Chapter 374 [Arius Nova] (1)

Cloud frowned as he reached what seemed to be the place where he had felt Shio's presence.

[I feel nothing, my lord] - [Sapphire] said as she frowned as she felt how the place was completely desolate.

"I know, but my instincts and senses have never failed me before" - Cloud replied as he squinted his eyes and began to sniff the place. One of the great advantages of having transformed into a [Tyrant], was that now his senses were extremely acute, much more than he had when he was just a [Dragon Slayer] - "Let's see if you can escape from me."

* * * * *

"Sir, we have dangerous bio-signals on us" - said a scientist as he started sweating in huge quantities.

"Put up the image" - Johannes said seriously as a screen appeared in front of him, showing how a blond boy and a strange silhouette were observing all the surroundings - "!"

The former leader of [Fenrir: Far East] started breathing in agitation as he felt a huge weight fall on his shoulders, more when he noticed how the blond man was looking him straight in the eyes.

"Sir" - muttered the scientist.

"Seal all entrances and exits, I want you to keep the facility in quarantine mode!" - Johannes exclaimed in terror because he could feel his heart pounding.

The scientists quickly went to follow his orders, only for Johannes to go to the central lab. He slowly approached the center, place where there was a huge transparent sphere filled with a green liquid next to a small core that seemed to be beating like a heart.

"So close" - Johannes muttered while gritting his teeth as he saw how the larva he had created with so much effort, had returned to its nucleus form after assimilating Shio's [DNA] - "I don't know what kind of results you'll end up delivering, but we don't have any time left."

Johannes quickly began typing at full speed, only to hear the top of the sphere open slightly. He quickly tossed Shio's corpse into the liquid, only to notice how the core seemed to react to his presence.

The former leader of [Fenrir: Far East], watched in wonder as the core began to absorb Shio's body as the palpitations became more and more frequent while a smile appeared on his face.

"Perfect, everything is going according to plan" - said Johannes as he saw the energy graphs inside the sphere - "The problem is that now we don't have time to make it incubate".

Johannes was at a crossroads. He didn't know how to speed up the process again, he also didn't know if he would be productive in this situation, much less when the Shinigami was at his door.

"Sir! [Calamity] and [Yan Zhi]'s power source are outside the facility!" - A scientist exclaimed in terror.

Johannes' expression quickly changed, but it was worse when he felt the earth begin to shake.

"Sir, it's [Calamity]!" - exclaimed another scientist with a pale face - "it's [Calamity] attacking one of the entrances!"

Johannes' breathing stopped for a few seconds before he felt his heart catch in his throat. He couldn't believe how Cloud had managed to find them so easily, not when they had used every possible means to destroy evidence of their survival.

"I know you're here" - Cloud's cold voice echoed through the facility as the cameras that captured everything outside were destroyed by a powerful breath of fire.

"!" - all the inhabitants of the facility, trembled as they heard the voice of the beast that seemed to have come from the deepest of abysses.

Johannes quickly got to typing at high speed.

Nothing mattered anymore, not when Cloud was so close to them.

The former leader of [Fenrir: Far East], decided to bet everything on his project.

"Maybe, just, maybe, we can do something if the project is completed successfully" - Johannes muttered while wiping his sweat.

All the scientists got down to work as they worked as fast as they could. This was special case for Johannes, because he never thought things would turn around so fast.

"Sir, are you sure this will work?" - One scientist asked in terror.

"It's our only option" - Johannes replied as he paid no attention to him - "We don't know how it's possible that [Calamity] discovered us, but none of that matters now."

The scientists were completely silent as they continued to work.

"But what I can assure you, though, is that it is possible that if everything goes according to plan, we may be able to buy enough time to be able to escape" - Johannes answered seriously.

His project no longer mattered too much to him, now he just wanted to escape, after all, he already had all the necessary information and only needed to replicate the results, although for this, he had to be alive.

The scientists nodded when they heard this as they looked at each other.

* * * * *

Cloud frowned as he felt a large amount of presences - "Though it's a little strange that we didn't sense any scent until I broke this door."

[I guess they're a lot smarter than I thought] - [Sapphire] said as she spread her wings, only to scream fiercely. With her size, she could come in and wreak all kinds of havoc in this place, which she sincerely wanted, more so knowing that her older sister's presence was gone.

"Come on, we've got some things to do in there" - Cloud said neutrally as his hands changed to sharp silver claws - "Better finish quickly, remember, no mercy!"

[I've never had it] - [Sapphire] replied as her wings glowed a powerful electric blue color.

"Let's go" - Cloud said as he destroyed everything around him, revealing a metal plate that cut like butter. He quickly left his human appearance behind and returned to his semi-transformed form, only without the wings because they would be a hindrance during his little walk around the facility.

* * * * *

A loud alarm echoed through the facility as the scientists began to sweat after receiving the report of how two powerful creatures entered the place.

"How could those two be so small and have so much power!" - One scientist exclaimed in terror as he tried his best to try to get a picture of his intruders, but to his misfortune, he could only see a silver flash and a blue flash flash flash past the cameras.

"The two intruders have passed through sector 1!" - Another scientist exclaimed as the alarm grew increasingly thunderous.

Chaos had invaded the facility as the two strange beings were advancing smoothly.

"Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on!" - A soldier exclaimed as he looked around. He was the captain of the security squad, but none of that mattered right now - "Why didn't anyone tell me we were under attack!"

The scientists fell silent as they heard the fury in the security squad captain's voice.

"I think we'd better leave this for another time, now we have to stop whatever came in" - said a scientist seriously.

"It's [Calamity] and [Yan Zhi]!" - exclaimed a scientist as he watched the two invaders show their appearances.

"Oh my" - said the captain of the security squadron as he felt his face pale - "This is bad, extremely bad."

* * *

"Seriously" - muttered Cloud as he exhaled a powerful breath of fire at the approaching group of soldiers - "They could have at least used their [God Arc]"

[They are ineffective against you] - said [Sapphire] calmly - [Strange that those weapons are only effective on me though].

Cloud also found this confusing, after all, he thought that all weapons had the same level of damage, but now he understood that the damage of the [God Arc] itself, wasn't that great. So it only meant one thing, that the [God Arc] would have to have the Skills [Damage Increase against [Aragami]] or [Damage Penetration against [Aragami]], it could even be both.

"I guess that's a good thing" - Cloud said calmly as he felt the bullets cause minimal damage when they hit his body.

[I feel a strange aura in the innermost part of this place] - [Sapphire] said as he growled fiercely. It was obvious that whatever was inside this facility, it was dangerous, or at least potentially dangerous to [Yan Zhi].

"I know," Cloud replied with a frown as the two continued to move forward, destroying everything in front of them.

[Maybe it's a better idea to destroy this whole place with one attack, sir] - [Sapphire] said as she felt it was the best plan they had.

"We don't know who the person inside is" - Cloud replied with a frown - "It's even possible that an acquaintance of mine is in this place, so it's better to be safe than sorry later."

[. . .] - [Sapphire] kept silent when she heard this because the words their leader said brought her great confusion.


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