Chapter 391 [Final Boss: Arius Nova] (1)

[It's coming!] - exclaimed [Sapphire] in terror as Cloud released his wings and took flight after taking Alisa in his arms.

The [Aragami] quickly followed their leader, only to notice how in the part where they were, some huge jaws appeared.

". . ." - Cloud watched this neutrally as he noticed how an overwhelming presence appeared in the area.

"Cloud Strife!" - a distorted roar echoed as a huge crimson silhouette appeared in front of the group. [Arius Nova] hadn't changed much, in fact, only his size had grown along with an external exoskeleton that gave his body greater protection.

"You're uglier than before" - Cloud said disdainfully at the sight of the monstrous version of Johannes.

"Cloud Strife!" - [Arius Nova] roared as his presence grew with the passing seconds.

Cloud watched this seriously as he felt his blood begin to burn. The desire to fight was growing stronger and stronger as a huge smile appeared on his lips.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[Warning! Warning! For attempts to prevent the arrival of [Final Boss: Arius Nova], the world has listed User as [danger] to the plot! [Final Boss: Arius Nova] is 50% more lethal than budgeted and his abilities are much more powerful!]

[Warning! [Final Boss: Arius Nova] has acquired the [Fated Enemy] skill, when facing the user, all Stats increase by 50%, HP increases by 100%!]

[Warning! [Final Boss: Arius Nova] has acquired [Rage] status, Damage dealt increases by 100%. Damage received increases by 50%]

[Warning! [Final Boss: Arius Nova] has entered the [Oblivion] state, Ignore enemy resistances].

[Mandatory Mission has been generated: [Arrival of the End of the World]]

[Objective: Defeat [Final Boss: Arius Nova] in his [Enemy of the World] state]]

[Secondary Objective: Defeat [Final Boss: Arius Nova] in less than 30 minutes]]

[Secondary Objective: Defeat [Final Boss: Arius Nova] single-handedly]]

Secondary Objective: Defeat [Final Boss: Arius Nova] before he uses his unique ability] [Secondary Objective: Defeat [Final Boss: Arius Nova] before he uses his unique ability]

[Additional Info: Defeating [Final Boss] that have increased their power thanks to the world's influence, gives better rewards]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Cloud was silent after reading all the notifications, only to notice how the size of [Arius Nova], again increases.

"Cloud" - Alisa said in terror, after all, it was the first time she felt such a fear being in the presence of an [Aragami].

"[Sapphire], I want you to take Alisa and Shio, and take them to a safe place" - said Cloud seriously as he concentrated completely on the red beast that was watching him silently.

[But, sir] - [Sapphire] replied, only to notice how her leader was looking at her neutrally - [OK].

Shio gave her 'Onii-chan' a glance before jumping onto [Sapphire's] shoulder because she knew that she was useless in this fight, and even if she had her real body, she would still be nothing but a hindrance to the blond.

"Cloud!" - Alisa exclaimed in surprise as she shook her head to shake the fear out of her mind - "No! I came here to help you, not to watch you fight!"

"There are times when the best help, is to stay out of the way, Alisa" - answered Cloud as he looked at the girl with a neutral expression - "I know you mean well, but this battle is not as simple as you think."

". . ." - Alisa tried to say something else, but let out a scream as she felt [Sapphire] grab her shoulders and fly out of the place - "Cloud!"

Cloud gave the group one last glance before focusing completely on the monstrosity in front of him - "I appreciate you not attacking them."

"I can do that after I'm done with you, Cloud Strife" - [Arius Nova] growled as he released some of his energy.

Cloud didn't answer him, he just transformed into his dragon form as he let out a powerful roar that shook the earth - "ROAR!"

[Arius Nova] roared back as the two colossal beasts glared at each other coldly.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[Final Boss: Arius Nova]

Type: [Aragami] [Final Boss] [Final Boss] [Final Boss: Arius Nova]

Element: [Pyro] [Holy] [Darkness] [????]

HP (Counting Bonuses): 200.000.000

Stats (Counting Bonuses):

[STR: 7500] [DEX: 4500] [INT: 1500] [VIT: 7500] [LUK: 2] [Energy: 750,000] [Stats: 750,000] [Stats: 750,000] [Stats: 750,000] [Stats: 750,000] [Stats: 750,000


[????] [????] [????] [????] [Limit: Oblivion - Apocalypse].


[Rage] [Oblivion] [Fated Enemy] [Final Boss] [World Ally] [World's End].

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Cloud was silent after seeing those Stats, after all, they were much higher than his, at least for the moment.

"This is my power!" - [Arius Nova] roared as a sadistic smile appeared on his face - "Feel the fury of the planet!"

Cloud clicked his tongue in irritation as he concentrated on the battle, after all, the beast in front of him was a much stronger challenge than he first thought.

"Let's get this battle started, Cloud Strife!" - [Arius Nova] roared as he lunged at his opponent - "Let's see who the top predator is!"

"I think you're overestimating yourself too much, Johannes!" - Cloud roared fiercely as his body was surrounded by red-hot flames - "You may have gotten stronger than before, but I'm still superior!"

"Then let's check it out!" - [Arius Nova] roared as his body released a powerful aura of fire.

[Warning! User has been affected by [Final Boss: Arius Nova]'s Infernal Aura! By the effect of [Oblivion], resistance to [Pyro] has been ignored]]

[User has entered [Soul Burn] state, Resistance to [Pyro] has been set to negative, [Soul Burn] will cause constant damage of 1% of the user's maximum health every 10 seconds].

". . ." - Cloud fell silent as he felt his body begin to burn. He quickly gritted his teeth as he glared at [Arius Nova] with fury because it was the first time he took damage with an element he controlled, causing a hard blow to his pride as a dragon.

"What's the matter Cloud, can't you handle the heat?" - [Arius Nova] asked as he let out a laugh as he saw how Cloud's body seemed to be starting to burn.

Cloud roared in response as he felt all his mana suddenly ignite - "I'm going to enjoy dismembering you!"

"You stole the words right out of my mouth" - [Arius Nova] replied disdainfully as the two titanic monsters began their battle.

Cloud was determined to end it all once and for all, after all, he missed the people he had left behind and wished to see them once more - "Feel the wrath of the ultimate predator, Johannes!"

* * * * *

Alisa didn't know what to say after watching the battle between the two titans begin. The explosions caused by the shockwaves from the clash between the beasts were getting louder and louder and [Sapphire] could barely keep her balance in the sky.

"I think we'd better get back to the ground" - Shio said in a female voice that was being distorted.

"I could understand you!" - Alisa exclaimed in surprise at hearing the little creature's voice, only to notice how she was becoming more and more human.

"It's because my oral cords are developing" - Shio answered seriously while pulling [Sapphire's] 'hair' slightly - "Let's get out of here fast, or Onii-chan won't be able to concentrate well in battle!"

[Sapphire] was silent for a few seconds before nodding. She could feel how Cloud was holding back because they were still in the danger zone.

Alisa bit her lip before nodding, after all, she knew she was useless in this situation, though after some thought, she remembered that she could help the blond in another way.

"What do you plan on doing?" - Shio asked as she cocked her small head to the side.

"I'm going to contact my companions" - Alisa answered seriously as she looked at the small creature - "I may not be able to do anything to help Cloud, but my companions can do it with all the weaponry and soldiers he has [Fenrir: Far East]"

Shio nodded when he heard this, after all, humans were the only support they could get in this situation.

[Sapphire] just kept silent as she looked at her older sister and the human female before shaking her head. The best thing she could do right now was to look out for Shio and Alisa's safety as their leader had said, after all, she had full confidence in her master's power.

Alisa took one last look at the battle zone as she watched the huge red beast retreating from the attacks of the towering silver dragon, only to set about praying for the blond's safety.


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