Chapter 381 ( He returned )

"The competition is much worse than I thought" - muttered Tsubaki as she looked at her partner and rival.

"I feel like now our fights are nothing in comparison" - replied Sakuya as she looked at her leader's older sister.

The two women didn't know what else to say, not when they now had not only 4 opponents, but many more than they thought.

"I think this would be a good time to call a truce and ally ourselves" - Tsubaki said seriously while ignoring the fact that there were more people in the room.

Cloud raised an eyebrow upon hearing this, because it was obvious that neither of his two teammates cared that he wasn't human.

Alisa for her part, just looked curiously at the blond in front of her, thinking about how he had managed to get so many teammates and allies despite not being human - "Question, did you guys know he wasn't human before you decided to join him?"

"Not at first, but when after he told us about that detail, it didn't change things much" - Houki answered while folding her arms - "By the time he told us, it was already too late for us."

"You make it sound like I captured them and forced them to accompany me" - Cloud said disdainfully.

"Technically that's what you did" - Tatenashi replied while giving him a flirtatious look.

"Ok, I think we better save your flirting for another time and better continue the conversation" - said Sakuya jealously as she saw how flirtatious Tatenashi was acting.

Cloud nodded when he heard Sakuya's words and started to answer her questions, although most of these were simple and easy to explain things.

* * * * *

"So Cloud Strife is back" - said one of [Fenrir: Central]'s top brass while frowning, after all, the blond had been missing during the whole [Calamity] mission.

"The best thing we can do is to send for him to come and say why he hadn't shown up earlier" - another high command replied as the other committee members nodded firmly.

"That won't be necessary" - said one of the generals as he looked disdainfully at the high commanders of [Fenrir] - "Cloud Strife is a soldier, a warrior, even if you call him, he will simply ignore you because he knows that you are useless to the cause."

"You'd better think before you speak, general" - said a high command as he glared hatefully at the general.

"No" - replied the general as he looked coldly at the high command - "You are the ones who should think before you speak."

"General!" - roared the current leader of [Fenrir], only to shudder when he noticed the military man's stare.

"I think it's time we set a few things straight" - said the general as he looked at each of those present - "And I hope they get it through their heads what I'm about to say!"

The leaders looked at each other before nodding weakly.

"First of all, we members of the military branch of [Fenrir], we are bored of our bad working conditions" - said the general coldly - "We are the ones risking our lives while you have your parties and orgies in the safety of the central base!"

"It's your duty as soldiers!" - A senior commander exclaimed, only to feel an icy chill run down his back.

"That is why we came to the conclusion that from now on, we will no longer follow your orders unless it is completely necessary" - said the general as those present widened their eyes in surprise.

The leader of [Fenrir] started scheming plans to get rid of the general, but his expression changed slightly when he heard that this was a unanimous decision of the military council of [Fenrir], in other words, all the high commanders of the army of [Fenrir: Central], had supported the general's words.

"I hope you will think about the proposals we have given during the last weeks" - said the general before retiring.

* * * * *

Soma was silent after receiving the report of Cloud's reappearance, especially since he knew very well about the blond's true identity, although that didn't change the fact that his subordinates were happy about the resurgence of the [Hope of Humanity] - "Is this information truthful?"

"It was a message from Amamiya Lindow himself, sir" - the soldier answered seriously.

"Ok, I want you to tell him that I need him to keep me informed" - Soma replied while shaking his head. He was happy that his friend was back with them, but now he had a lot of work to do and chores to organize because his father had left a mess.

"Soma-sama" - said a [God Eater] as he appeared in front of the brown-skinned young man.

"Good job" - nodded Soma as he looked at his former colleague - "Did you find the information we needed?"

"I'm sorry, sir" - replied the [God Eater] while ducking his gaze - "When we arrived, there were no more survivors."

Soma frowned when he heard this because it was the second time a clandestine facility appeared in his territory. The first was the work of his presumed deceased father, but now he understood that this death had been nothing more than a facade his father had created.

"Are you sure your father is still alive?" - Asked the general commanding the troops of [Fenrir: Far East].

"If I'm honest, I'm not so sure now" - replied Soma while frowning in irritation - "The first clandestine facility that was destroyed by the explosion, was under my father's command and we did not find his body during the collection of corpses. Investigations also showed that none of the bodies had DNA compatible with mine."

Ever since he heard that his father was working on a secret project, a deep doubt invaded Soma's mind during the time he had been told that Johannes was dead, that's why he was always on the lookout for the slightest strange movement in the area of [Fenrir: Far East], and now he finally understood that his thoughts were not wrong.

"Remember, I want as complete a report as possible" - Soma said seriously as he turned his attention back to the general - "I want you to send an escort team, after all, we don't know what kind of project my father was working on, we don't know if it was completed successfully either"

"I'm pretty sure it turned out to be a failure" - said the general while shaking his head.

"It's possible, but it's better to be safe than sorry" - said Soma seriously because something told him that those mysterious facilities, were much more dangerous than the general thought.

"I understand, I will follow your instructions, Soma-sama" - said the general as he withdrew.

Soma was silent as he watched his subordinates withdraw one after another, leaving him alone after a few seconds - "This is a pain in the ass."

No matter how many days had passed, he still couldn't get used to such a drastic change of profession, more so when he was happy with his old life as a [God Eater].

"What was it you did, father?" - Soma wondered as he sighed regretfully as he looked at an old photo of his father with his mother, only to feel a dark aura surround him - "I really am a monster."

Soma quickly shook his head to push his pessimistic thoughts away because he understood that things would get much crazier from now on.

"I better go for a walk because I need to take a little breather" - Soma muttered as he let out a sigh, only to frown when he felt a glance in the distance.

* * * * *

". . ." - a red silhouette appeared on the horizon, peering into the distance at the imposing base of [Fenrir: Ugly East], only to let out a powerful roar full of fury that echoed throughout the place.

A furious look was present in his eyes as he turned around so he could retreat.

"Cloud" - growled the red beast as a powerful killer instinct surrounded him - "Strife!"

The beast was none other than Johannes, the former leader of [Fenrir: Far East] and now a beast that could not was not even a shadow of his former self. [Arius Nova], that was his new identity, one that he would use so he could regain everything he lost with the lab incident.

"If he could" - [Arius Nova] growled as he licked his lips with a sadistic expression on his human face - "Then so can I."

Johannes' human mind had ended up being twisted by the desires and instincts of his [Aragami] side, and he now only wished to continue to grow, develop, evolve and thus be able to reach his ultimate goal, complete annihilation of all existing life.

A scientific mind inside the twisted body of a beast of mass destruction. Johannes had lost his identity as 'He', and was now a 'Them'.

"I am not [Johannes], neither am I [Arda Nova]" - [Aragami] muttered as he felt how the bodies he had consumed were increasing the speed of their development - "I am [Arius Nova]!"


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