Chapter 394 [Final Boss: Arius Nova] (4)

"Are you ready to leave!" - Soma exclaimed as he grabbed his [God Arc], after all, he was about to depart together with his soldiers, but his expression changed when he heard the sound of the alarm - "Report!"

"Sir, an army of [Aragami] is heading towards our base!" - exclaimed a soldier in terror - "It's the [Psion]!"

"!" - the soldiers became serious when they heard this as they recalled the report of the [Red Rain] that had happened recently.

"This is what happens for not paying attention to that event" - the general leader muttered as he looked at his Soma with disdain - "I guess fate doesn't want us to meddle in the battle of those two things!"

Soma said nothing, he just instructed his subordinates who possessed long range [God Arc] to board the helicopters while the others prepared for battle. The orders were simple, the helicopters would provide support while the others did their best to annihilate all the beasts approaching their home.

"Should we call in support from the [First Unit]?" - A senior commander asked as a serious expression appeared on his face.

Soma didn't know what to answer to this because he was sure it would put Lindow in an awkward situation.

"Sir, this is serious" - said another soldier with a serious expression on his face - "The members of the [First Unit] may not be many, but their strength is unmatched."

"I concur, sir" - replied the soldier who had brought the information - "According to the report of our reconnaissance squadron, the numbers of our enemies seem to be endless."

Soma sighed regretfully before nodding. He was sorry for not being able to help his friend, but the safety of [Fenrir: Far East] was the top priority.

* * * * *

"This has got to be a joke" - Lindow muttered as a complicated expression appeared on his face. He didn't know what action to take now that he knew [Fenrir: Far East] was about to be besieged by a huge army of [Aragami.]

". . ." - Tatenashi and Houki looked at each other before sighing regretfully. They truly wished to go to their beloved, but they knew that many lives were at stake.

"What shall we do?" asked Tsubaki as she looked at the others with a conflicted expression on her face.

"Help, obviously!" - Sophia exclaimed, though her conviction disappeared as quickly as it had appeared - "Now that I've said it out loud, I don't feel so convinced."

"I share the sentiment" - Sakuya muttered as she looked at her leader, waiting for her decision.

Lindow didn't know what to say, after all, they had been trained with the thought that the priority was to protect their home and the lives that lived in it.

"Lindow, let's go to [Fenrir: Far East]" - Houki said as she looked at her leader - "Let's annihilate all those things as quickly as possible so we can go help Cloud."

"Are you sure?" - Lindow asked as he looked at the brown-haired young woman, then observe the blue-haired woman.

"What are we waiting for!" - Tatenashi exclaimed as she looked around - "We don't have time to waste!"

"You're right" - said Tsubaki seriously as she took her [God Arc], a two meter long sword that seemed to be made of blood because of its coloration. The sword was designed to be simple and practical, with no need for extraneous attachments, all thanks to the fact that it had been one of the first [God Arc] to be created.

"Now that we've made the decision to go help Soma, it's time for us to leave immediately" - Lindow said as those present nodded firmly, after all, the faster they got this fucking battle over with, the faster they could go help Cloud.

"I hope everything is alright, Cloud" - thought Sakuya, Tsubaki, Tatenashi and Houki as they started praying for their beloved's well-being.

"By the way, where are Lenka and Kota?" - Lindow asked as he frowned.

"!" - those present widened their eyes in surprise as they looked around in puzzlement. They had been so focused on the problems in front of them, that they didn't notice that the two young men had been missing for over 30 minutes.

"I have a bad feeling" - muttered Lindow as he decided to leave this topic for another time, after all, time was what they had the least of.

"We feel the same" - said the women as they looked at each other before entering the helicopter. Houki quickly sat in the pilot's seat and started the flying vehicle, not noticing how one of their motorcycles had disappeared.

* * * * *

"This is a lousy idea, Lenka" - said Kota as he looked at his friend. The two were on one of Houki's motorcycles that they had stolen in order to get to [Fenrir: Far East] faster because they knew that Soma would also go to help.

They had eavesdropped on the situation and knew they would be dropped off at the base, that's why they had made the decision to go to [Fenrir: Far East] so they could get into one of the helicopters that would go out to help Cloud, after all, he was fighting Johannes.

"Easy, I know what I'm doing" - replied Lenka as he continued driving and from the way he was driving, it was obvious that he had a great deal of experience - "My father taught me how to drive since I was little"

"I see" - muttered Kota as he looked at his friend, only to frown when he heard a huge amount of footsteps - "Lenka"

"I know" - replied Lenka as he frowned. He quickly moved to a nearby cave and parked the bike, only to feel the earth begin to shake.

In the distance, the sound of footsteps approaching their location was becoming more frequent.

Lenka and Kota felt as if a symphony of drums were echoing in the area.

"This is bad" - Kota said seriously as he noticed countless silhouettes approaching from the east - "There are too many of them!"

". . ." - Lenka was silent as he felt sweat begin to bead on his forehead. He never thought things would change so drastically, but still he didn't let fear take over his mind - "Kota, those things are headed for [Fenrir: Far East]!"

"!" - Kota's eyes widened in terror when he heard this as he felt his breathing start to get out of control. Just thinking about the situation where all those [Aragami] would arrive at [Fenrir: Far East], made his heart pound uncontrollably.

"Relax, your family will be safe" - Lenka replied as she put her hand on her friend's shoulder - "Remember that the [God Eater] are still at the base."

"Right" - muttered Kota as he nodded firmly - "Thank you, friend."

"Don't mention it" - replied Lenka with a smile that quickly disappeared because he could feel that the creatures were getting closer and closer, all thanks to the sound of their footsteps.

"What shall we do, Lenka?" - Kota asked as he looked at his friend because it was obvious that they wouldn't be able to get out of their hiding place, and it was even quite possible that they would be discovered with how close they were to the cave entrance.

"All that's left for us to do is to go deep into the cave and dig a tunnel to hide in" - Lenka replied as she started to think - "We also have to be thankful that we are prepared."

Kota nodded firmly as he pulled out a strange bottle, this was a liquid specifically created to hide their scent from [Aragami] of danger rank B or lower.

"Let's go, we have a lot to do and little time" - Lenka said as she looked towards the entrance of the cave with a serious expression on her face - "Let's go."

"As you order, captain" - replied Kota with a teasing smile.

Lenka didn't say anything for his friend's joke, after all, it was better than being worried or afraid about the shitty situation he was in.

* * * * *

"If that's all you've got, then I'm disappointed, Cloud Strife!" - [Arius Nova] roared as he let out a lunatic cackle. The huge red beast was glaring condescendingly at the silver dragon in front of him.

Kurama didn't answer it, he just gave it a cold stare as his wounds regenerated. He could hardly contain the anger that was growing inside him after suffering so many burns.

"Speechless?" - [Arius Nova] asked disdainfully as he felt a huge euphoria at the sight of his opponent's expression - "This is just the beginning!"

"I don't think you understand something, Johannes" - said Cloud as he began to release an enormous amount of energy - "And that is that you never have to belittle me!"

[Arius Nova] trembled at the enormous pressure he was feeling as his core began to quiver with fear.

"It's time for the [Second Round], Johannes!" - Cloud roared as countless flaming rocks began to levitate.


NOTE : Next world is Hunter x Hunter and cloud's new journey is already guys can read ahead of you'll want to...join me on p@treon platform...

spoiler - cloud's gonna fight zoldycks


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