Chapter - 384 ( Human Greed )

"Where is everyone else?" - Lindow asked as he frowned.

It had been a few hours since the women had conversed with Cloud and such it seemed that they had vanished without a trace.

"I haven't the slightest idea," replied Sophia in confusion because she too had no knowledge of her teammates' disappearance.

Lindow thought for a second, only for her expression to change slightly - "Ugh, I think I know where they are."

"Where?" - Sophia asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Possibly with Cloud" - Lindow answered as he let out a sigh because he could somehow understand them, especially Houki and Tatenashi who had been the first to disappear.

Sophia blushed at the words of her romantic interest before shooting him a look that he didn't miss, though she could only cough to try to push those ideas away from her mind.

"Ahem! I'm pretty sure that's the case" - Lindow said as he coughed - ". . ."

A deep silence pervaded the place as the two adults looked at each other intently, only to slowly approach each other, but when they were just inches away, they were suddenly separated when they heard someone knocking on the door.

"Ahem, come in!" - Lindow said as he shook his head and noticed how Sofia was all red in the face.

"Sorry for the interruption, Captain Lindow" - said Lenka as he entered the office - "I just wanted to ask if you had seen Sensei anywhere, there's something I need to ask him."

"Ask Cloud something?" - Lindow repeated as he raised an eyebrow - "Can I help you with it?"

"I don't think so" - replied Lenka as he shook his head.

Lindow frowned when he heard this as he asked her why the young man said he couldn't help him.

"The truth is simple, it's because Sensei has experience with girls" - Lenka answered as he scratched his cheek with embarrassment - "And I wanted to ask him for some tips for my date with my girlfriend."

". . ." - Lindow was silent when he heard this as he wondered about his subordinates' view of him.

"W-Why don't you ask Lindow-san for help?" - Sophia asked with a forced smile.

"If I'm honest, I don't think he'll help me much" - Lenka answered seriously - "Captain Lindow is not known for having good relations with people of the female sex."

Sofia looked at Lindow for a few seconds as he cocked his head so she wouldn't see his embarrassment - "I see, and to answer your question, we don't know where he is."

"Oh, thanks anyway" - Lenka said as he walked away.

"Ok, anything I need to know?" - Sophia asked as Lindow sighed and told her what had happened over the years.

* * * * *

". . ." - Cloud was silent as he surveyed the mess he had made over the past few hours.

The room was completely trashed as a strong smell of sex pervaded the place.

Tatenashi and Houki were still unconscious with a large amount of cum covering their bodies. Tsubaki was staring at the ceiling with empty eyes from so much pleasure she had felt, while Sakuya was breathing heavily after an hour of non-stop pleasure.

"Ugh" - Cloud knew that the imbalance caused by his transformation would have serious consequences, but he never thought it would be this kind of trouble. The level of arousal built up after returning to his human form, as well as the desires his primal instincts were instigating, had caused him to release everything he had built up inside him.

"This is too much," Cloud sighed as he shook his head. He was finally back to normal, or at least he had regained certain human qualities such as more self-control, although he had to admit that after all he had done, he was still as fresh as a lettuce - "I guess the vitality of a dragon, is much higher than I thought, and that's with all my Stats limited to 50%."

Cloud again shook his head as he looked at the four women in front of him before sighing heavily - "I better help them or at least try to do something."

The blond carefully rearranged the women, not noticing how the women's skin glowed slightly. This was due to the enormous vitality and energy in his body fluids that were now inside the women.

If Cloud knew about this, he would be surprised to learn that his semen and blood had the ability to slightly strengthen the body of whoever received the fluid, though this obviously had its limitations.

Cloud sighed as he saw how the women didn't seem to react, so he quickly got dressed and left the room so he could look for something to help the women, and maybe help.

* * * * *

"Ugh, where am I?" - Tatenashi asked as she slowly opened her eyes and noticed that she was in an unfamiliar place.

"In the infirmary" - replied Sofia as she walked towards her bed.

"How did we get to this place?" - Tatenashi asked as she started to regain consciousness - "Right, we were next to Cloud!"

Sophia blushed when she heard this, only to take a breath and look at her companion - "W-Well, he was the one who moved you'll to this place after cleaning you'll up."

Tatenashi blushed in response as she recalled the last events before losing consciousness.

"Ugh, my nether regions hurt" - Houki muttered as she looked around - "A're? Where are we?"

"In the infirmary" - replied Sofia again as she looked at Houki - "And I see you're already starting to wake up."

"Ugh" - Sakuya and Tsubaki also started to show signs of waking up.

"I still can't feel anything from my waist down" - muttered Tsubaki as she grunted in discomfort.

"That makes two of us" - sighed Sakuya as she shook her head.

"How long have we been unconscious?" - Houki asked awkwardly.

"A whole day" - replied Sophia calmly as she raised an eyebrow.

"A whole day!" - exclaimed the women in surprise as she felt their stomachs begin to growl - "Ugh."

"With your permission" - Cloud said as he walked into the room - "Oh, it's good to see they've woken up."

"No thanks to you" - Houki replied awkwardly.

"Actually, I did help" - Cloud replied as he pulled out a small empty vial - "Though I could only use it on the two most injured ones"

"At least that explains why I don't feel so hungry" - Tatenashi said as Sakuya nodded. The two were the ones who had suffered the most in Cloud's clutches.

"Excuse me" - Lindow said as he walked in with a weird expression on his face - "It's good to see you're okay, Tsubaki."

"I could be better" - replied Tsubaki as she rolled her eyes at him - "Anyway, anything we need to know?"

"I'll explain when you recover, for now I want you to rest and eat something to get your energy back" - Lindow replied as he motioned for Cloud to follow him.

The blond nodded and followed Lindow out of the room.

"What will those two talk about?" - Tsubaki asked as she tried to sit up awkwardly.

"I haven't the slightest idea, but for now you four need to concentrate on getting well" - said Sofia seriously - "You can worry about everything else when you're healthy."

"She has a point" - Sakuya said as the others nodded.

* * * * *

"Ok, I already told you, but I hope you won't hurt my sister, at least not in a sentimental way" - said Lindow with seriousness - "And even if you're a monster capable of destroying the world, I'm going to be up to the impossible to hunt you down"

"Ok, since we're done with threats, it's time for us to get serious" - said Cloud seriously while looking at his friend - "What was it you found out?"

"Nothing good" - replied Lindow seriously as he let out a heavy sigh - "A strange [Aragami] has been sighted near [Ashland]"

"Characteristics?" - Cloud asked, though he knew who it was.

"[Aragami] red, humanoid face and every time it is sighted, its size gets bigger and bigger" - replied Lindow as he grunted in irritation - "Its appearance is similar to that of a [Vajra]"

"Congratulations, you found Johannes" - Cloud said sarcastically - "Now you just need to kill it before it keeps growing and possibly our problems will end once and for all"

Lindow was silent before shaking her head - "That's good, now let's get serious."

"OK" - Cloud nodded as he waited for his friend to continue.

"The level of danger that Johannes represents, is far greater than anything we've experienced before, and [Fenrir: Central] already knows about this because the general of [Fenrir: Far East] communicated it to them" - Lindow said seriously - "That's why they've been organizing expeditions in order to capture Johannes alive."

"Alive?" - Cloud asked in surprise as he frowned - "Impossible, that's stupid."

"I know, but it's a mission that has as a reward not only a promotion, but a great deal of money and power" - replied Lindow as he shook his head at the human greed - "That's why I want you to go and end this once and for all"

"I'm going to be honest with you, I don't think I can find him" - Cloud replied while shaking his head.


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