Chapter 401 [Dyaus Pita (Variant)]

"Keep retreating!" - Lindow exclaimed as he watched with regret as a group of [Aragami] were devouring the corpses of the fallen soldiers - "Tch!"

"Keep retreating!" - Soma shouted as he sliced another [Ogretail] in half - "Only 5 minutes left to reach our destination!"

The group had been on the run for at least 30 minutes and things were not going very well for the human group.

Their numbers were dwindling with each passing second, as was their morale.

The soldiers were starting to lose hope with each corpse devoured and even the efforts of Lindow, Soma, and the others, wasn't helping the situation.

"Just a little more!" - Lindow exclaimed as he cut down another group of [Aragami] with a huge amount of sweat running down his face - "Just a little while to go!"

The two men were doing their best to try and maintain the moral calm of their troops, but their efforts were proving in vain.

"What are you idiots doing!" - Soma exclaimed in terror as he saw how a part of his first line of defense was being destroyed - "Shit!"

"This couldn't get any worse!" - Sophia exclaimed, only to hear some powerful roars approaching - "Shit! It's the [Psion]!"

"You had to say the forbidden words!" - Tsubaki shouted as she shot a sharp glare at her brother's girlfriend - "Look, now we're in deep shit!"

"I think you're being too hard on Sofia-san" - replied Sakuya as she looked neutrally at her friend - "I know you're uptight about all this shit, but you don't have to take it out on a classmate, not when the situation is out of your ass!"

"Okay, I apologize" - sighed Tsubaki as she shook her head - "I'm sorry, Sofia-san."

"You don't have to apologize" - replied Sofia as she shook her head, after all, she knew it was a matter of time before someone exploded.

"You can continue to make up another time, now we have to go help!" - Sakuya exclaimed as she looked at the two women and focused on the problem at hand.

"You have a point" - nodded the two women as they ran to the front with some serious expressions on their faces.

"Will somebody please tell me what the fuck happened!" - Soma exclaimed as he arrived at the scene and saw how Lindow had gone to work.

"Those idiots escaped and left us to our own devices!" - exclaimed one soldier as he pointed towards another group of soldiers with a cold expression on his face - "Because of them I lost all my friends!"

"I didn't wish to die!" - shouted one of the soldiers of the deserting group while biting his lip - "Is it wrong to wish to continue living!"

"But that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your comrades!" - Another soldier exclaimed as he bit his lips.

"Don't come with your false sense of morality!" - roared the soldier fiercely - "You would have done the same thing if you had been in my place!"

A deep silence pervaded the squad as Lindow continued to fight the enemy [Aragami] alongside his support squad.

Soma walked slowly in front of the soldier and looked at him silently.

"I don't regret doing it!" - exclaimed the soldier as he looked at Soma with eyes full of madness - "I only did what I had to do to survive! No one can judge me!"

"You're right, we don't have the right to judge you" - replied Soma as a neutral expression appeared on his face - "But that doesn't mean we won't".

Soma grabbed the head of the man who started screaming and threw him to the ground. He gave him one last look before retreating, but not before indicating to the soldiers to do as they wished.

The soldiers who had tried to escape, noticed how they had been surrounded by another group of soldiers and had no way to defend themselves because they had thrown their weapons to the ground so they could run faster.

Soma gave them one last look before concentrating on the battle. He knew that letting things continue would be something that would leave him in a bad light in front of his subordinates, but at the same time he was aware that it was necessary.

"I'd rather be treated like a tyrannical bastard, rather than someone who doesn't know when to punish insubordination" - Soma muttered as he heard the screams of the soldiers and noticed how the other military men and [God Eater] were watching this with a terrified expression on their faces.

"I hope this won't happen again" - said Soma neutrally as he looked around - "Now focus on the enemies in front of us! This is our only chance to survive! If we don't, then not only we will have died, but also all those civilians who were evacuated!"

"!" - the soldiers' eyes widened in surprise and terror when they heard this, only to bite their lips.

"For our families!" - exclaimed one soldier as the shouting began to get louder and louder - "FOR OUR FAMILIES!"

Soma nodded when he heard this as he looked at the soldiers who had been killed - "That was quicker than I thought it would be."

"Maybe it's because of your words" - Lindow replied as she walked beside him with a large amount of blood covering her body - "I heard what you said and those very words have to have been responsible for further igniting the flames inside those soldiers."

"Do you think we'll make it through?" - Soma asked as he looked at his friend with a neutral expression on his face.

"I'm not sure" - replied Lindow as he closed his eyes so he could take a small breath - "Right now any one of us could be the next to die."

"I think so too" - Soma replied as he walked over to where the [Aragami] were approaching - "Although it's a surprise that they're giving us a little time to rest."

"Maybe they're just playing with the food because they know we're dead" - Lindow replied as he sighed regretfully before walking next to his friend.

"I hope they're not trying to do all the work you two while we enjoy our peace" - Sofia said as she looked at her boyfriend - "Because if so, then they're dead wrong."

"We too are members of the [First Unit]" - Sakuya snorted as she looked at her two friends with disdain.

The soldiers started walking behind the group as Tsubaki gripped her sword tightly. She was determined to survive, after all, she had started a relationship with the love of her life.

"For survival! For our destiny! For our lives!" - Lindow exclaimed as the soldiers prepared for a new confrontation.

The [Aragami] watched this with a slight glint in their eyes as the group leaders continued to analyze the situation.

[These humans are more annoying than the insects that parasitize our territories] - said a [Dyaus Pita] with a different hue than the one Cloud had killed on [End Hill]. The huge beast had a dull gray color and yellow wings - [Don't you believe it?]

The huge beast was talking to the other [Aragami], but to its irritation, none of them seemed to be paying attention to its words.

[That's why I hate meeting with the other members of my species] - [Dyaus Pita] muttered as he looked disdainfully at his subordinates, though his expression changed drastically when he heard something being heard from the sky - [Tch! Those flies have returned]

[Dyaus Pita] slowly averted his gaze to the horizon and noticed how two small silhouettes were approaching at full speed. He again watched the humans before shaking his head - [This won't work].

[Dyaus Pita] was aware that things were about to take a turn of at least 90%, all thanks to the fact that he had no way of being able to shake off those two returning flies, after all, he had lost his entire air force in a battle of mutual annihilation with the humans.

[I'd better retreat for now and organize a new attack to finish them off once and for all] - [Dyaus Pita] muttered as he started to think, only to open his eyes in surprise as he tried to think why he was so eager to kill all those humans for no reason - [Strange, why do I have this uncontrollable desire for annihilation?]

[Dyaus Pita] was confused, after all, this hadn't happened since he was a danger level B [Aragami].

[Anyway, I'd better retreat] - [Dyaus Pita] muttered as he disappeared from the scene, but not before ordering his troops to continue attacking for another 15 minutes before retreating.

* * * * *

"Looks like we're just in time," said Tatenashi as she flew at full speed and noticed how the soldiers were still fighting the [Aragami] - "At least this gives us some relief."

Houki just kept silent as she looked at the two young men she had rescued and notice how they seemed to be with sore throats from screaming from the trip - ". . ."


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