Chapter 382 ( Heat - I )

Cloud frowned when he felt a familiar presence nearby, but quickly calmed down when he noticed that it had disappeared.

Two hours had passed since Cloud had finished talking to the girls and he was currently waiting for them to think for themselves.

Houki and Tatenashi had wanted to join him to catch up, but he declined because he wanted some time to think things over now that everything was back to normal, additionally, he wanted to go see what [Sapphire] was doing.

[Is everything alright, my lord?] - [Sapphire] asked as she appeared in front of Cloud, although she still wasn't very happy with the fact that majestic leader had to wear such a weak appearance.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about some things" - answered Cloud while shaking his head.

[Sapphire] was about to say something else, but kept silent because she still didn't understand many things about emotions or her knowledge was too limited to try to help her leader with his personal problems - [Being a primitive [Aragami], it was much easier. We just had to survive]

Cloud smiled at this as he nodded at the words of the harpy-like [Aragami].

[But at the same time, I'm glad I evolved, because now I can carry a little of the weight that torments you, my lord] - [Sapphire] continued as she looked up at the sky and began to recall everything that had happened during her journey, as well as the memories of her older sister.

Cloud was surprised at this, only to look up at the sky in silence. He too had to admit that his life as [Calamity], had been tiny in comparison to his human life, but at the same time it had been simpler and without so many problems.

[Sapphire] was concentrating on the sky, but her expression changed slightly when she felt two familiar presences - [. . .].

"You can come out," Cloud said calmly as he felt Houki and Tatenashi slowly approach.

[Sapphire] watched them silently, then flew out of the place. Her instincts told her that those two females were on a higher rung than her in the hierarchy, so she decided to give them some privacy, though she would stay nearby to prevent accidents.

Cloud watched the two females calmly, only to notice how they had a serious expression on their faces.

"You've changed," Houki said seriously as she narrowed her eyes.

"For the better, or for the worse?" - Cloud asked calmly as he raised an eyebrow.

"Honestly, I'm not sure" - replied Tatenashi this time as she looked worriedly at the blond - "Your attitude has taken a 180° turn that honestly confuses us. We even think that [Tyrant] has influenced you too much after you transformed."

"What you say is true" - Cloud replied while closing his eyes - "[Tyrant] has influenced me too much, but at the same time this influence is not bad."

"That doesn't calm us down, Cloud" - said Tatenashi while frowning - "We know about the danger of being influenced by [Tyrant]"

"I know, that's why I'm still in the process of adjusting" - Cloud replied while opening his eye in shock - "My transformation caused me to slowly lose my empathy towards life, as well as a growing desire to devour, to consume all life to continue evolving"

The two girls were alerted by these words, but quickly calmed down because it was obvious that he could contain those urges, otherwise he wouldn't be with them right now.

"Also" - Cloud said as he disappeared and reappeared in front of Houki and grabbed her waist with a wild look - "It's hard to contain my other more primal instincts, mostly because I'm doing my best to keep the more dangerous instincts in check"

Houki blushed when she heard this as she bit her lip to try to hold back the moan because Cloud was taking her firm ass.

Tatenashi watched this with jealousy, only to let out a small moan when she felt a hand grab one of her large breasts - "Ah ~!"

Cloud could feel his blood boiling, but quickly made a last effort to calm down, what he didn't count on, was Houki taking advantage of her moment of calm to give him a passionate kiss - "!"

Houki couldn't resist her growing lust now that she had awakened after 6 years of solitude. This was much more manageable for Tatenashi, after all, she was still a virgin unlike her friend, though it wasn't helping that the heat of the place was increasing with each passing second.

Cloud felt a strong heat run through his body, but with a last bit of control, he grabbed Houki and took her to a much more private place to prevent anyone from seeing him.

Tatenashi followed them without a second thought as she felt her arousal level rise just listening to her friend's moans.

[Sapphire] watched this with curiosity, but quickly decided to ignore the situation, after all, her race didn't procreate this way, but by mutation with other species, although she had to admit she was curious about the ability of humans to procreate.

* * * * *

"Where's Cloud and the others?" - Sakuya asked as she looked around in search of the blond and his companions. She had heard from Sophia that she had seen Cloud walking in this direction.

"Huh? Are you looking for them too, Sakuya?" - Tsubaki asked in surprise as she saw how her rival friend was already ahead of her.

"And I'm not the only one" - Sakuya snorted as she looked at her squad leader's older sister - "Anyway, I guess none of us know where they are, and that means one thing."

"That Sofia-san tricked us?" - Tsubaki asked while raising an eyebrow - "That, or they're doing something we're not supposed to know about."

"I was thinking that they went to see [Sapphire], but that possibility is pretty high" - Sakuya said while frowning - "I mean, Houki-san has been waiting for years for a chance to 'reconnect' with Cloud again, while Tatenashi-san is someone who honestly doesn't give a shit what others think as long as she's having fun or getting what she wants"

The two women began to think of dozens of possible scenarios as they felt their cheeks heat up, only to shake their heads to shake away their obscene thoughts.

"We'd better continue looking for them" - Tsubaki muttered as she coughed in order to change the subject - "Let's first go where [Sapphire] is and see if they are there."

"Remember that 'she' doesn't want us" - replied Sakuya as she gave a blank look to her friend and rival.

"I never said we would go near where she is" - replied Tsubaki disdainfully - "We just need to see if they are with [Sapphire], nothing more"

"Right" - Sakuya nodded as the two women walked in the direction of the outskirts of the facility.

* * * * *

Lindow was sitting in his office reviewing the latest reports, as well as all possible information on some new species of [Aragami]. He had received the information from his older sister after they had finished talking to Cloud.

"This is getting worse and worse, though it's strange that I feel bad for Johannes" - Lindow sighed while thinking if it was a good idea to send this report where Soma, after all, Johannes was the father of the current leader of [Fenrir: Far East].

"I think you'd better do it" - replied Sophia as she looked worriedly at the black-haired man - "He deserves to know the truth."

Lindow was silent for a few seconds before letting out a heavy sigh - "Ok, I'm going to do it, though I honestly don't wish to."

"The truth will come out in the future and it's possible that this will hurt Soma-san even more" - Sofia replied as she placed her hand on her leader's - "It's better that he knows everything now, than later, at least with this he can be ready for when the time to kill Johannes-san comes"

Lindow again sighed when he heard Sophia's words because he knew she was right. He quickly asked for direct contact with Soma and waited a few seconds, only to notice how the face of the general of [Fenrir: Far East], appeared on the screen.

"What can I do for you, leader Amamiya" - said the general seriously.

"I want to contact Soma-dono" - Lindow answered seriously while looking at the general - "I have valuable information".

"Let me hear it first, then I'll see if that information is valuable enough to pass through Soma-sama's hands" - the general replied seriously - "After all, he is a busy man."

"This is serious, general" - said Lindow neutrally - "If this information does not get to Soma-dono, then you will have to take responsibility"

"As I said, I will check whether this information is important or not" - replied the general coolly - "Now speak up."

Lindow was silent for a second or two before he began to relate the information he had.

"Impossible" - muttered the general as he cut the call.

"That wasn't very nice to say" - growled Sofia as she saw the general's attitude.

"At least we already delivered the information" - replied Lindow while frowning - "If Soma doesn't contact us within a day at the most, that just means that the general didn't deliver the information and we will have to use another means to be able to communicate the news to Soma."


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