Chapter 372 ( Conversation )

[My lord] - [Sapphire] said as she saw a silver silhouette approaching, one she recognized immediately.

"[Sapphire]" - Cloud replied as he landed in front of the [Aragami] type harpy and notice how she was surprised.

[Human?" muttered [Sapphire] as she looked closely at her leader, only to notice how he had evolved the same way as her younger sister - [That's our maximum level of evolution?]

Yan Zhi] was confused, because it was still strange to see how their maximum point of evolution, was to take the form of the race they so devoured.

"If you think about it carefully, this result is obvious" - Cloud replied calmly. The [Aragami] acquired traits of the species they devoured in order to boost their evolution, that's why there were many types of humanoid [Aragami].

[. . .] - [Sapphire] kept silent before shaking her head. She didn't care much about these technicalities, after all, she only wished to continue evolving and growing, a sentiment that all [Aragami] possessed.

"Whatever, for now let's go, we still have some things to do" - Cloud said neutrally as his body began to grow. He had again taken his dragon form in order to take flight, after all, this was the best appearance if he wanted to settle some scores with certain idiots.

[As you command, my lord] - [Sapphire] said as he spread his wings and landed on the silver dragon's shoulder - [By the way, I like this appearance better, my lord].

"I knew it" - Cloud replied as he let out a laugh.

Cloud quickly flew out of the place and headed in the direction of [Fenrir: Central].

* * * * *

"Are you serious?" - Alisa asked with an expression that showed how surprised she was - ". . ."

"I don't gain anything by lying to you, do I?" - Tatenashi said as he shrugged his shoulders.

The conversation had been simple, Tatenashi had explained to Alisa about Cloud's whereabouts and his current status, and to no one's surprise, the girl from Russia could only shake her head in disbelief at what she had heard. She was surprised, no, the next thing, after hearing her teacher's words.

"True, besides, you are not one of those people who like to joke about this kind of matters" - Alisa replied while nodding - "Although now I don't know how to react."

"I know, it must be a huge surprise" - Tatenashi replied while looking at his student.

"It is, although this also explains the abrupt appearance of [Calamity], as well as the disappearance of Cloud Strife" - replied Alisa with a frown - "But that doesn't matter, what's important now is what to do with our mission."

"Oh? What do you have in mind?" - Tatenashi asked curiously.

"If I'm honest with you, I have no idea" - Alisa replied while shrugging her shoulders - "My connection with Cloud Strife is very different from yours, teacher, that's why I'm not sure what to do."

"Well, first I'll make something clear" - Tatenashi said while looking at her apprentice - "Cloud's physical change is not permanent, in fact, I'm almost sure he will be back in a few days, in other words, if you want you can continue with your mission or just refuse like Sophia-san did."

". . ." - Alisa thought for a few seconds as she remembered how Sofia was now around their leader, Amamiya Lindow - "My decision?"

"Exactly" - nodded Tatenashi calmly as she looked at the girl from Russia - "You are old enough to be able to make your own decisions."

". ."- Alisa again fell silent as she thought about her situation more calmly.

Since she was young, she had been trained for the sole purpose of following the orders of her superiors, but now her superior was giving her the possibility to make her own decisions.

"Take your time so you can give me an answer" - Tatenashi replied as he withdrew, leaving the girl alone again.

Alisa said nothing, she remained silent while shaking her head.

"Huh? What are you doing here, Alisa?" - Lenka asked as she looked at her teammate.

"Lenka?" - Alisa raised an eyebrow in confusion because she thought he was standing next to Kota - "That's for me to ask."

"Well, I'm taking a break" - Lenka answered as she scratched her cheek.

"Break? As far as I know, Kota is the one doing all the work" - Alisa answered while rolling her eyes at him.

"Ok, I left him alone because he wasn't helping with almost anything, besides I have to go see his family" - replied Lenka as she snorted with irritation. He was aware that he wasn't the smartest person, but that didn't mean they had to treat him like a stupid.

"That makes much more sense" - nodded Alisa with a small smile - "Anyway, are you going to see your girlfriend?"

"She is not my girlfriend!" - Lenka exclaimed with her face red with embarrassment - "I just help Kota to take care of his family".

"Especially his sister" - replied Alisa with an even bigger smile.

"Ugh, we'd better stop talking about me" - muttered Lenka with a frown.

"OK" - nodded Alisa as she felt a slight warmth inside her. Her relationship with Lenka, was like that of an older sister who liked to tease her younger brother.

"What was bothering you?" - Lenka asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Shouldn't you be going to your girlfriend's?" - Alisa asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"For the millionth time, she's not my girlfriend!" - exclaimed Lenka with embarrassment - "And answering your question, I'm always going to be there for my friends."

". . ." - Alisa was silent again, only to smile as she nodded - "Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me, you idiot" - Lenka muttered as he shook his head - "Now, you better talk to get this over with quickly."

"It's nothing serious, I just don't know whether to go on with my mission" - replied Alisa as she looked at her friend.

"Your mission?" - Lenka repeated as he started to remember - "Oh, right, do you mean your mission of trying to get into Sensei's pants?"

"Not the best way to put it, but yes, that mission" - nodded Alisa as she shrugged her shoulders.

"I see, I guess it has to be difficult for you to complete a mission when the target is not in the area" - said Lenka as she started to think - "But I feel like that's not the problem."

"Actually that's the least of the problems" - muttered Alisa while shaking her head - "The problem, is that my teacher told me to make my own decision, but since young I've been trained to follow orders and this creates a contradiction"

"I understand" - nodded Lenka as he looked at his teammate as if she was an idiot.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" - Alisa asked with a frown.

"Because you're an idiot" - replied Lenka with disdain.

". . ." - Alisa narrowed her eyes when she heard this as she waited for him to continue.

"It's obvious that Tatenashi-san is trying to tell you that for the first time in your life, think something yourself" - Lenka replied as she rolled her eyes at her - "This fits perfectly with the ideals we've been taught, remember that we won't always be able to take instructions."

". . ." - Alisa was shocked when she heard this because she finally understood that Tatenashi was not only giving her time to think about her situation, but also teaching her a life lesson.

"Anyway, what you have to do is simple" - Lenka said while snorting as he noticed his teammate's confused expression - "Just follow your instincts and do what you want."

". . ." - Alisa gave him a blank look before shaking her head.

"Ok, I think that's enough, now I have to go to Nanao-san's" - Lenka said as he ran towards the hangar to ask Houki to help him, not knowing that she wasn't in that place.

"That idiot" - muttered Alisa as she shook her head, only to let out a heavy sigh - "His words aren't false though."

Alisa slowly looked around and noticed how no one was there, so she mumbled her situation while analyzing all the information.

* * * * *

"That's all I can say" - Houki said neutrally as she looked at the two women.

"That's all?" - Tsubaki asked with a frown as she didn't expect her to say almost nothing.

Sakuya was a similar situation. She too was expecting some important information, but all she had heard, it was as if Houki was teasing them.

"Like I said, I couldn't say much" - Houki replied while shaking her head - "In fact, what I told them, is the only thing I can say without everything going to shit."

"You told us that, but you still don't explain why you can't say something else" - replied Sakuya with irritation.

"If I say it, everything will go to shit" - Houki repeated while sighing regretfully. She was aware that her words were not the best for these two angry women.


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