Chapter 385 ( Hunting )

"Why do you say that?" - Lindow asked with a frown as he looked at his friend.

"Because I feel like someone or something is blocking me" - replied Cloud with a frown.

"That doesn't make any sense whatsoever" - replied Lindow as he shook his head - "How is that even possible?"

"I haven't the slightest idea" - replied Cloud as he shrugged his shoulders - "I can still try, though"

"OK, then go" - Lindow said as the blond shrugged.

"You could at least give me a few days rest" - muttered Cloud as Lindow rolled her eyes at him.

"I think you've 'rested' enough, not to mention that they still won't recover, so we can't go as a group" - Lindow replied as he gave him a blank look.

"OK, I admit it, I went a little overboard" - Cloud said as he shook his head.

"Come to think of it, you're back to normal" - Lindow said as he raised an eyebrow - "When you first arrived you were very different, distant even."

Cloud was silent before nodding, after all, he now understood some things about his previous way of acting, although that didn't mean that there weren't drastic changes in his personality - "Ok, I'm leaving right away, after all, I also wish to get this over with as soon as possible."

It was obvious that Cloud understood that Johannes was the final enemy of this world, though he didn't know how different it would be from the other [Boss]'s he had eliminated during his stay in this dimension.

"Ok, I'll inform the others that you've left for a mission, by the way you're taking [Sapphire] with you because she's been hanging around lately" - Lindow said while scratching his cheek.

"Ok" - nodded Cloud as he prepared to leave, only to notice how the door opened, revealing a female silhouette he immediately recognized - "Alisa?"

"Hello, Cloud-san" - said Alisa as she looked at him carefully.

"I guess you heard us" - Cloud said as he gave the girl a blank look, although he had to admit that she was talented - "That's rude."

"I want to join you" - Alisa said while ignoring the sarcasm in the blond's words.

"This isn't a game, Alisa" - Cloud replied with a frown.

"I know, but I'm not a rookie" - Alisa replied as she looked carefully at the blond - "I have experience as a [God Eater]."

Cloud looked at her silently for a few seconds, then looked at Lindow - "What do you think?"

"That it wouldn't be a bad idea" - Lindow replied as he looked at his friend with a small smile on his lips - "Not to mention that you shouldn't mind having company to talk to"

"You have a point" - Cloud replied as he nodded, though this also brought back memories of his little travel companion who had departed to another world. - "OK, get your stuff ready because we leave in a few minutes."

"What shall we go in?" - Alisa asked as she raised an eyebrow in confusion because Houki was on a stretcher after her 'reunion' with her partner.

"Do you by any chance not remember my other form?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Right" - nodded Alisa as she retreated so she could get ready for the mission.

"Ok, now that she left I want you to tell me why you accepted" - said Cloud while frowning - "Remember that my identity is dangerous, not to mention that a battle between monster is much more dangerous than you think."

"I know, but if I'm honest with you, I feel that if I don't send anyone with you, you'll go back to your aloof ways again" - replied Lindow seriously while looking at his friend - "Not to mention that Alisa-san is skilled as a [God Eater] so she won't drag you down while you do your mission."

". . ." - Cloud sighed as he heard Lindow's words as he was beginning to think that his friend was worrying too much, though something inside him was telling him that maybe he wasn't so wrong - "Ok."

"You better go get ready, while you're at it get some food because I'm sure you wouldn't want her to see you eating raw stuff" - Lindow said as a small smile seemed on his lips.

Cloud shrugged his shoulders upon hearing this because honestly it wasn't like he enjoyed the taste of the [Aragami]'s cores and meat. He only consumed it because it was beneficial to his evolution and strengthening.

* * * * *

[My lord] - [Sapphire] said as she appeared in front of the blond after sensing his presence through her special connection.

"Let's go out again, [Sapphire]." - Cloud smiled as he stroked his subordinate's head, only to notice how it began to warble happily. He had to admit that it was amusing to see the [Aragami]'s harpy-like expression because it was as if he was playing with a small child.

[Excellent!] - exclaimed [Sapphire] happily because she was honestly bored of being in this place doing nothing, but her happiness quickly disappeared when she heard the next words of her leader.

"We'll go hunt that thing" - Cloud said seriously.

[Are you sure about this, my lord?] - asked [Sapphire] with concern because she still couldn't shake off that innate fear that tormented her when she remembered the shape of that creature.

"I'm sure" - answered Cloud calmly as he felt Alisa approaching his location - "We won't be going alone this time though."

[. . .] - [Sapphire] growled in irritation as she sensed the human's presence, but did nothing to express her annoyance.

"I feel like she hates me" - said Alisa as she noticed the hostility from the [Aragami] - "Though on second thought, it's a basic instinct of those beasts."

[Grr] - [Sapphire] growled even louder because now that she was intelligent enough to be able to understand humans, she found it derogatory to be treated like a thing or an animal.

"I think you'd better apologize" - Cloud said as he looked at Alisa - "[Sapphire] is starting to get annoyed with you."

". . ." - Alisa's eyes widened in surprise when she heard this as she looked at [Sapphire] in puzzlement. She never thought the day would come when she would have to apologize to one of her prey, but she still nodded weakly and apologized to [Aragami].

[Sapphire] relaxed a little and nodded calmly.

Alisa was surprised again because it was obvious that the [Aragami] had accepted her apology - "That was strange."

"You'll get used to it in time" - Cloud replied as he took a huge leap and began to glow.

Alisa watched in wonder at the scene unfolding in front of her, only to be dumbfounded when she saw how the blond had disappeared and now only a huge silver dragon remained in the sky.

The beast was watching her silently as she motioned to [Sapphire] to lift it up.

"Huh?" - Alisa was surprised when she felt [Sapphire] grab her shoulders with his claws and lift her up into the sky - ". . ."

"Surprised?" - Cloud asked in a dark voice.

"No, it's just that it's the first time I've seen a dragon" - Alisa replied as she let out a small scream when she felt [Sapphire] release her onto the scaly shoulder of the silver beast - "Kya!"

"I guess that's a normal reaction" - Cloud replied as he claimed not to think about it anymore.

"Though I have to admit that you are beautiful" - Alisa added with red cheeks when she heard what he said, though she had to admit that this was true. Cloud's silver scales shone like platinum when they reflected the sunlight, not to mention that his form was elegant despite being a huge beast, additional to all that, his red eyes were full of malevolent charm.

"Thanks, I guess" - Cloud answered with an unreadable expression. It was the first time someone defined him that way and not as a beast capable of bringing the end of the world, or a threat to life as we know it.

Alisa shook her head to push away the random thoughts that popped into her mind, only to feel the wind blowing against her long platinum blonde hair - "This feels good."

Cloud gave her one last look before spreading his wings - "I know, the first time I flew, I felt the wind blowing against my body and I had a feeling similar to yours, but it's a pity that we can't talk about it anymore because it's time for us to leave."

"Ok" - nodded Alisa as she looked around - "What do I do now?"

"Relax, while I fly, I'll use some of my energy to make you not fall" - answered Cloud simply as he started flapping - "Even so I ask you to prepare yourself because this will be a fast and bumpy trip"

"OK" - nodded Alisa, only to let out a scream as she felt the speed suddenly increase - "Kya!"

"I warned you" - Cloud said as a huge toothy grin appeared on his reptilian face - "For the record, I'm not up to my top speed yet"

"Wait!" - Alisa exclaimed, only to let out another scream as she felt everything around her go blurry.

[Sapphire] for her part, only glared at the human female as she saw that she couldn't resist this speed.


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