Chapter 393 [Final Boss: Arius Nova] (3).

"Why isn't anyone coming!" - [Fenrir: Central]'s current leader exclaimed. It had been quite some time since he had ordered the other Branches of [Fenrir] to send support to his cause, but such seemed that this would not happen.

"Sir, our spies have informed us that the leaders of the different branches are refusing to cooperate" - replied a soldier from the logistics team. The poor subordinates were beginning to sweat for fear of being the next to die, after all, the higher commanders had been sacrificing their men in order to save the soldiers most loyal to them.

"Shit!" - roared the leader of [Fenrir] as he gritted his teeth in fury, only to remember the last hope they had - "Call Cloud Strife!"

"Right, Cloud Strife!" - shouted another high command of [Fenrir] as he felt his heart pounding, after all, if Cloud was in [Fenrir: Central], they were sure the soldiers would be finished.

The soldier started muttering things under his breath as he shook his head - "I'm sorry, but we can't contact Cloud Strife."

"Impossible!" - [Fenrir]'s higher-ups exclaimed angrily as it was obvious they couldn't believe the blond had disappeared again.

"It's not like we don't know where he is, but that he is in a place where we can't contact him" - replied the soldier while trying to express himself better - "He is fighting Johannes"

"!" - the high commanders eyes widened in surprise as they felt their breathing stop for a few seconds.

"Johannes managed to complete with his transformation and is now a threat, that's the only information we have from [Fenrir: Far East]" - replied the soldier with a serious expression on his face - "This information was delivered directly to Johannes' son and current leader of that Branch, Soma."

"Where did this information come from?" - The leader of [Fenrir: Central] asked seriously.

"It was a cadet from Russia who was transferred to the [First Unit]." - answered the soldier as he began to reread the information so as not to say anything wrong - "Alisa Ilinichina Amiella, [God Eater] trained from the Russian Branch of [Fenrir: Hati]"

"Alisa the frost" - muttered one of the higher-ups who had read the report about the girl. She had earned that nickname thanks to her cold and aloof attitude towards her peers, the only exception being Tatenashi Sarashiki, her instructor.

"How did this happen?" - Another high command muttered as he began to curse his bad luck. Of all the times for Johannes to show up, it had to be right around the time they were about to die in a mutiny orchestrated by the military.

"Damn!" - [Fenrir]'s leader shouted as he felt like he was about to explode from all the anger growing inside him - "It's like the world wants to see us dead!"

"What do we do now?" - [Fenrir] asked the logistics team leader as his face paled as he heard the footsteps approaching their location. They had lost 6 floors of their base and their soldiers were getting fewer and fewer - "According to our calculations, the military will reach this room in less than two hours at the rate our troops are falling."

"Our situation is worse than I thought" - muttered the research squad leader.

"In fact, it's better than I budgeted" - replied the logistics squad leader - "I had calculated that by now we should be dead, or at least subdued by the military."

"Maybe they are not attacking so often because they don't want to annihilate us?" - Said one of the leaders, only to notice how everyone looked at him with disdain.

"If I had to give an excuse, I'd say it's because they don't want our soldiers to die" - replied the leader the logistics squad - "Their deaths would be huge losses, after all, we use a large part of [Fenrir's] budget to be able to form our personal squads."

"Don't even remind me" - said the leader of [Fenrir] as he felt a vein start to throb in his forehead - "Just thinking about all the losses we have suffered, makes me want more and more to kill that son of a bitch Jeremy"

* * * * *

"Situation report" - said the commanding general of the army, Jeremy as he looked at the soldier in front of him.

"300 dead, 500 wounded and the counter is going up, sir" - replied the soldier with an unreadable expression - "Of those 500 wounded, at least 80% are seriously wounded and possibly unable to return to the battlefield."

". . ." - Jeremy was silent for a few seconds before sighing regretfully. He knew this battle would be a massacre, after all, fighting humans was much harder than fighting [Aragami], all thanks to the huge difference between intellects.

"What do we do, sir?" - The soldier asked as his expression became firm. He just wished to end this unnecessary battle once and for all.

"It's time for us to end this" - said Jeremy as he looked at the soldier a cold expression - "There will be no mercy anymore, tell the troops to get ready to start the last attack, after all, the situation is not as simple as we thought."

"You mean the information we just got from our spy?" - Asked the soldier with surprise.

"Exactly" - answered Jeremy while shaking his head to drive away the strange thoughts that were going through his mind - "Johannes is much more dangerous than we thought, and the troops those sons of bitches sent to their death, only served as snacks for that bastard."

". . ." - the soldier was silent for a few seconds before nodding - "Ok, I'll go inform the others right away."

"Go" - Jeremy replied as he watched his subordinate retreat - "Things are a lot worse than we thought."

"I know, I didn't think things would change so fast either" - said Jacob, the former leader of [Fenrir: Central] as he sighed with regret - "I know my actions weren't the best during my leadership, and that I tried to maintain the Status Quo, but it pains me to see how my little girl ended"

Jacob sighed with regret after remembering what a deplorable state his beloved [Fenrir] was in.

"If it makes you feel any better, you have been the best leader [Fenrir] has had in years" - Jeremy replied while looking at his old friend - "Not to mention that you are one of the few leaders who has supported us"

"It was my duty as leader" - replied Jacob as he shook his head - "But I think it's best we leave it up to here, now we need to concentrate on the problem at hand."

"I know, Johannes in a danger to the world and it's obvious that he decided to put his humanity aside" - answered Jeremy with a cold expression on his face - "Tell me, Jacob, what would you do in my position?"

"Annihilation" - Jacob answered coldly, an expression he had shown in years - "Complete annihilation of all the high command of [Fenrir: Central], then organize all our forces and go straight against Johannes."

"I don't think that's a good idea" - Jeremy said as he listened to his soldiers leaving again to the battlefield, not knowing how many would be the ones who would end up dead during this last battle - "My men are just going to leave one battle, to enter another one right away, that's something that will honestly cause massive discontent."

"I know, but it's our only option if we want [Fenrir: Central] to stay on top" - Jacob answered seriously. He was aware of the discontent in the different branches of [Fenrir] in the world because of the attitude they had shown during the last years, he was also aware of how many of the leaders were willing to increase the power of their subordinates in order to take the general command of [Fenrir], that's why they needed to rise again and demonstrate their power.

"Preventing anyone from subduing us" - nodded Jeremy with a serious expression - "Just thinking about this, makes me feel relieved that no one came to 'support' us."

"I know, it's a blessing in the middle of all this chaos" - replied Jacob as he let out a sigh of relief, after all, he knew how the leaders of the different branches of [Fenrir], had simply refused to help them because they were conserving their forces, although this also made them lose the best opportunity to score points with the civilians.

"By the way, the soldiers of the high command who have defected, have been trying to wreak havoc in the urban areas" - Jeremy said seriously.

"Capture them and give them a slow death" - Jacob answered coldly as a powerful killer instinct came out of his body - "[Fenrir: Central] doesn't need opportunistic bastards, much less those sons of bitches who have tried to harm the lives of civilians."

"Consider it done" - Jeremy replied as his eyes glittered with malice, only to await the good news that would herald the end of this battle for dominance.


NOTE : Next world is Hunter x Hunter and cloud's new journey is already guys can read ahead of you'll want to...join me on p@treon platform...

spoiler - cloud's gonna fight zoldycks


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