Chapter 400 ( Rescue )

"I hope it's true" - said Lenka while shaking his head.

"I say the same" - replied Kota as he sighed regretfully, though this he did as low as possible because he didn't want them to be heard.

"Alisa gains nothing by lying to us" - muttered Lenka as he tried to observe outside the hole where they were hidden and notice how the [Aragami] seemed less and less - "And I think this rescue can be a success".

"You better keep quiet" - said Kota as he gave his friend a blank look - "I don't think it's a good idea for you to say that kind of thing, after all, it can always end badly."

"You have a point" - nodded Lenka as he frowned, after all, he knew that the 'What could go wrong' myth, was somewhat true - "How long do you think it will take for them to come and rescue us?"

"Alisa said she would keep us informed" - Kota answered seriously. Alisa had her and Cloud's communicator ready so she could brief them along with her Rescuers - "And speaking of the Queen of Rome."

"Guys" - Alisa said from her communicator - "The ones responsible for saving your stupid asses are on their way."

"Not the nicest way to inform us, Alisa" - Lenka said as he gave her communicator a blank look.

"It's the kindest way I have to call them retarded chimps" - Alisa replied with a tone that showed the disdain she was feeling right now.

"Ok, I know it wasn't our best idea, but it's not that big of a deal either" - Kota replied as he scratched his cheek.

"No big deal?" - Alisa repeated with clear irritation - "You idiots, you're trapped in a cave and surrounded by hundreds of [Aragami]! If that's not a big deal, then our missions were child's play!"

"Compared to our current situation, yes they were child's play" - Lenka replied, only to hear Alisa start insulting him for a carefree idiot.

"She has a point" - muttered Kota as he looked out of the hole and noticed how the [Aragami] were coming out of the cave - "I think they're close"

"Exactly" - replied Alisa with a serious tone in her voice - "Tatenashi sensei and Houki-dono are close to the place and according to their words, the [Aragami] in the area are not many."

"Do you think you can ask them about numbers and if they need support?" - Lenka asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"They said that there aren't many, and that it would be a good idea for them to start checking the cave" - replied Alisa as she started waiting for Tatenashi to continue briefing her - "Mind you, they have to be careful"

"With what?" - Lenka asked curiously.

"[Yan Zhi]" - Alisa replied as she looked at the [Aragami] next to her, though this her companions didn't know - "There are at least two or three of those [Aragami] harpy type, though obviously not on the same level as [Sapphire]"

"I'll be damned if I'm going to have to face a beast compared to [Sapphire]" - Lenka replied as a cold sweat ran down his back. He had heard about the new companion Cloud had managed to tame and her level of power that was not commensurate with her size.

"Whatever, just be careful" - Alisa replied as she cut the call short because she knew now it was all up to the others.

"Ok, I guess it's time for us to get started with our work" - replied Lenka as he nodded firmly. Kota nodded weakly as he climbed out of the hole after seeing that there were no [Aragami] in the area.

* * * * *

"This was a lot easier than I thought" - said Tatenashi as she wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"I know" - Houki replied as she shook her head.

It had been 20 minutes since the two women had left to rescue the two boys and honestly the mission was extremely easy, all thanks to the [Aragami] unconsciously ignoring them due to their high level of danger.

"Those things are smarter than we thought" - Tatenashi replied after frowning because she had seen how the [Aragami] passed them by after they wreaked havoc in the enemy ranks thanks to their energy weapons.

"It's better to say that they're not that stupid" - Houki replied disdainfully - "Anyway, now that we've reached the meeting point, all that's left is to take those two idiots and get them out of here."

"I just hope the others are alright" - replied Tatenashi as she remembered how Lindow and the others were escaping in the direction where Johannes' destroyed laboratory was.

"Knowing those idiots, I'm sure they'll be fine, I mean, idiocy is the secret to immortality" - Houki said while remembering how her childhood friend had been saved more than once thanks to his luck and stupidity - "You know, the more stupid, the more protected you are."

"That's an interesting analogy," muttered Tatenashi as a huge smile appeared on her lips, after all, she knew who Houki was talking about, "Anyway, I think our assignment has arrived."

Houki looked in the direction where her friend was pointing and notice how Lenka together with Kota were approaching and by their appearances, it was obvious that they had suffered a bit during a battle.

"Damn those overgrown pigeons" - Lenka muttered as Kota nodded weakly.

"I see you survived your battle against those two [Yan Zhi]." - Houki said as she gave them a cold smile - "Good job."

"But that's just the beginning, they still have to receive their punishment" - Tatenashi replied as her red eyes glowed with mischief - "I hope you're ready, my little ones."

"Ugh" - Lenka and Kota groaned in acceptance as they began to think that maybe this wasn't the best of their ideas.

"I think we were safer in that cave full of [Aragami], than next to these two" - Lenka muttered as Kota nodded again.

"I think the same thing" - muttered Kota as he scratched his cheek - "Anyway, what do we do now?"

"Survive until we meet up with the others" - replied Houki as Tatenashi gave them a blank look.

"What she's trying to say, is that it's time for us to go give support to the others" - Tatenashi added as she started to think - "So technically you guys left a dangerous place, to go to a lethal place."

"Do you guys think we can go back to the cave?" - Kota asked as he shrugged his neck - "I don't think we'll help too much, in fact, we'll just get in the way."

"We need all the help we have in order to survive, so stop complaining and let's go right away" - said Houki as he looked at the two boys - "Besides, you guys don't need to be on the first line of defense."

"That's a relief, although I still think beings a hindrance" - replied Lenka as he started to think, although after a few seconds he could only let out a high-pitched scream because Houki had grabbed him and they were flying at full speed - "Kya!"

"What a fucking scream" - Tatenashi muttered, only to notice how Kota was screaming like a little girl - "These two!"

"This is going to be a long ride" - Houki muttered as he heard how the two boys looked like they wouldn't stop screaming until they hit the ground - "At least they're safe"

"I think it wouldn't be a bad idea for us to inform Alisa, while we're at it ask her how Cloud is" - said Tatenashi as her friend nodded firmly, after all, she was also worried about her lover.

* * * * *

"It's good to hear that they are safe" - said Alisa after receiving the call from her teachers.

"How is Cloud?" - Tatenashi asked with a serious tone.

"He's still sleeping, and from what I see, I don't think he'll wake up for a good while" - Alisa answered as she watched how the blond was with his eyes closed and breathing weakly.

Shio was beside her wiping her sweat with a handkerchief while [Sapphire] was watching the surroundings to prevent someone from attacking them, after all, she was aware of how dangerous it would be to fight with her master in this weakened state.

"I want you to contact us when he wakes up" - Tatenashi murmured with concern, after all, it was the first time something like this happened. Cloud had trained to exhaustion many times before, but he always woke up after a few minutes thanks to his enormous vitality, but this time, he was taking too long.

"Ok, I will contact them right away when that happens, for now concentrate on the battle ahead of you" - Alisa replied while nodding firmly - "I promise to protect Cloud while he is in this deep sleep state."

"Thank you" - Tatenashi replied as she cut the call.

"The conversation would have been much more emotional if those two idiots hadn't been yelling the whole time" - muttered Alisa as Shio and [Sapphire] nodded weakly, after all, they too had found it annoying to be listening to the yelling of those two boys.


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