Chapter 398 ( Evacuation - II )

"OK, I'm going to inform the others" - said Alisa because she felt that her friends' situation was too bad.

"Thanks" - replied the two boys, although from their tone of voice you could tell they were happy.

"Well, I'm going to call the others, I'll contact them when I have news" - said Alisa seriously while noticing how the two opponents stood up - "Sorry, I have to hang up".

"Huh? Wait!" - Lenka exclaimed, only for the girl to cut the call without a second thought, after all, the last battle was about to begin.

"I'm ready" - muttered Cloud as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. It didn't matter that he said he was fine, anyone could tell that he was extremely exhausted.

Johannes didn't respond, he just transformed his arms into some sort of metallic claws while a wild expression appeared on his face, although just like Cloud, this was just an illusion he was using in order to cover the tiredness he felt.

The two fighters were at the limit their bodies could withstand and were barely holding on thanks to the desire to annihilate their opponent.

Cloud's main mission was over when Johannes regained his human form.

"Come on, let's get this over with" - Cloud said coolly as his differently colored eyes watched his opponent's every move.

"You stole the words right out of my mouth" - Johannes replied as he narrowed his eyes.

Cloud quickly ran towards his opponent with a cold expression on his face as he felt his body begin to adjust to the almost agonizing state of exhaustion.

Johannes gritted his teeth as he used what little vitality he had left to land one last lethal attack.

[ . . . ] - [Sapphire] watched the battle in silence as an idea popped into her mind. She quickly summoned her [Slaves] and sent them straight to Johannes with a cold expression on her face, after all, she no longer felt fear now that she had taken a human form.

"What do you plan to do?" - Shio asked in surprise as she noticed how the [Aragami] that [Sapphire] had summoned.

[Help] - [Sapphire] replied as a huge smile appeared on her lips - [Just watch."

Johannes was about to prepare to attack, but a huge a euphoric expression appeared on his face as he felt a huge amount of presences approaching from behind - "You idiot! With this my victory is assured!"

Cloud stopped his steps and stood silently as he watched the situation take a 180° turn.

"Thank you very much!" - Johannes roared as he pulled out a huge amount of tentacles from his back to suck in his victims - "Here's to food!"

"What are you doing!" - Alisa exclaimed in terror.

"Relax" - said Shio as she looked at the [Aragami] with a small smile on her lips - "Things are in control."

"?" - Alisa looked at Shio in confusion, though after a few seconds she understood why.

"It's time for me to end your existence, Cloud Strife!" - Johannes roared as he absorbed the [Aragami], only to turn pale when he discovered the truth - "Impossible! How come I haven't recovered any energy!"

Cloud smiled as he listened, only to let out a laugh.

[My [Slaves] are made of my energy, that's why they don't possess a core or a genetic code] - [Sapphire] said while smiling - [That means they disappear without a trace of existence when killed.]

". . ." - Johannes tried to say something, but he was completely speechless, after all, he never thought that someone as stupid as [Sapphire] would manage to fool him.

Cloud slowly approached Johannes as his body began to glow.

"I'm not satisfied with this ending!" - Johannes roared as he felt himself fall limply to the ground - "I refuse to accept it!"

"It's a pity no one asked for your damn opinion" - said Cloud in his silver dragon form as he let out a laugh. He slowly looked at [Sapphire] and nodded firmly, only to turn his attention back to the mutated former leader of [Fenrir: Far East] - "Any last words?"

"I'll see you in hell, Cloud Strife" - Johannes replied, only to cry out in pain as he felt Cloud's sharp fangs tearing into him in the most painful and slow way possible - "Argh!"

Alisa was silent for a few seconds as she felt her stomach begin to churn in disgust. She wouldn't lie, she didn't find it pleasurable to watch Cloud devour an entity that was practically human.

[That was an anticlimactic ending.]

"I know, but I just didn't have the energy left to be able to continue" - Cloud replied with his thoughts - "I guess we're done."

[Normally it would be like this, but let's say an emergency mission was handed over to your recruits].

"!" - Cloud's eyes widened in surprise as he ignored the continuous notifications about the benefits of having consumed Johannes, and focused on the emergency mission that had appeared.

[Mission: [For Humanity!], has been generated]

[War has begun between [Fenrir: Far East] and hostile forces. Your allies are in the middle of a non-stop battle as soldiers fall one after the other]

[What can they do when the situation is this precarious? How many people will manage to survive and see a new dawn? Will they be able to hold out until reinforcements arrive, or will they simply fall with the rest of their comrades?]

[Objective: Survive until noon of the next day].

[Warning: User is in a state of [Absolute Weakness] and cannot participate in the mission] [Warning: User is in a state of [Absolute Weakness] and cannot participate in the mission].

[Additional Fact: Influence of [Arius Nova] has disappeared. -10% to the Stats of the hostile forces]

[Additional Objective: Evacuated survivors should not be less than 80%] [Additional Objective: Evacuated survivors should not be less than 80%] [Additional Objective: Evacuated survivors should not be less than 80%]

[Time Remaining to Survive: 17 hours, 30 minutes, 47 seconds ]

". . ." - Cloud sighed regretfully as he returned to his human form, only to collapse in surrender as his body was completely covered in sweat.

[My lord] - said [Sapphire] as she climbed down along with the others - [Are you okay?]

"Yes" - answered Cloud as he looked up at the sky and notice how the sky started to darken - "I just hope everything is alright."

"Things ended well" - Shio said with a huge smile - "How are you feeling?"

"I could be better, but currently I'm so tired that I can hardly keep my eyes open" - Cloud answered as he felt the strength in his body disappear. He slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep as [Sapphire] curled up next to him.

Shio gave him a smile before sitting down next to him as Alisa prepared to contact the others, only to notice how her communicator didn't seem to connect with those on her team.

"Are you okay?" - Shio asked as she cocked her head to the side.

"Yes" - nodded Alisa, though her expression changed to one of excitement as she heard her communicator finally contact - "Finally!"

* * * * *

"How's the situation?" - Soma asked as he wiped away the blood that was covering his body. It had been an hour since he had ordered the evacuation of the civilians and the casualties of the soldiers were catastrophic.

"We still have no contact with the general" - Lindow replied as she sighed at the moment of peace.

"I'm exhausted" - muttered Tatenashi as she groaned in irritation as she felt her whole body ache from exhaustion.

"I say the same thing" - Houki replied as she drank some water - "What shall we do now?"

"Wait for the civilians to be safe and for reinforcements to arrive" - Soma answered while shaking his head. He had managed to contact other Branches of [Fenrir] and had received the reply that they would arrive within a few hours.

"OK, sounds like a plan" - Tatenashi said as she stretched, though her expression changed as she heard her communicator start to ring - "Hello?"

"Finally!" - Alisa exclaimed from the other end of the line - "I've been trying to contact you all this time!"

"It's good to hear your voice, Alisa-chan ~" - said Tatenashi with a smile as she gained everyone's attention.

"Ok, I know you're in a precarious situation so I'll get straight to the point" - said Alisa seriously - "Lenka and Kota are locked in a cave nearby that's full of [Aragami], Cloud managed to defeat Johannes, but he ended up in such a deplorable state that he's now sleeping"

"The first good news we've received" - muttered Lindow as Soma remained silent, after all, it was his father who had died, though at the same time he was relieved that at least now he could rest in peace.

"Is it that bad?" - Houki asked with concern.

"At least I noticed him much paler than usual, and my instincts tell me that it has nothing to do with tiredness" - Alisa answered a serious tone - "I recommend that he goes through a thorough medical examination to make sure he's okay."

"Ok, I'll keep that in mind when we're done with the problems we have on our hands" - replied Sakuya, but her expression quickly changed to one of terror when she remembered the first thing the girl from Russia said - "Wait, did you in fact say that Lenka and Kota are in an [Aragami] infested cave!"


NOTE : Next world is Hunter x Hunter and cloud's new journey is already guys can read ahead of you'll want to...join me on p@treon platform...

spoiler - cloud's gonna fight zoldycks


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