Chapter 408 [Aragamification]

"This doesn't look good" - said a soldier while shaking his head. They had found two corpses of three soldiers who went out on the expedition, and from what they could see coming, it was obvious that they would find the third one in a matter of seconds.

Tsubaki remained silent as she wished her colleagues' thoughts were not true.

"Let's keep moving" - Houki said as she looked around and noticed how the area was littered with destroyed buildings.

The group advanced a few more meters in the direction of one of the craters, only for their expressions to change to one of surprise and terror, after all, they saw how a huge familiar beast was inside the hole.

"That [Dyaus Pita]!" - Tsubaki muttered excitedly as she saw the mangled corpse of the beast her brother had come to hunt.

"You'd better not get happy so soon," said Houki as she frowned noticing how the beast's corpse was mangled by what appeared to be fangs. This brought a bad feeling to the dark brown haired woman because there shouldn't be some beast stronger than this thing.

"I think I know what happened" - said the soldier who was a member of the logistics team as he pointed behind a building.

The group watched carefully, only to notice how something seemed to be moving weakly.

Houki gave the corpse of the beast a glance before walking cautiously towards behind the building, only to see with surprise a gray colored semi-humanoid creature, and from its breathing, it was obvious that it was barely alive.

"It's a new species" - said the logistics team soldier as he slowly approached the creature and noticed how it was barely alive with all the wounds surrounding its body.

Tsubaki slowly approached, only to open her eyes and feel her heart start to pound as she felt a connection with this strange beast - ". . ."

THE monster slowly opened its eyes as it sensed the presence of the approaching humans, only for its pupils to dilate at the sight of their appearances.

Houki frowned when she noticed these almost human-like expressions, only to widen her eyes in surprise when she noticed how the creature seemed to have pieces of clothing on some parts of its body - "!"

The gray-colored creature slowly stood up and watched the humans closely.

The soldiers quickly stood on guard, but did not make any sudden movements as the beast was not attacking as they thought.

"No" - Tsubaki muttered while covering her mouth with tears in her eyes as she recognized the clothes that were scattered on some parts of the beast's body - "Impossible".

[Aragami] silently observed Tsubaki before ducking his head.

"I see" - muttered the logistics team soldier as he sighed regretfully - "[Aragamification] complete!"

"!" - the soldiers' eyes widened in surprise when they heard this because it meant only one thing.

"Leader Lindow" - muttered a soldier as the beast watched them silently.

"Why!" - Tsubaki exclaimed as she fell to her knees and began to cry. She was happy to know how her younger brother was still alive, but his situation was much worse than she had thought.

Houki silently watched her former leader before sighing.

"Houki, tell me you know how to get him back to normal!" - Tsubaki exclaimed as she grabbed her companion by the shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes - "Please tell me he can get back to normal like he did!"

"I don't know" - Houki replied as she shook her head, but her expression changed when she noticed how the [Aragami] was breathing weakly.

"Lindow!" - Tsubaki exclaimed as she noticed her younger brother's precarious situation.

"He's badly injured" - replied the logistics team soldier as he looked around the beast's body - "And from what I can see, that [Dyaus Pita]'s attacks were much more dangerous than we thought."

"Lindow!" - Tsubaki exclaimed as she ran to her younger brother and looked at him with concern.

Lindow gave her older sister a silent glance before shaking his head in resignation, or at least that was what the soldiers present thought. It was obvious that Lindow knew it was all over for him.

"There has to be a way to save him, to make him go back to the way he was before!" - Tsubaki exclaimed as he looked at Houki, then looked at the logistics team soldier.

"I'm sorry" - Houki muttered because she didn't know what to say to her partner.

"I regret to inform you that our conditions are not satisfactory enough to be able to perform such miracles" - replied the soldier from the logistics team - "We haven't even started the research on how to make the process of [Aragamification] reversible yet, not to mention that the current state of leader Lindow is not as good as you think."

Lindow made no noise, but the soldiers could notice the resignation in his gaze.

Tsubaki took a close look at her brother and saw how his whole body had countless wounds, each one more serious than the previous one, she could even see how purple blood was draining like a river from his chest.

"I need to contact someone" - Houki said as she took her communicator and walked away from the group silently.

The soldiers watched this silently as they thought she would try to contact the central base to inform them about the situation, but that was not correct. What Houki was trying to do, was to contact Cloud to see if he had any solution for what was happening.

"Please connect" - Houki muttered as she called Alisa's communicator, only to get excited when he heard her call connect - "Okay!"

"Houki-san, did something happen?"

"I need to know if Cloud woke up" - Houki replied as she heard the voice of the young girl from Russia.

"Actually, he woke up a little while ago, although he's still a bit weak."

Houki bit her lip before telling the girl to pass the communicator to her boyfriend.

"Houki? What happened?"

"It's good to hear your voice, Cloud" - Houki replied with a smile, only to show a serious expression on her face again - "We need to talk about something important."

Houki quickly explained everything that had happened, only for Cloud to be left in an almost sepulchral silence.

"I'm sorry, I don't have a solution. Whatever I used to be able to return to my normal appearance, it's something only I can use."

Houki sighed because it was obvious that he was talking about the missions, but even knowing that this was most likely, she had tried to ask about the method - "I understand."

"I'm sorry I can't help, but I honestly don't have anything to be able to solve this situation, not to mention that even if I had some way to help you, I wouldn't be able to do anything because I'm too far away to make it in time, not to mention that in my current state I can't fly"

Houki bit her lip before nodding weakly.

"I'm sorry."

"No, you don't have to apologize" - Houki replied as she let out a sigh - "You're not responsible for all these events."

Cloud was silent as he thought about how he was indeed responsible for what had happened, after all, it was thanks to his presence that made all these changes happen in this timeline. If not for his presence, the world would be completely different.

"I think it's time for me to cut the call, I still have to report to Tatenashi and the others" - Houki said as Cloud said goodbye. He was still a bit tired and seriously needed a break.

Houki looked at her communicator before she shook her head and started to contact her friend to inform her about the situation.

"Leader Houki, we have a problem" - said a soldier as he walked to where the dark brown haired woman was - "We sent a group of soldiers to observe the surroundings and we just got a report that a huge smoke screen is approaching, and from how the ground is starting to shake, we can deduce that it's a new stampede."

Houki clicked her tongue before walking over to the group, only to notice how Lindow was getting up weakly - "What do you have planned to do?"

Lindow watched Houki for a few seconds before pointing his head in the direction of the approaching horde.

"NO!" - Tsubaki exclaimed as she glared at her younger brother - "You're too weak to be able to fight!"

Lindow growled in irritation before shaking his head. It was obvious that he wasn't accepting his older sister's concern.

"Are you by any chance not worried about your condition!" - Tsubaki exclaimed angrily upon seeing Lindow's attitude.

Lindow gave Tsubaki a glare before shaking his head. With his fate sealed, there wasn't much he could do except give his family and friends hope.

"You're an idiot" - Tsubaki muttered as she bit her lip with tears running down her cheeks - "You should think more of yourself."

Lindow shook his head as he thought how this was the second time he was told this today, but none of that mattered right now, not when it was a matter of time before he died.


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