Chapter 442 ( Separation )

Another two days passed for Cloud's group, and by now they were getting ready to leave, but to their surprise, they saw a second group also at the station.

"Ok, I'm surprised to see you here," said Cloud as Gon and the others looked at him with surprise.

"Same here" - replied Kurapika as he slightly narrowed his eyes - "I was hoping you guys would have left by now".

"Actually, we had planned to leave right away, but let's just say that certain events happened and we had to stay for a few more days" - Cloud replied as he shrugged his shoulders.

"It has to do with the information Silva-san gave them" - asked Kurapika curiously, after all, he was sure that this information was important to them.

"Exactly, though unfortunately for you, we can't tell you what it is" - Cloud replied calmly as he noticed how Kurapika frowned, though he quickly calmed down.

"That's a pity" - Kurapika said as he shook his head, then looked at Gon and Killua - "I guess this is goodbye for the time being because I have to meet with a contact"

"You're leaving already?" - Gon asked with a frown.

"Sorry, but I have a lot of things to do, and I also have to keep up with my training" - replied Kurapika as he shook his head - "But that doesn't mean we won't meet in the future, remember you have my contact"

"OK" - nodded Gon, although he was still a bit sceptical about the idea of being separated from his friends again, but he still nodded because he knew that Kurapika needed some time alone.

"Well, I think this will be my time to leave too" - Leorio said as he looked at his friends - "I have to go to medical school to start my studies to become a doctor".

"Oh, come on" - muttered Gon as he sighed regretfully as he watched his friends go their separate ways.

"Relax, Gon, as Kurapika said, we'll see each other in the future" - smiled Leorio as he put his hand on his friend's head and gave him a smile - "Remember that we are friends, and we will always be there for each other when something important happens."

"OK" - nodded Gon with a smile as Cloud and his group nodded.

Cloud watched with a smile as the group's strong friendship, though he quickly returned to his normal expression.

"I guess it's just you and me, Killua" - said Gon as he watched Kurapika and Leorio get into their transports after saying their goodbyes.

"And I think it's a good time for us to go to a place that will help us get stronger" - said Killua with a catlike grin.

"Oh? Where shall we go, Killua?" - Gon asked curiously.

"The [Colosseum of Heaven]" - replied Killua excitedly - "That's a place I went when I was a kid, there you can earn money as you climb your position."

"Earn money?" - Gon asked curiously - "How much are we talking about?"

"Enough to buy mountains of goodies" - replied Killua as he felt saliva running down his cheeks.

". . ." - Gon was silent as he gave his friend a blank stare because he knew he had a mighty sweet tooth.

"Money?" - Cloud asked curiously because they really needed a new form of income.

"It's not much, but it's something," replied Killua as he shrugged his shoulders.

"How much do you mean by little?" - Kyoko asked with a frown because something told her that little was no small thing, after all, Killua came from a wealthy family.

"A few million" - replied Killua as he cocked his head to the side - "Maybe a billion."

". . ." - Gon was silent as Cloud shook his head, after all, their views were different.

"Anyway, we'd better split up too" - Cloud said as he shook his head again - "Now we have to go to Netero's to talk some things over with him."

"President Netero?" - Gon asked with surprise.

"Right, he told us that he saw you guys during the exam" - said Cloud as he nodded - "Yes, Netero needs something from us, and let's say that we need something from him as well"

"I see" - nodded Gon with a smile - "With how strong you guys are, it's obvious that President Netero wants to send you on a dangerous mission."

"Sure, that's why" - said Kyoko as Kyōka shrugged.

Killua noticed that that wasn't the reason, but said nothing to kill his friend's hopes.

"Well, that would be all for now" - said Cloud as he retreated along with the girls.

"They're an interesting bunch" - Killua said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah, but they're extremely strong" - nodded Gon as he watched the group retreat - "I wonder when we'll be as strong as them?"

"I'm sure that in the future we'll be much stronger than Cloud and the others" - Killua replied seriously, after all, they were already strong, and they were just entering their teens.

"You're right" - nodded Gon as he followed his friend towards the Airport.

* * * * *

"We should go to the [Sky Coliseum] first." - Kyōka said as she folded her arms - "Not only will we be able to get money, but also fight."

"As promising as that sounds, I don't think it's a good idea" - said Kyoko while frowning - "Remember that for the time being, it's better to keep us anonymous because we don't know our mission yet"

"She has a point" - Cloud replied seriously - "I may have an idea or two of what our mission could possibly be, but it's better to continue with low profile"

"Ok, let's go to Netero's" - Kyōka said as she snorted in annoyance, though after some thought he realised that there was possibly no one strong in that place, after all, the strongest people wouldn't stoop to making a spectacle out of fighting weaklings.

* * * * *

"I guess everything is going in the right direction" - said a man with short black hair, grey eyes, an inverted cross tattoo on his forehead, and two light blue spherical earrings. He was wearing a dark purple, almost black jacket that was open, showing his pectorals and stomach.

The man was sipping some tea as a small smile appeared on his lips as he saw how their plans were moving as they had planned.

"Indeed, leader" - replied a pretty girl with black hair, black eyes framed by a pair of glasses. She was wearing a black blouse and blue jeans along with a crucifix over her breasts. Her figure was well defined, not too voluptuous, but not too flat either.

"It's a surprise that you're the one to give me the report, Shizuku," said the black-haired man upon seeing the girl, after all, she was considered to be an extremely forgetful person.

"The one who was supposed to give you the report was Franklin, but he went out with..." - Shizuku muttered as she cocked her head to the side because she couldn't remember who her friend had gone out with.

Chrollo Lucilfer, the leader of the [Ghost Brigade], could only remain silent when he saw how his partner had forgotten what she was going to say.

"Oya? I see you're saying something interesting," said a young blond-haired man with green eyes.

"Shalnark, I see you finished your part of the plan" - said Chrollo when he saw another member of his group.

"It wasn't that hard, I just had to do this and that" - replied Shalnark as he shrugged his shoulders, as if his mission had been no big deal - "But back on topic, did I hear Franklin was dating someone?"

"Possibly with Nobunaga, after all, he had something to do" - Chrollo replied as he took another sip of his tea - "Would you care to join me for this afternoon of relaxation?"

"I'm sorry, but I have some things to do" - said Shalnark as he withdrew.

"Hmm, I guess I really did have some things to do" - Chrollo replied as he shrugged, only to notice how Shizuku had disappeared - "Those two should relax a bit".

"We can't all be like you, leader" - said a muscular man as he walked over to Chrollo. He had a messy grey mane of hair and a wild look that coupled well with his imposing physique.

"Uvogin, it's good to see you safe" - said Chrollo as he looked at his companion - "I see your new hunt ended successfully."

"Don't even remind me" - said Uvogin with a frown - "Those bastards were a lot weaker than I thought, and I was going in with the mindset of finally meeting a worthy opponent coming after us."

"High level Hunters don't care about a group like us, after all, we're just a small group of thieves" - Chrollo said normally.

"A group of thieves and murderers that is feared by a large part of the mainland's population" - corrected Uvogin with disdain.

"Just like the Zoldyck family, and you see how things turn out" - replied Chrollo as he looked at his friend - "50% seek the fame end up dead, the other 50% fear for their lives".


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