Chapter 395 [Final Boss: Arius Nova] (5).

"ROAR!" - Cloud's roar was getting louder and louder as the earth shook as he felt his fury.

Cloud was shaking steadily as he felt all his mana begin to spiral out of control, though this was not something he was consciously doing.

[Warning! User is about to enter a state of [Overcharge], boosting his mana and physical abilities for a set time proportional to the user's mana and vitality]

[Calculating maximum time, 10 minutes][Additional Information: After ending the [Overcharge] state, the user will not be able to use his mana for one year].

"ROAR!" - Cloud could feel how the veins all over his body were starting to fill with energy to the point of becoming saturated."

How can you have so much power!" - [Arius Nova] exclaimed in terror as he felt his opponent's presence growing larger and larger - "That kind of energy scale shouldn't be possible!"

"It's too bad I'm not a normal person" - [Cloud] replied as he growled fiercely - "Come on, let's keep enjoying this carnage!"

[Arius Nova] silently watched the silver dragon as it began to bare its fangs at him.

"It's time" - smiled Cloud as he lunged at his prey with a red aura surrounding his body.

"This doesn't change your situation at all!" - [Arius Nova] roared, after all, he knew about the enormous amount of damage his attacks caused.

"It does, and by a lot!" - roared Cloud as he flew at full speed against Johannes - "And now you'll check it!"

"ROAR!" - [Arius Nova]'s powerful roar was not long in coming as he sped backwards. He knew things were taking a drastic 180° turn and there was only one thing left to do, analyze the situation and see if he could escape if things ended badly.

Cloud began to attack uncontrollably and erratically because he knew very well that he only had 10 minutes to finish this battle because after the budgeted time, he would end up so weak that he would be an easy prey for Johannes, after all, his only hope to continue living, was his mana.

[Arius Nova] noticed this detail, so after analyzing things a bit, he came to the conclusion that Cloud was using an ability with a time limit, after all, if it wasn't for that, he wouldn't be attacking so wildly and expending so much of his energy.

Johannes' brilliant mind had come to the right conclusion, but to his misfortune and irritation, Cloud didn't seem to allow him to exploit his weakness.

Cloud's movements seemed to be getting faster and faster, and the wounds on Johannes' mutated body were becoming more and more frequent.

"You bastard!" - [Arius Nova] roared as he gritted his teeth in fury. He quickly lunged at his prey while ignoring his logical reasoning, after all, his bestial side was much more prominent than his human side.

Cloud smiled when he saw this because it made his job much easier. He quickly imbued his teeth with fire as his body was covered by small fragments of rock.

With a swift movement, the huge silver dragon appeared over the red beast and launched a powerful bite, only for [Arius Nova] to roar in pain, but to his misfortune, Cloud's attack was far from over.

Cloud quickly used his mana to be able to control the rocks and debris around the place to seize [Arius Nova], only to notice how the heat of the place started to rise again.

"ROAR!" - [Arius Nova] roared fiercely as he used all his abilities to be able to escape, though to his misfortune, the pressure Cloud was putting on him was too great - "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

"You had your chance and you blew it!" - Cloud exclaimed as he ripped a chunk out of [Arius Nova]'s neck, only to grin as he heard the red beast's roar of pain, though his expression quickly changed as he felt the beast's flesh begin to quiver like jelly.

Cloud quickly took flight to a safe distance as he noticed how a massive amount of tentacles came out of [Arius Nova's] back.

"OK, that's disgusting" - Cloud growled as he noticed how Johannes' body began to change, showing that he had turned around, though he looked extremely tired, as if his actions had expended much of his energy - "I see, changing your body composition causes your vitality to diminish."

". . ." - [Arius Nova] just kept silent while breathing heavily.

Cloud smiled at this because he had seen how [Arius Nova]'s HP had decreased by 10% of his maximum HP in just a few seconds - "Come on, we still have a lot to do."

". . ." - [Arius Nova] continued to watch Cloud, only to avert his gaze in the direction where he could sense the presence of Alisa and the others.

"Don't even think about it, you bastard!" - Cloud exclaimed as he understood what was going through Johannes' mind just by watching his eyes. He quickly lunged at the beast as he used his mana to reshape the rocks that had previously trapped Johannes, creating 9 sharp rocky spikes.

[Arius Nova] roared in pain as he felt the rocks embed themselves into his body, though he quickly changed his form and escaped the scene, once again leaving himself vulnerable.

Cloud's eyes glowed at this, after all, he just had to continue trapping and causing damage to the beast and he would win, but there was a problem, he only had a few minutes left for his [Overload] state to end. He quickly jumped on the [Aragami] with an expression full of madness and bloodlust, only to notice how the beast continued to dodge his attacks with a flexibility worthy of admiration.

"You're annoying, Johannes" - muttered Cloud as he increased his speed again.

"That's for me to say!" - [Arius Nova] roared as he released a powerful heat wave.

Cloud paused for a few seconds as he felt the stones covering his body, begin to melt from the embracing heat, time that [Arius Nova] took advantage of to move closer and closer to where Alisa and the others were.

* * * * *

[This is bad!] - [Sapphire] exclaimed as she felt her instincts screaming at her to escape - [That thing is slowly approaching towards our location!]

The [Aragami] harpy-like [Aragami] quickly grabbed Alisa by the shoulders with its claws and took flight. She didn't think twice because she knew very well about the danger they were in.

". . ." - Shio was silent as he also felt death approaching them.

"You will not escape!"- [Arius Nova] roared as he extended his neck in the direction where the trio were - "Come to me! Be a part of me, a superior being!"

[Stay away!"- shouted [Sapphire] as she continued to take flight.

"Join me!" - [Arius Nova] roared, only to feel him lose his senses in his head.

"Do you really think I'm going to let you do that?" - Cloud asked disdainfully as he looked at [Arius Nova's] decapitated head and began to devour it without a second thought.

[[Arius Nova(Part)], you have been consumed, +20 to all Stats, [Stamina: Holy +50%]]

[You have consumed much of [[Final Boss: Arius Nova], [Final Boss]'s HP has been reduced by 20%]].

"ENOUGH!" - [Arius Nova] roared as his body began to vibrate, only to have his head regenerate after a few seconds - "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!! KILL YOU!"

Cloud didn't say anything else, he continued to attack his opponent because he only had 4 minutes left for his [Overcharge] state to end.

"KILL YOU!" - [Arius Nova] roared as the expression on his humanoid face changed to drastically to a more animalistic and savage one.

Cloud let out a laugh as he again leapt at his prey.

[Sapphire] watched this with excitement because she could feel how her master's power was much greater than it was at the beginning of the battle and was steadily increasing, more so if you counted how his vitality grew with every bite he took at [Arius Nova].

"I guess the winner has been decided" - muttered Shio as her eyes glittered slightly as she saw how Johannes' vitality was getting lower and lower while Cloud's was growing.

"AOW ~!" - [Arius Nova]'s roars of anguish were getting sharper and sharper.

Cloud continued to devour [Arius Nova]'s flesh as he felt his body's strength begin to steadily diminish.

The strength within the two combatants was less and less as they struggled to end this.

[Arius Nova] knew that it was only a matter of time before his defeat would come, which is why he had made a decision.

With one last effort, he made his body change again.

Cloud watched this as his body froze.

The ten minutes were up and his mana was gone, though the only bright side to all this, was that [Arius Nova] wasn't at his full potential either.


NOTE : Next world is Hunter x Hunter and cloud's new journey is already guys can read ahead of you'll want to...join me on p@treon platform...

spoiler - cloud's gonna fight zoldycks


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