Chapter 397 ( Evacuation - I )

The general was silent as Soma and Lindow watched him neutrally, though he let out a sigh of relief when he noticed how the two men were once again concentrating on the pitched battle happening a few meters away.

"How long do you think we can hold out in this precarious situation?" - Soma asked seriously as he looked at his former leader, after all, he was far more experienced than he was in command of the troops.

"If I'm honest, I'd say a few hours" - replied Lindow while frowning - "And if you want me to be more specific, I'd say between two to three hours."

Soma's expression turned cold when he heard this as he struggled to come to a decision - "What do you think we should do?"

"Evacuate" - Lindow replied as he gave his former subordinate a look - "I heard that a portion of your father's labs are still functional"

"Exactly, oh, I see" - murmured Soma as he nodded firmly - "Ok, general."

"H-Hai!" - exclaimed the general as he looked at Soma.

"I want you to take your subordinates and organize an immediate evacuation" - ordered Soma as he looked the general straight in the eyes - "The objective will be to get to the facility my father used."

"But sir, that place is dangerous" - replied the general with a confused expression - "We haven't checked for [Aragami] in the area yet"

Soma gave him a blank look as his former leader let out a laugh full of mockery.

"I think the pressure made your brain atrophy" - Lindow said as he looked at the military man with disdain - "Do you really think that place is more dangerous than the current [Fenrir: Far East]?"

The general opened his mouth to try to say something, only to be completely speechless as his face flushed with embarrassment, after all, any place was better than being in the middle of a battlefield.

"How many soldiers will I have at my disposal?" - The general asked as he shook his head.

"30, with that you will have more than enough" - answered Soma seriously as he called another general and instructed him to send some soldiers to gather supplies - "After establishing the new operation center, I want you to check the area to prevent any gaps in our defenses that those things will take advantage of, finally I want you at the only available entrance, to create the first line of defense in case some [Aragami] escape us"

"OK" - nodded the General as he started to think. This may not have been the best situation for him, but at least with this he would be safe and his merits would not be minor, after all, in his hands were the lives of all the civilians of [Fenrir: Far East].

"Go at once, we will hold out until you are in the lab" - Soma answered seriously - "When everything is ready, contact us to fall back and barricade ourselves in the facility."

"As you command, Soma-sama!" - The general exclaimed firmly as he retreated.

Soma took one last look at the retreating military man, then focused on his former leader - "What do you think?"

"He's an idiot who only thinks of himself, and this is good for us because he will follow his orders knowing that it will bring them great benefits" - replied Lindow with disdain, but his expression changed when he heard how the shouts of the soldiers were getting closer and closer to their headquarters - "But well, I think it's enough of chatter because it's coming time to continue with the slaughter"

"I will follow you, Lindow" - Soma answered seriously.

"You don't call me captain anymore?" - asked Lindow while a huge smile appeared on his lips.

"I'm your superior, Lindow, so I expect you to call me leader" - replied Soma with disdain.

"Tch, you cocky brat" - snorted Lindow as he rolled his eyes at him.

"We're almost the same age, asshole" - replied Soma as he gave him a blank stare.

"Are you going to talk or fight?" - Lindow asked as he decided to change the subject so abruptly that Soma didn't know how to answer him.

* * * * *

"This is ridiculous" - muttered Lenka as he watched as a huge amount of small [Aragami] had invaded the cave they were in, though inwardly he was thankful that they were prepared. If not for their supplies, they would have been devoured by those things by now.

"At least we're safe" - Kota muttered as he sighed regretfully. If he was honest, he had already given up hope of getting out of this place alive - "At least for now."

"You're fucking depressing, bro" - Lenka snorted as he gave his friend a blank look - "By the way, back up a few inches because I don't want to feel your breath on my face."

The two boys were squeezed together inside a small tunnel, to the point that they were practically hugging each other.

"I would, but I can't" - replied Kota as he sighed regretfully - "Unless you want those things to find us."

"Forget it, I can hold out a little longer" - replied Lenka as she gave a blank look to her girlfriend's brother - "But this doesn't have to be known to anyone"

"Trust me, I don't want anyone to find out about this either" - Kota replied as he returned her gaze, only to start sweating when he felt heavy breathing on his back - "Shh!"

"!" - Lenka's eyes widened when she noticed the change in her friend's expression, because it only meant one thing. An [Aragami] had found them - ". . ."

Kota could feel his blood freeze at the thought as memories of his entire life flashed before his eyes, but his expression changed when he felt the breathing stop - ". . ."

"Are you okay?" - Lenka asked as she looked at her friend.

"I almost scared the shit out of myself" - Kota replied quietly as he bit his lip - "Good thing it didn't happen, or things would be a lot worse."

The red-haired young man was aware that if he did one of his physiological activities out of fear, the [Aragami] would discover them in a matter of seconds thanks to his sense of smell.

"It's a relief to know that everything is okay" - Lenka murmured while looking at his friend - "Relax, we just have to keep surviving and we will be rescued."

"We still can't contact the others?" - Kota asked as he bit his lip.

"No, Lindow and the others seem to be fighting those things" - replied Lenka, who had come to a rather accurate conclusion - "When everything calms down, we'll be able to contact them and ask for support"

Kota nodded weakly as his back froze as he felt a new breath on his neck. He was currently cursing that he had decided not to enter the hole first.

"Maybe we should try to contact Alisa" - Kota said as he looked at his friend - "Remember we heard she went with Cloud."

"!" - Lenka smacked his forehead when he heard this because he had forgotten his teammate.

* * * * *

"Who's calling me at a time like this?" - Alisa muttered as she frowned as she felt her communicator begin to vibrate. She quickly picked it up, only to notice how those responsible were none other than her squad mates - "Lenka? What do you need?"

"Alisa, I'm so happy to hear your voice!" - Lenka said in a low voice.

"What happened, why are you talking so slowly?" - Alisa asked in surprise because it was obvious that her companions were in trouble if they were talking at that low sound level.

"We are in trouble, very serious trouble" - replied Lenka explaining the situation to the girl.

Alisa remained silent because she didn't know what to say in the face of such a bizarre situation, after all, a war between [Fenrir: Far East] and an army of [Aragami] when Cloud and Johannes were facing each other sounded like an extremely great convenience, more so when the [First Unit] was about to come to help the blond in his battle.

"How's the situation?" - Alisa asked seriously.

"I couldn't tell you" - Lenka answered with an embarrassed tone - "When we were heading to [Fenrir: Far East], we heard how a huge group of [Aragami] were heading in the same direction so we hid in a cave."

"Say no more, I understand your situation" - Alisa replied while shaking her head, although she had to admit that the situation her squad mates were in was amusing, at least if they didn't count the huge level of risk of death.

"Anyway, do you think you can contact Lindow and the others?" - Lenka asked earnestly - "I'm sure Lindow or one of the others will respond to you knowing that you are accompanying Sensei."

"Tell her that this is awkward and we won't be able to hold out for much longer" - Kota's voice was not long after hearing how Alisa had answered them.

"You heard the princess" - Lenka said with a tone that was noticeably sarcasm.

"Try to keep your composure when an [Aragami] is breathing down your back every five minutes" - replied Kota angrily, although to prevent trouble he was still speaking softly.


NOTE : Next world is Hunter x Hunter and cloud's new journey is already guys can read ahead of you'll want to...join me on p@treon platform...

spoiler - cloud's gonna fight zoldycks


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