Chapter 396 [Final Boss: Arius Nova] (6)

[Sapphire] watched with concern what happened, but let out a sigh of relief when she saw how the huge silver dragon was finishing devouring Johannes' body.

"Is it all over?" - Alisa asked with concern.

"It's possible" - answered Shio as she watched Cloud was returning to his human form.

[Not yet] - answered [Sapphire] seriously - [That thing is still alive].

Cloud fell to his knees as he breathed in exhaustion. He could feel how his body was devoid of any strength as he observed the surroundings and notice how a small red mass started to move like jelly.

"You bastard!" - Roared the shapeless mass as it began to take on an appearance that looked like a cross between a red lion and a human.

Cloud gave the beast a tired look and noticed with surprise how it was much weaker than he was.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[Arius Nova (Weakened)]

Title: [The beast that fell] [Johannes].

HP: 1.000.000/

Stats: [STR: 1000] [DEX: 1000] [VIT: 1000][INT: 1000][Energy: 0]

Skills: [????] [?????]

Status: [Weak]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Cloud watched as the beast struggled to its feet and watched him coldly.

"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" - roared [Arius Nova] as his form was becoming more and more human, making it clear that Johannes' influence on the beast at the end of the world was growing.

Cloud didn't answer him, he just stood up with his remaining strength while trying to imbue his fists with fire, only to feel a sharp pain inside thanks to not being able to use his mana. It was obvious that his body was at its limit and the network that circulated his mana throughout his body was much worse.

"I think it's a good time to give him a hand" - Shio said as Alisa nodded firmly. I see the state of the two opponents it was obvious that she was in the final part of their encounter - "I think so too."

The trio was about to dive in to help the blond, but they stopped when they noticed the expression Cloud had on his face. It was obvious that he was telling them to stay out of the way for some strange reason.

Johannes clicked his tongue in irritation when he saw this because he was planning to use the moment those three approached to try to devour them and regain some of their energy, but such it seemed that things wouldn't be as simple as he thought.

Cloud quickly pulled out his weapon [Sephiroth] and transformed it into a spear for support. Now that he had lost [Incursio] for obvious reasons, he could only use standard weaponry.

Johannes gritted his teeth as he glared at Cloud fiercely. He could barely control the stability of his body, but at the same time he knew that this was the best time to be able to modify his body, and to do so, he needed samples of genetic code.

"It's time for our final round, Johannes" - Cloud said as he stood on guard and noticed how Johannes' hands started to change.

Alisa watched this from a safe distance, but at the same time she was surprised to see how an [Aragami] left its core behind in order to take on a human appearance. Shio on the other hand was not so surprised, after all, that had been the way she had taken her current form.

[Dangerous] - [Sapphire] said as she slowly walked away - [It is very dangerous to get close].

"I know, I noticed it too after Cloud warned us" - Shio replied while frowning.

"I think it's a good time to be able to contact the others" - said Alisa as she noticed how her communicator was no longer being blocked by the interference produced by Johannes.

"This will take time, so get it done" - Shio replied seriously.

Alisa nodded firmly as she contacted her team, only to frown when she noticed how no one answered - "Strange."

"Could something have happened?" - Shio asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Possibly" - Alisa replied as she started to think, though she quickly shook her head and returned her focus to the two fighters. Right now, she was cursing herself for having a short-ranged [God Arc].

* * * * *

"More support in sector 7!" - roared a soldier as he continued to bombard the invading [Aragami] with all the ammunition he had in his weapon.

The war between [Fenrir: Far East] and the [Aragami] army had started more than 5 minutes ago and the casualties were already terrible for both sides.

Lindow together with the [First Unit] was doing their best, but their low numbers made their support only a drop of water in the middle of the ocean. The leader of the [First Unit] could only be thankful that Tatenashi and Houki had activated their marvelous armaments, because if not for that, the casualties would be much more depressing for the humans.

"Second squad, initiate attack!" - Soma roared as he wiped the sweat from his face after returning from the battlefield.

"AOW!" - the bestial roars were becoming more and more frequent as the humans slowly retreated. The [Aragami] didn't need morale to continue fighting unlike the humans, and it didn't help that the beasts were devouring the corpses of the soldiers who fell in battle.

"We have to annihilate all the [Psion] first and then destroy the small [Aragami]!" - Lindow exclaimed as he looked at Soma with a serious expression on his face, only to notice how a new helicopter was shot down by the attacks of the flying [Aragami] - "If we don't do it quickly, this battle will be lost and we won't be able to do anything but evacuate!"

"If we evacuate, the losses will be much greater" - said the general as he looked at Lindow coolly.

"If we continue to fight this way until the end, the losses will be worse" - Lindow replied neutrally after hearing the general's words - "And I don't intend to send my subordinates to certain death, not when we are doing everything we can to help them."

"It's your duty as soldiers!" - roared the general, only to feel the point of a sword on his back - "Soma-sama?"

"That's the first and last time I hear you disrespecting my comrades" - said Soma neutrally.

"That's favoritism, Soma-sama!" - The general exclaimed angrily.

"No, I'm being objective with my decisions" - replied Soma as he looked at the general - "In case you haven't noticed, the [First Unit] is being the main pillar of our defenses and without them our front line would have fallen from the very beginning"

"But" - muttered the general, only to feel his leader's gaze grow increasingly icy.

"Instead your subordinates" - Soma continued coldly as he put more force into the grip of his weaponry - "They aren't even trying."

The general tried to defend himself, but the feeling of how his leader's sword could pierce his chest at any second made him keep silent.

"Now the question is this" - Soma said with disdain - "Who should I support - a general who is doing nothing and whose subordinates are more hindrance than allies, or the squad leader who is functioning as a pillar of our defenses?"

The general didn't know what to say when he finished listening to his leader's words because the answer was obvious. LA [First Unit] was the hope of this defense and if he were in Soma's position, he too would not sacrifice such an important squadron - "I'm sorry, Soma-sama."

"I hope it won't happen again, not when our lives are at stake" - Soma replied coolly as he looked curiously at the weaponry his two former teammates were using - "So that's the unknown weaponry, now I understand why they didn't want to use it?"

The general looked at the two women with jealousy because that strange weaponry was not only strong, but also safe, after all, they could escape at any second if things got complicated, all thanks to the fact that they could fly - "Not mentioning anything about their weapons, is a clear sign of rebellion on their part, we should confiscate their weaponry and send them to our scientists so they can try to decipher them."

"Sure, keep trying to antagonize the only people who are saving your skin" - said Lindow sarcastically - "As would be expected from a general with years of experience, I'm sure you didn't get the job by licking the asses of those at the central base."

The general's face reddened in anger and embarrassment as he shot Lindow a cold glare, but his expression quickly changed to one of submission when he noticed the cold stare Soma was giving him - "You're not learning anything, general."

"I'm sorry, Soma-sama" - the general replied as he ducked his head - "It's just that I'm thinking of what's best for [Fenrir: Far East]"

"Are you sure it has nothing to do with the fact that you wish to have more merit with the central base?" - Lindow asked disdainfully - "I'm sure that if you managed to get the information on that weaponry and turned it over to home base, you would have an extremely comfortable life."


NOTE : Next world is Hunter x Hunter and cloud's new journey is already guys can read ahead of you'll want to...join me on p@treon platform...

spoiler - cloud's gonna fight zoldycks


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