Chapter 375 [Arius Nova] (2)

"Report!" - Johannes exclaimed as he ordered one of his assistants to wipe away all the sweat that was running down his forehead.

"Sir, [Calamity] and [Yan Zhi] have infiltrated Sector 7!" - A scientist exclaimed as he trembled from the fear he felt.

"Sector 7" - muttered Johannes as he sighed, only to refocus on the being that was being surrounded by a green liquid. The entity appeared to be some sort of red puppy, though clearly much more feral and parts than other beasts - "We need a little more time to be able to stabilize our little one."

The core had completely devoured Shio's body and had finally started its development.

Johannes was excited, because this version of his creation, was much stronger and more stable - "It's beautiful!"

"Sir, we have to finish this fast!" - exclaimed a scientist with a face pale with fear - "It [Calamity] is getting closer and closer and our soldiers can do nothing to stop it from continuing to advance!"

"Do everything you can to stop them from advancing!" - Johannes shouted as he shot them a wild glare - "I don't care if you have to use your corpses as a barricade!"

The scientists recoiled at these words as they looked at each other with concern.

"Now I recommend you better get to work if you don't want to die at the hands of [Calamity]!" - Johannes said neutrally as he turned his attention back to the beast in front of him - "The faster we accelerate this little guy's growth, the sooner we can get out of here!"

The scientists looked at each other once more, only for a group to run out of the lab.

"Idiots" - muttered Johannes as he glared at the escaping scientists, only to hear the sound of gunshots echoing outside the lab.

The scientists trembled in terror as they heard the sound of gunfire just outside where they stood.

"This is ridiculous, Johannes!" - exclaimed one of the scientists as he looked at the leader of the place - "This shouldn't be like this!"

"Sorry, but things change" - replied Johannes disdainfully as he let out a laugh - "Now, get to work if you don't want to die!"

The scientists gritted their teeth before returning to their posts, only now things were more complicated, after all, at least 35% of their colleagues were killed.

Johannes began to curse that things were going to shit so fast, though he kept a neutral expression so as not to worry his subordinates any more, after all, continuing was the last hope they had left.

"If we manage to complete the project, we might survive" - Johannes muttered, but his expression changed when he heard the sound of gunshots near their location - "Impossible! He shouldn't be so close!"

Johannes didn't know what to say, so he went back to concentrating on the job in front of him, but that didn't mean that his subordinates were in the same condition.

"We're dead" - muttered a scientist as the sound of gunfire became more and more frequent.

"Get to work!" - Johannes roared as he noticed how no one paid any attention to them.

"Why should we when we're already dead!" - roared another of the scientists as he glared fiercely at Johannes - "It's all your fault!"

The fury of the scientists began to intensify as they stared coldly at their leader. Now that they were certain they would die, there was no need to remain submissive.

Johannes understood that things were even worse than he thought, so he did the smartest thing he could, he pulled out a gun and pointed it in the direction of his subordinates because he knew their safety was at risk.

The scientists were surprised that their leader was armed, so they slowly backed off.

"This wasn't part of the plan, but I guess not everything goes as planned" - Johannes said as he squinted - "Now, I'm going to ask you one last time to get back to work."

"He can't kill us all!" - A scientist exclaimed, only to fall to the floor limp after the sound of the gun rang through the room.

"That may be true, but that doesn't mean I won't kill a few before you guys capture me" - Johannes said neutrally as a lunatic smile appeared on his lips - "Now tell me, which one of you is human enough to sacrifice your lives so that I run out of bullets and the others can be saved?"

The scientists looked at each other as they waited for one of their companions to speak, although inside they were sure that this was impossible. None of them wanted to die, that was exactly why they were trying to attack their leader, but now they didn't know which one would die next if they advanced in Johannes' direction.

"That's just what I thought" - Johannes snorted disdainfully - "Now get on with the job!"

The scientists let out a final sigh before returning to their posts and continuing to work.

Johannes did not let his guard down, he continued to watch his subordinates' every move as he waited for them to finish with their mission, although this was counterproductive, after all, he was doing a mission against the clock, and he had only a few minutes left before his destiny would walk through the door.

The former leader of [Fenrir: Far East] gave the scientists one last look before turning his attention back to his part of the job, not noticing how a group was talking amongst themselves.

"I'm sure he'll kill us when we accomplish our goal" - said the blond scientist as he looked at his companions - "That's why I propose to do something before that happens"

"Like what?" - asked a bald scientist as he frowned - "The moment we try anything, we'll be dead."

"Dead now, dead later, none of that changes that soon our lives will be over" - replied the blond scientist as he rolled his eyes at him - "But my plan is simple and foolproof."

"What do you have in mind?" - Asked a red haired scientist.

"Simple, we will alter the security protocol of that thing" - answered the blond scientist while pointing at the huge transparent dome - "If we do it right, the alteration will be unnoticeable and we will be able to activate it very easily."

The two scientists looked at each other one last time before s of nodding, this would be their last attempt to survive because they knew that if they didn't die at the hands of Johannes, they would die at the hands of [Calamity], and this was something the others were ignoring.

* * * * *

"Interesting, I wasn't wrong" - Cloud muttered as a huge smile appeared on his face as he smelled the familiar scent of his former leader.

[Did you find something interesting, my lord?"] - asked [Sapphire] as he looked at his leader.

"Not something, but someone" - Cloud replied as his smile grew, but his expression changed to one of annoyance as he felt the bullets bounce off his body - "Ok, this is annoying."

Cloud was starting to get annoyed with so many shots hitting his body, and although the damage was practically nil, his body continued to suffer damage, not to mention that this could turn into a very bad habit. He was aware that in the future, he would go to much more dangerous worlds, firearms capable of piercing his scales, that meant that if he maintained this attitude, he would end up suffering serious damage.

"Can't do much though, not in the narrow place we're in" - Cloud muttered as he growled in irritation.

[Do you want me to create an ice barrier?" - Sapphire] asked as she cocked her head to the side. She was ignoring the bullets because her constitution meant that only supernatural abilities or [God Arc] could damage her, albeit with the disadvantage that this damage increased by at least 50% at the very least.

"No need" - Cloud replied calmly as he infused his hands in fire - "We're here".

"Damn monsters!" - roared one of the guards as he saw the two monstrous beings appear in front of his squad.

"Couldn't you say something more original, human?" - Cloud asked as he gave him a blank stare - "I've been hearing those kinds of names all this time and it's starting to feel boring already!"

"!" - the soldiers shivered as their eyes widened in terror when they heard the beast's words. They never thought the day would come where one of the monsters destroying their lives, could understand them.

"Impossible" - muttered the squad leader as he shook his head in an attempt to escape this illusion - "It's impossible for a beast to communicate with us."

"Seriously" - growled Cloud with irritation. He wasn't an [Aragami], but it was still annoying to be treated as a monster, though this was mostly an involuntary reflex on the part of the 'human' side that still existed within him.

[I don't quite know what you're saying, Human, but from my lord's expression, it was obviously an insult that I don't plan on overlooking] - [Sapphire] growled as she prepared to attack, only to notice how Cloud stopped her - [My lord?]

"Relax, no need to fight, at least for now" - Cloud replied calmly as he narrowed his eyes.

The scientists looked at each other as they waited for one of their companions to speak, although inside they were sure that this was impossible. None of them wanted to die, that was exactly why they were trying to attack their leader, but now they didn't know which one would die next if they advanced in Johannes' direction.

"That's just what I thought" - Johannes snorted disdainfully - "Now get on with the job!"

The scientists let out a final sigh before returning to their posts and continuing to work.

Johannes did not let his guard down, he continued to watch his subordinates' every move as he waited for them to finish with their mission, although this was counterproductive, after all, he was doing a mission against the clock, and he had only a few minutes left before his destiny would walk through the door.

The former leader of [Fenrir: Far East] gave the scientists one last look before turning his attention back to his part of the job, not noticing how a group was talking amongst themselves.

"I'm sure he'll kill us when we accomplish our goal" - said the blond scientist as he looked at his companions - "That's why I propose to do something before that happens"

"Like what?" - asked a bald scientist as he frowned - "The moment we try anything, we'll be dead."

"Dead now, dead later, none of that changes that soon our lives will be over" - replied the blond scientist as he rolled his eyes at him - "But my plan is simple and foolproof."

"What do you have in mind?" - Asked a red haired scientist.

"Simple, we will alter the security protocol of that thing" - answered the blond scientist while pointing at the huge transparent dome - "If we do it right, the alteration will be unnoticeable and we will be able to activate it very easily."

The two scientists looked at each other one last time before s of nodding, this would be their last attempt to survive because they knew that if they didn't die at the hands of Johannes, they would die at the hands of [Calamity], and this was something the others were ignoring.


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