Chapter 422 ( New Information - I )

Another two days had passed and the situation had regularised.

Cloud was now organising the troops and overseeing their training while Sakuya worked full time in the infirmary.

There was still no sign of Tsubaki, but Cloud didn't seem to mind in the least, after all, everyone made their own decisions. If she didn't want to accompany him, then he wouldn't do anything.

Cloud had decided from the beginning that he would not go and convince the girls to follow them because one, it would be demeaning, which his dragon instinct would not allow, and two, if she decided not to accompany him, it meant that her feelings were not as deep as he thought, or simply her love was not as strong as the connection she had with this world.

Alisa was becoming more and more attached to the group, to the point that most of the time she was together with Tatenashi and Houki.

Soma's orders were being followed to the letter, proving that her status as the leader of [Far East] was cemented.

The survivors of the [Aragami] attack had already returned to their normal lives, and thanks to the resources they had accumulated over the years, food was not scarce, although the crops were damaged and it would take a long time to get them back to good as new.

The [fortress] project was entering its second phase now that the scientists and mechanics had managed to find a solution to their problems.

The civilians were beginning to expand [Far East] in preparation for creating a fortress city, one that would be virtually impenetrable in the event of [Aragami] attacks.

* * *

Time marched on, and two weeks passed in the blink of an eye.

The outer walls of [Far East] were already taking shape.

The soldiers and [God Eater] had already been divided, and even some soldiers from the support squad had already defeated some members of the elite squad, and in the process, taking their place. This caused enormous concern for the elite squad members, leaving them with no choice but to train with everything they had so as not to go through the same embarrassment as their former comrades.

Sakuya had made her decision a week ago. She decided to follow her heart and accompany Cloud on his mission, after all, she had nothing to tie her to this dimension either.

Alisa had started her training from scratch, only this time she didn't focus on using her [God Arc], but on pure sword training.

Houki had taken her under her wings, after all, she considered herself to be the strongest female swordsman in Cloud's group, all thanks to having trained for years in this dimension to the point of reaching the human limit. She just needed a little inspiration and she could take the next step in her mastery of her sword.

Alisa improved in a matter of days now that she was no longer bound to her weaponry, in fact, she was much stronger than before. Her choice of weapon was something of a surprise to Houki, after all, she never thought Alisa would choose a Mandoble Sword as Cloud had done in the first place.

Tsubaki on the other hand, had isolated herself from the group and was now completely focused on her job as a civilian functionary.

Cloud was still not too concerned about Tsubaki's situation, though this was not the case for Tatenashi and Houki, so they went to confront the woman.

* * * * *

Tsubaki was silent as she looked at the two women in front of her, only to sigh before gesturing for them to follow her, after all, she could see how they seemed determined to talk to her.

"Come" - said Tsubaki as she indicated them to enter her office.

"Ok, let's get straight to the point, what are you planning to do?" - Tatenashi asked seriously as she looked at the black haired woman.

"Move on with my life" - replied Tsubaki as she sighed regretfully - "I'm not looking forward to moving on with my life as a [God Eater]."

"That's not what I mean" - replied Tatenashi seriously - "I mean your relationship with Cloud".

"Me, I just want to be alone" - replied Tsubaki as she sighed regretfully - "That's my only wish"

"I see, I guess that's how things end" - replied Tatenashi while looking at Houki - "Come on, we don't need to know anything more, I guess this is the final goodbye"

"What do you mean?" - Tsubaki asked as her eyes widened in surprise.

"Do you really think we're going to keep waiting by your side until you recover?" - Tatenashi asked as she frowned - "If so, then I have to tell you that you are very wrong. Cloud already gave up trying to talk to you, all because you were constantly ignoring him all this time."

". . ." - Tsubaki didn't know what to say, so she just kept silent before sighing - "I understand."

"No, you don't understand anything" - said Tatenashi angrily - "It is no longer necessary to hide the truth, so I will tell you straight out, we will leave in a few weeks and never come back to this world".

"!" - Tsubaki's eyes widened in shock and terror before she put her hand on her chest in an attempt to calm herself.

"I won't go into details because it's honestly complicated, but the thing is, this world doesn't want us anymore, so we won't be able to come back" - Tatenashi said seriously as she narrowed her eyes - "This is the last goodbye. It was nice to meet you."

"Wait!" - Tsubaki exclaimed, only to freeze as she watched the two women walk away without looking at her - ". . ."

* * *

"Do you think that was a good idea?" - Houki asked as she looked at her friend.

"This is the last chance I'm giving her" - replied Tatenashi as she narrowed her eyes - "If she doesn't want to go through with it, then it's not our problem anymore, after all, Cloud already gave up on her."

"True" - replied Houki while shaking her head - "Let's hope for a good outcome".

"I sincerely hope she gives up, after all, her attitude is not the one needed for this trip" - replied Tatenashi with neutrality - "Now let's go back."

* * * * *

Two more weeks had passed since Tatenashi and Houki had talked to Tsubaki and the situation hadn't changed.

Cloud was showing himself less and less to the people of [Far East] so he wouldn't suddenly disappear when the time came.

Soma found this strange, but didn't say anything to make his friend uncomfortable.

Sakuya was a little sad that Tsubaki didn't join them or at least do something to show her interest in trying to reconcile with the group, especially when the attitude of Houki and the other girls wasn't the best with her friend.

Alisa's power was growing with each passing day, all thanks to the fact that Cloud now had time to train her.

The [fortress] project was yielding good results. The walls were firm and the experimental weaponry was efficient, although it was still far from showing its full potential.

"There's less and less time left," Cloud said as he shook his head.

He stood with his small group in one of the corners of the [Far East] to prevent anyone from discovering them.

His current life was much quieter than he thought it would be, after all, he didn't need to do anything but wait anymore.

"Soma-san is a good leader" - Tatenashi replied as he opened a refrigerator and took out a beer - "His orders are efficient and the plans you organized before you disappeared are good for the current situation in [Far East]"

"I just wish I could go home and be reunited with Onee-chan" - Houki muttered as she sighed regretfully. She quickly activated her [IS] so she could see the digital photo of her together with her sister when she was still in the world of [Infinite Stratos].

"Six years" - Tatenashi said while biting her lip. She felt that she would have forgotten her younger sister Kanzashi by now if it weren't for the fact that the two of them looked so similar.

"Don't worry, now that our world is going to level up, you'll be able to go back home" - Cloud answered while looking at Tatenashi - "The bad thing is that your appearance is very different from the one you had when you left that world."

"I know, it's a pity that my appearance will remain as I currently have" - sighed Tatenashi while looking at her well-developed body. Her large breasts, hips of equal magnitude, as well as her adult appearance, after all, the system made her maintain her appearance at the time when her body was developed to its full potential - "I'm not complaining about my appearance, but Kanzashi-chan will be scared to see me so old."

"Relax, now that you can go back, your original world will connect directly to you" - Cloud replied as he recalled the information he had received earlier.

The worlds of the recruits when they return to them, they transform into alternate realities that connect directly to the essences of those recruits, in other words, as long as a recruit from the world of [Infinite Stratos], is still alive, the changes Cloud made will be maintained. Conversely, if all the recruits in the [Infinite Stratos] world were to die, then that dimension will be permanently locked to Cloud and reset.


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