chapter 421 ( Ban )

Two days had passed since Cloud was 'rescued' and by now he and the others were back in [Fenrir: Far East].

The recovery of the central base was easy because the [Aragami] had little interest in human constructions, nor were there many in the area because there was no more prey to hunt in the area with the evacuation of the civilians.

Soma had once again taken over as leader of [Fenrir: Far East], and was organising his subordinates to prepare for a possible next attack.

The survivors were still not very used to seeing Cloud with two lolis on his shoulders, especially when one of them was not human.

Tatenashi and Houki were still a little weirded out by the idea of Sapphire calling her partner [father], though after seeing that there was nothing they could do, they decided to put all that aside and concentrate on the problems in front of them.

Cloud had explained the situation to his recruits, and even Sakuya understood a little more about the strange relationship between Cloud and his companions. She decided to take a week to think everything through more clearly, after all, this was a life-changing decision.

Alisa had decided to accept Cloud's proposal to join them, after all, she had nothing to tie her to this world. Her parents had died on a mission when she was a child and the only person she respected was Tatenashi.

Cloud tried to talk to Tsubaki, but she still did not want to talk to her former companions.

The situation in [Fenrir: Central] had ended with the victory of the military.

The Commanding General of the military forces had managed to take command of the base and killed all of [Fenrir]'s senior commanders along with their families because he knew that they would try to take revenge after he took their comfortable lives away from them.

The other branches of [Fenrir] continued to watch silently, waiting to see what the new [Fenrir: Central]'s next move would be, though they let out a sigh of relief when they saw how the new leaders seemed to have a drastic change in their mindset.

[Fenrir] had decided to split and now all the different branches of the world were independent, though as payment, they would no longer support these branches unless they submitted to the new leadership.

Many of the [Branches] decided to accept this while others decided to become independent, this being the case for Russia and [Far East], among other major [Branches] such as the United States, United Kingdom, and China.

For [Fenrir], the independence of the [Fenrir: United Kingdom], was a blow because of its proximity to its home base.

* * * * *

"Remember, we need our defences to be much stronger, that's why I want our scientists and mechanics to start the [Fortress] project." - Cloud said as he looked at the leaders of the scientific and mechanical team - "Remember, the weaponry I'm looking for, has to have a high level of penetration and has to be easy to use."

"Hai!" - exclaimed the scientist as the mechanic set about figuring out how to do his part.

The job was 'simple. The scientist would create the ammunition with the parts of the [Aragami] they had hunted and thus be able to create a pseudo [God Arc] that was usable by non-compatible people, and without the risk of [Aragamification]. The mechanic would create the weapon strong enough and easy enough to use to be able to use this special ammunition, as well as trying to find a material strong enough to be able to resist the erosion of the [Oracle Cells] from the bullets.

The job, as Cloud had said, was 'simple', but applying it was extremely difficult.

The strongest material they could handle was the very shells of the [Aragami] they hunted, but that would only make the weaponry become a [God Arc], rendering the project useless.

The chief mechanic was using all the power of his mind to come to a conclusion, but the more he thought about it, the worse the situation became because the answer was elusive.

"This will take time, Cloud-dono," said the mechanic seriously as he looked at the scientist, "And from what I can see, I'm going to need all the help I can get."

The scientist nodded when he heard this because his work could not be completed unless the two of them worked together to find the perfect metal.

"Come to think of it, I think I have the solution" - said the scientist as he looked at his project partner - "We just need to take the material we use to insulate the cores and coat it with light, but strong metal".

"Right, although we'll have to do some tests to see if the material is strong enough to withstand the firepower of bullets," muttered the mechanic as he started to think, "We also have to make sure it won't suffer too much damage if it's being used for too long".

"Well, at least we have something to start working with" - said the scientist as the two men withdrew so they could get started on the project.

"Ok, that covers the first part of our meeting, now it's time for us to move on to the next problem" - said Cloud as those present became tense - "General, it's time to start with the intensive training program. We will divide the soldiers and [God Eater] into 4 different sections, one elite for each militarized branch, and one general support."

"Hai!" - The general exclaimed earnestly.

"The elite branches will be the soldiers and [God Eater] with the best potential, they will go through intensive trainings to become squad leaders, or part of elite squads that will be responsible for doing high danger level missions" - continued Cloud as he looked around - "By the way, these elite members will have better conditions than the normal members, all thanks to the huge responsibilities they will have on their shoulders."

"The carrot and the stick" - nodded Soma calmly as he looked at his friend - "We could also create a challenge system."

"?" - the General was silent as he raised an eyebrow when he heard this because he didn't understand what their leader was trying to say.

"It's simple, we will make it so that the most skilled members of the general support forces, can challenge the members of the elite force" - Soma continued seriously as those present had their eyes in realization - "With this we will not only motivate those who have not been chosen to improve, but we will put pressure on those who are in the elite forces."

"It's a good plan, with this we kill two birds with one stone" - nodded the general as Cloud smiled. With this, he was sure that nothing would happen when they left this world.

[Notification: Thanks to the user's actions, you will never be able to enter this dimension again.]

[Notification: Completion percentage will be adjusted to 100% as compensation for this ban. Rewards will be increased by 25% and the User will get two [Roulette: Recruits]]

Cloud felt bad about not being able to see Soma or some of his acquaintances again, but there was nothing he could do to stop this decision. It was obvious that this dimension did not want to see them again.

"Is something wrong, Cloud?" - Soma asked as he raised an eyebrow noticing how the blond had gone mute from one moment to the next.

"No, it's nothing," Cloud replied as he shook his head, "Please continue."

"OK" - nodded Soma as he continued to explain his plans, and to no one's surprise, they were pretty good for their current situation.

Cloud excused himself and then withdrew.

Now that Soma was taking control of everything, his presence wasn't necessary.

* * * * *

"I guess things didn't turn out the way we thought," Houki said as she looked up at the starry sky next to her friend, "Who knew everything would change so drastically in a matter of seconds?"

"I know, I'm surprised too" - replied Tatenashi as she closed her eyes - "Although if I'm honest, a part of me is relieved because coming back to this dimension, means remembering everything we went through and lost."

The image of Lindow and Sofia flashed quickly through Houki's mind before she shook her head to push those depressing thoughts away. She wouldn't lie, she was still a little sad about the fate those two had, but at the same time something inside her told her to keep going.

"Experiencing the loss of people close to us," muttered Tatenashi as she opened her eyes and looked up at the sky, "It's something we'll have to experience, after all, we won't be able to save all our friends or acquaintances, we're not omnipotent."

Houki sighed when she heard this before nodding - "Still, it's depressing and makes me think about how things would be if instead of Lindow and Sofia, it was my older sister or one of the other girls."

Tatenashi was silent when she heard this before sighing - "Do you think there's a way to prevent this kind of outcome?"

"Possibly, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was extremely expensive" - Houki replied as she closed her eyes - "That's why we'd better prepare for the future and continue training"

"True" - nodded Tatenashi as a small smile appeared on her lips.


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