Chapter - 417 [Slave #2]

30 minutes had passed since Lindow left the world of the living to reunite with his beloved, time the survivors used to regain their strength.

Tsubaki was still down after seeing the fate of her younger brother and his girlfriend, but thanks to Sakuya and Houki's support, she was able to recover a little, though she was still confused about how to react to the brown-haired woman who had killed Lindow.

Tatenashi kept her distance while observing the surroundings coolly, as if she was waiting for the next attack. Though she was doing so because she was alone at the moment.

[World Mission Completed, analyzing waiting time to be able to leave the world]

Tatenashi and Houki were silent when they heard this as they discreetly looked at each other. It was obvious that their time in this dimension was about to end, but they felt it was not yet time for that to happen.

[Analysis completed, waiting time for dimension extraction [God Eater], 2 months].

"!" - Tatenashi's eyes widened in surprise because she never thought it would be that long, after all, Cloud was only a few days after the plot ended during the last two worlds, or at least that's what she had heard.

Houki was in a similar situation. Saeko had explained the time they had had to make the decision to follow Cloud, and Houki saw how the time was relatively similar.

[Regularization time initiated, dimension still not stable enough to be able to make a dimensional jump]

"Regularisation?" - thought the two women in confusion.

[The information has been handed over to your leader, you can ask your master in more detail, good luck recruits, keep supporting your leader and you might be able to reach the Origin of everything].

Tatenashi and Houki were silent as they pondered over the [AI]'s words. They were eager to talk to Cloud in order to find the answers to their current questions.

"Are you alright, Houki-san?" - Sakuya asked as she noticed the change in her teammate's expression.

"It's nothing," replied Houki as she shook her head.

* * * * *

". . ." - Cloud fell silent as he continued to read the information he had received from his [System] - "That long?"

[This dimension has undergone too many changes from its original timeline.]

"What do you mean?" - Cloud asked as he frowned.

[The death of Lindow and Sophia, you shouldn't have existed because their presences meant much of the hope of humanity in this dimension, but with their deaths, now the balance has been destroyed.]

". . ." - Cloud was silent as his eyes widened in surprise at hearing this, after all, he didn't know about the fate of Lindow and his girlfriend.

[The user may be able to make all the necessary changes to facilitate their existence in this world, but at the same time a balance must be maintained].

"Please continue" - said Cloud while paying attention to the words of the [AI] of his [System].

[Every action, has a consequence, The [User] had not had problems before because despite his intervention, the worlds continued to move along the pre-established timeline, but this world was very different].

Cloud nodded in realisation, but still had many questions.

[By changing this timeline, the world not only rejected the user and his recruits, creating much more dangerous situations]

Cloud nodded again as he recalled what had happened over the past few days, as well as the mission his [recruits] had received.

[As a final piece of information, the recruitment time has been activated, you can try to recruit new characters as long as they accept. Good luck]

Cloud began to contemplate all the information he had.

First, he could influence the world, but he had to be careful not to wreak too much havoc because this could be extremely counterproductive, limiting his movements and actions to much safer ones.

Second, he had to be careful with the [Protagonists] or some characters important to the plot or the future because their fates were slightly connected to his.

Third, the worlds had a conscience of their own, one that was easily angered if he altered the main plot too much, or at least, altered the fates of his 'favourite children' too much.

"Well, it's better I know this now, than on much more dangerous worlds" - Cloud muttered as he felt a shiver run down his spine at the thought of what would have happened if he had discovered this on a world like [Dragon Ball] - "Just thinking about it makes me cringe my ass off."

Cloud quickly shook his head as he concentrated on what was in front of him. With Lindow and Sophia dead, the likelihood of Tsubaki joining them was extremely low. Sakuya was likely to join, after all, she didn't have a family waiting for her. As for Alisa.

"Is something wrong?" - Alisa asked as she cocked her head to the side.

"As a matter of fact yes" - nodded Cloud as he started to think about how to explain his situation to the girl - "I don't know if I should explain it to you though."

"Ok, you have my attention" - Alisa said as her eyes twinkled slightly. She wouldn't lie, she was extremely curious about Cloud's life, about his past, about his true identity, and his deepest secrets.

"I want to know too ~" - Shio said with a huge, curious smile.

"Hmm, I guess I can reveal a little before I tell you the important information" - Cloud replied as he nodded. He began to tell them about how he was not from this world, but from a completely different dimension, how he had come to be able to accomplish certain missions that he could not reveal, as well as how he could gain knowledge about the future before he came.

Alisa was surprised, no, she was dumbfounded. She couldn't believe what her ears were hearing, though after analyzing the information a bit more, it all seemed to fit with many of the details she couldn't explain.

"Oooooh ~?!" - Shio on the other hand, was excited about everything she had heard, especially the part about being able to travel to other worlds and meet very different things - "I want to go! Let me come with you!"

"I guess I can do that, but I don't think I can recruit you because I don't know if I'm eligible enough to do so."

"Hmm" - Shio frowned when she heard this as she started to think of a solution - "I know! Do the same thing you did with Sapphire!"

"I see" - Cloud nodded as he put his hand on Shio's head and used his [Skill: Summon Slave].

"Uh, I feel a little warm, like I'm taking a sunbath" - muttered Shio as her body glowed slightly - "Huh?"

[Second [Slave] has been acquired, initiating Stats scan].

Cloud waited patiently for the [AI] to give him the information, only to be surprised to see Shio's Stats.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Name: Shio

HP: 100,000,000

Lvl: 20

Race: Aragami (Default*)

Title: [Innocent Beast]

Stats: [STR: 1] [DEX: 1000] [VIT: 3000] [INT: 500] [LUK: 3000] [Energy: 2000] [Stats: [STR: 1] [DEX: 1000] [VIT: 3000] [INT: 500] [LUK: 3000] [Energy: 2000

Skill: [Transformation: Human] [Great Will] [Source of Life]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[Great Will]

Walk forward, without looking back, with a will as firm as steel.

Effect: Reduces damage received by 90% when HP is below 10%.

Effect: When critical (HP below 1%), regenerates 5% of maximum HP. This effect can only be activated once every 3 hours and ignores the severity of wounds.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[Source of Life]

Inexhaustible vitality, unmatched stamina.

Effect: Max HP x10, but reduces [STR] by 90% [Stats have already been calculated].

Effect: Regenerates 2% of max HP every 60 seconds.

Effect: Increases defenses by 80%, but reduces damage dealt by the user by 99.9% [Stats already calculated].

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

". . ." - Cloud was silent as he looked closely at the little white-haired girl.

"Uh, did I do something wrong?" - Shio asked curiously as she cocked her head to the side.

"No, I just never thought I'd see a bullet sponge, let alone be my ally" Cloud replied as he gave the little loli a blank stare.

"Bullet sponge?" - Shio asked with further confusion, after all, she didn't understand what he was trying to say.

"I think he means an enemy that has so much vitality and defences that it can soak up ammunition until it runs out" - Alisa replied as she cocked her head to the side, though she had to admit she was amazed at the changes Shio had undergone.

She kept her human appearance, but now her skin colour was much healthier, not like before when she looked sickly with how pale she was.


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