Chapter 386 ( The Hunt continues )

"We've arrived" - Cloud said as he landed seeing that they had reached their destination.

Alisa jumped to the ground with her wobbly body, she had lost her red beret and her platinum blonde hair was in complete disarray.

Cloud found this amusing, but quickly decided to return to his human form because he didn't want someone to detect him.

"Ugh, I'm not flying with you anymore" - Alisa muttered as she shook her head after reacting to feeling the firm ground on her feet - "And I never thought I'd love the earth so much."

[Sapphire] slowly walked over to where the girl from Russia and handed her her beret with a condescending smile on her wild face.

"Ugh, I feel like [Sapphire] is belittling me" - Alisa muttered as she looked hostilely at the territorial [Aragami].

"Indeed, she is" - nodded Cloud as he watched [Sapphire] look disdainfully at Alisa.

"Ugh, we'd better get on with it" - muttered Alisa as Cloud nodded.

The trio quickly walked inward as they scanned the silent surroundings.

* * * * *

"Sir, we have detected [Calamity] heading in the direction of [Arius Nova]." - Said a soldier with a serious expression on his face.

"Impossible" - muttered the leader of [Fenrir: Central] while frowning - "[Calamity] shouldn't know about Johannes, unless he has unconsciously sensed that there is a threat to his existence."

"That's why we need to capture Johannes so we can use him as a weapon against the [Aragami]" - replied one of the generals, the only one who supported the high command of [Fenrir: Central].

"Exactly, it's time for us to get down to work" - said the leader of [Fenrir: Central] while everyone present smiled wickedly - "Get all our troops ready, it's time to finish with [Calamity] and capture [Johannes]"

"Hai!" - Those present exclaimed as they began preparations.

"It's time to end this once and for all" - said the leader of [Fenrir: Central] as he let out a laugh - "With this, [Fenrir] will rule supreme in the world!"

That was the desire of most of the former leaders of [Fenrir], absolute control of the world, and this was not so difficult knowing that [Fenrir] possessed the greatest military power in the world.

"Sir, we have found the presence of [Arius Nova] in Sector A-27!" - One of the logistics squadron members exclaimed.

"Excellent!" - exclaimed the leader of [Fenrir: Central] with excitement as he let out a cackle full of madness - "Leave immediately, forget the preparations!"

"But sir" - said the soldier with concern.

"Follow orders!" - [Fenrir]'s leader exclaimed coolly.

"Sir, the probability of Johannes attacking us, is 98%" - replied the soldier as he felt something cold behind him.

"I'm telling you one last time, just follow the orders" - said the leader of [Fenrir] while indicating to the subordinate who was aiming at the soldier of the logistics team - "I hope this won't be repeated."

"As you order, sir" - replied the soldier while sighing regretfully.

* * * * *

"Where is Cloud?" - Tsubaki asked as she frowned at not seeing her now lover after quite some time.

"I haven't the slightest idea" - replied Sofia as she tilted her head in confusion - "I'd have to go ask Lindow about his location."

"I have a feeling we won't hear anything good" - Sakuya said with a frown.

"I share your same opinion" - nodded Tatenashi as Houki remained silent. She slowly got up from her bed with difficulty and walked towards the door of the room.

"What are you trying to do, Houki-san!" - Sophia exclaimed in surprise and terror because she didn't think her friend would get up so abruptly.

"Isn't it obvious?" - Houki replied as she looked at her companion and friend - "I'm going to talk directly to Lindow to find out where Cloud is."

"You don't need to go looking for me, because I'm already here" - said Lindow as he entered the room and noticed how they were all watching him silently - "What?"

"Speak" - replied Tsubaki seriously as she watched her younger brother carefully.

"Ok, that's what I came here for, so don't get mad" - Lindow replied as he raised his hands in surrender - "Anyway, I just came to let you know that Cloud had to leave for an urgent mission."

"Oh, please tell me it has nothing to do with Johannes" - Sofia said seriously as she looked seriously at her romantic interest.

"Oops?" - Lindow averted his gaze as he scratched his cheek.

"Lindow!" - Tsubaki exclaimed coldly as she made an effort to get up, only to notice how Houki appeared in front of the leader of the [First Unit] with a red armor covering her body.

"Okay, I'm surprised," Lindow said, only to groan in pain as he felt Houki's mechanical fist in his stomach, "What was that for?"

Houki didn't answer him, she just waited for the man to finish talking about what had happened to her beloved.

"Ok, I'll talk, you don't have to be mad at me" - Lindow muttered as he explained Cloud's mission to them.

The girls were silent as they listened to the words of their group leader, only to shake their heads.

"I also informed Soma about it" - said Lindow seriously - "He told me that he would give you support as soon as possible, although I don't think this will happen because the general of [Fenrir: Far East], is on the side of the central base."

"Why do you say so?" - Tsubaki asked while frowning.

"Because he informed [Fenrir: Central] about Johannes when I gave him the information to give to Soma" - replied Lindow while shaking his head.

"That means Cloud might be in trouble!" - Houki exclaimed with wide eyes as she understood [Fenrir: Central]'s possible actions.

"What do you mean?" - Sakuya asked as she frowned.

"Listen, what they saw during their stay at the central base, is nothing compared to the true darkness of [Fenrir]!" - Tatenashi replied awkwardly as she tried to sit up, only to feel her intimacy start to ache - "Ugh, I feel like I'd better get some anesthesia."

"Better keep talking" - Tsubaki said as she frowned.

"What she's trying to say, is that [Fenrir: Central] is much worse than they think, at least with those who don't share their point of view, or are useless to their cause" - replied Houki seriously - "Murders, kidnappings, threats, none of that matters to those sons of bitches."

"!" - Sophia's eyes widened in surprise because she didn't know any of this.

"I'm not surprised that you don't know anything, after all, it could be said that you were the spoiled brat of the former leader of [Fenrir]" - replied Houki calmly as she looked at her friend - "But back to the topic, I'm sure [Fenrir] will try to capture Johannes if they know about his identity, and listening to Lindow's words, they do."

"What do you think will happen?" - Tsubaki asked seriously.

"If I'm honest, I'm sure they will do something stupid because of their greed" - replied Houki as Tatenashi nodded firmly. She also thought that the higher-ups of [Fenrir: Central], were going to screw it up.

* * * * *

[Arius Nova] looked in the direction where he felt a familiar presence, only to squint - [That presence, there's no way he wouldn't recognize it].

Johannes' mind was analyzing at a mile a minute in order to come up with a solution for his situation.

[I still have a long way to go before I can reach my peak evolution] - Johannes muttered as he looked at his prey and continued to devour it.

* * * * *

Cloud frowned as he felt Johannes' presence all around the area, as if he had multiplied or split into dozens of entities similar to him.

"Can you sense anything?" - Alisa asked as she frowned because her biosignal detector was not reacting. This detector had been specifically designed to be able to detect the [Bias Factor] of [Aragami] of danger rank A or higher.

"Nothing" - Cloud replied as his nose twitched slightly and have the same result. It was obvious that the world was blocking his search and such seemed like it wouldn't stop anytime soon.

[. . .] - [Sapphire] looked around worriedly as she felt a chill run through her entire body.

"Are you okay?" - Cloud asked as he looked at his subordinate with concern.

[Thank you for your concern, but I am in perfect condition, my lord] - [Sapphire] replied [Sapphire] seriously.

Cloud gave her one last look before shaking his head and concentrating on his mission.

"I feel like this is all much stranger than I thought" - Alisa muttered as she noticed how the signal from her detector was getting more and more erratic.

"I know, but for now we can only move on" - Cloud replied seriously as the group continued to move deeper into the area, unaware that [Fenrir] was about to screw up even more.


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