Chapter 392 [Final Boss: Arius Nova] (2)

"This is bad" - Tatenashi muttered as her face paled.

Houki was the same as her friend, after all, she had also received the notification.

[User has entered combat against [Final Boss: Arius Nova (SR)], enemy has increased its power drastically thanks to the world's intervention].

"Cloud's in trouble," Houki muttered as she got up from the bed. The discomfort in her privacy couldn't compare to the worry she felt after reading the notification.

"Huh? Cloud is in trouble?" - Sakuya asked in surprise, only to frown because it was strange for Houki to say something like that.

"I don't think this is the time for joking" - Tsubaki said as she gave the brown-haired girl a blank look.

"We're not joking" - Tatenashi replied seriously while trying to get up. The awkwardness was annoying, but she still gritted her teeth and stood up.

Sakuya and Tsubaki looked at each other, then nodded and stood up. They had the huge regenerative factor from their resonance with the [God Arc] to thank for that.

"Girls, we have bad news!" - Sophia exclaimed as she entered the room, only to open her eyes in surprise when she saw how all the women were out of bed - "A're? What are you doing up?"

"Cloud's in trouble!" - Houki exclaimed as Sofia's eyes widened in surprise.

"How did they know?" - Sofia asked as she looked incredulously at her friend, only to shake her head - "No, that doesn't matter right now."

"Is what they said true?" - Tsubaki asked in surprise.

"Exactly, Cloud is in trouble" - answered Sofia seriously - "In very serious trouble".

"What exactly is happening?" - Sakuya asked seriously as she felt a bad feeling, though she quickly remembered something - "And please tell me it has nothing to do with Johannes."

"I'm sorry to tell you that you're right" - replied Sofia while shaking her head - "Cloud is facing Johannes and according to Alisa-san, the battle is even at the moment, though Cloud is steadily backing down."

". . ." - the women looked at each other with concern as a stony silence appeared in the room. None of them knew what to say in this situation, so they did the only thing that came to their minds, getting dressed as quickly as possible to go to their leader and give support to their lover.

"I'd better inform them while we go to Lindow's office" - said Sofia when she saw that the four women were ignoring their discomfort to go help their beloved.

* * *

After a few minutes, the female group arrived at Lindow's office, who was talking to Soma in order to organize an expedition to go help Cloud.

"Okay, see you in 10 minutes" - Lindow said as he cut the call just as Sofia and the others entered his office - "I see you've already heard about the situation."

"Let's stop playing games, Lindow, I want to know what you have planned to do" - said Tatenashi seriously. She did not wish to waste time because she knew it would only complicate things.

"What I plan to do is simple, we will go to help that idiot with the help of Soma and his subordinates" - Lindow answered seriously while looking at each of the women - "Although you will not participate directly".

"Don't even think about it, Lindow" - said Houki neutrally - "I'm not going to let my boyfriend fight while I just watch from a safe place."

"I share the same opinion as Houki" - nodded Tsubaki seriously while looking at her younger brother - "I'm willing to take my [God Arc] once again despite how dangerous I know it is."

". .2 - Lindow frowned when he heard this because he knew very well why his sister had left the [God Eater] trade - "Are you sure?"

"More sure impossible" - Tsubaki answered seriously.

Lindow let out a heavy sigh before nodding - "Ok, I'm going to pass you your [God Arc] when we leave for the mission."

"Houki-chan, it's time for us to show the power of our equipment" - Tatenashi said seriously.

"I was thinking the same thing, Tatenashi" - replied Houki while stroking the bells that were tied to her wrist.

Those present looked at the two women as Lindow wondered if it was okay for them to participate alongside her sister and childhood friend.

"Relax, everything will be fine" - said Sofia with a smile as she put her hand on Lindow's shoulder.

"Thank you" - muttered Lindow as she shook her head and left to go get her sister's [God Arc].

"Please keep supporting my brother like you're doing" - Tsubaki said as she gave the blonde woman a smile - "He needs someone like you to keep his feet on the ground."

Sofia nodded with embarrassment as her cheeks tinged red.

* * * * *

"You know your orders" - Soma said earnestly as he looked seriously at each of the high commanders of [Fenrir: Far East].

"This is madness!" - exclaimed the general in command of the military forces there - "We should be assisting the central base, not engaging in a battle between those two things!"

"I think you're talking too much out of turn!" those present frowned when they heard this, but said nothing to refute those words because they agreed.

"I think you are speaking too much for the central base, general" - Soma said neutrally while frowning because it had already been many times that the general had tried by all possible means to make him agree to send help to [Fenrir: Central].

"I'm just trying to think of what's best for our organization" - the general replied proudly.

"Really?" - Soma asked disdainfully as he pulled out a document which he set down in front of the general.

The military man felt a bad feeling when he saw this, but he still took it and read it, only to feel his back start to sweat uncontrollably - "T-This is"

"More than enough proof of all the deals you've made with [Fenrir: Central]" - Soma replied neutrally - "They've been going since my father was in command."

The higher ups frowned as they looked at the general with disdain, it was obvious that he wasn't doing all this theatrics not out of the kindness of his heart, but because it was directly affecting their profits.

"Don't be hypocrites!" - exclaimed the general as he noticed the stares of his fellow officers - "You would have done the same thing if you had been the chosen ones!"

The senior commanders were silent, but did not deny the general's words.

"Well, now that you know the truth, I just want to tell you to accept my request" - said the general neutrally while looking at the current leader of [Fenrir: Far East] - "If we manage to save the leaders of [Fenrir: Central], then we will get all the riches we desire!"

The high commanders started muttering amongst themselves as they thought about their companion's words, only to shake their heads.

"Why!" - The general exclaimed in fury as he saw the attitude of his comrades. He knew about the greed of those present, so he was surprised to see how they refused.

"Because profits are garbage" - replied the leader of the logistics squadron with disdain - "You say there will be profits, but the consequences will be much worse!"

"The leaders of [Fenrir: Central] are fighting a losing battle" - replied the leader of the current research squadron - "If we go, all of our forces will die because we will be treated as cannon fodder."

The general was silent because he knew this to be true. He was aware that all his forces would be treated as sacrifices in order to keep the soldiers under the command of the leaders of [Fenrir: Central], after all, they had been trained to have absolute loyalty, not like the soldiers of other branches.

"OK, now that we've made this clear, it's time for us to start preparations" - said Soma neutrally - "We'll leave immediately."

"If they won't help me, then they won't help you either" - said the general with disdain - "If we're going to get in the middle of those two abominations, our forces will end up being annihilated."

"What he says is true" - replied another high commander of [Fenrir: Far East].

"We will not participate directly" - replied Soma with disdain - "I don't want the first great expedition to end up being a massacre for my forces."

"Will we provide tactical support?" - Asked the logistics squadron leader - "If so, then it's not a bad plan to get us in the middle of those two things, not to mention that it would be a fantastic thing if those two abominations end up dead."

The general gritted his teeth when he saw how the others nodded at the idea of following Soma's orders - "This is ridiculous!"

"You have your orders" - Soma said neutrally as he retreated so he could contact Lindow, after all, they had an expedition to organize and lives to protect, after all, if Johannes could take on [Calamity], then his danger level was extremely high..


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