [Dromi] immediately recognized [Ra]'s ability in his opponent's flames, so he quickly backed away while ignoring the pain caused by the burns.

[That hurt] - [Dromi] snarled as he felt his hatred grow with each passing second - [OK, now you have ALL my attention].

Cloud snorted in response as he felt a massive amount of ice crystals begin to appear from the ground.

[Ice Age!] - roared [Dromi] as Cloud felt his entire body seem to freeze.


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