Chapter 441 ( Aura - II )

Cloud and the others were returning to their hotel in order to put what they had heard into practice, only to be surprised at how easy it was to train their aura.

"OK, I understand, this is extremely simple" - said Kyōka as she wiggled her nose at controlling her aura with utmost ease, in fact, she was disappointed at how simple it was to train this new power.

"Maybe it's because we have complete control of our body" - replied Cloud as he looked in Kyoko's direction, only to notice how she was sighing regretfully - "What's wrong, Kyoko?"

"It's difficult" - muttered Kyoko as she frowned - "I can use my aura and train it, but I feel like something is restricting me"

"Maybe it's because unlike the two of us who have trained martial arts to the top and awakened our aura naturally, you had to first get help from others to awaken your aura" - Cloud replied as he started to think.

He had seen how Kyoko and the other girls from the [Highschool of the Dead] world had started training in martial arts alongside the [Dragons Rioting] girls, as well as how they had started to awaken their aura thanks to the influence of their trainers' auras.

"It's possible that's the answer" - Kyōka said as she felt her aura again, only to notice how it moved the way she wished - "It feels the same as when I train".

"Ugh" - Kyoko sighed regretfully as she shook her head.

"Anyway, we'd better see how to activate or create our abilities" - said Cloud as he put his hand on Kyoko's shoulder.

"OK" - nodded the two women as they began to think.

"I'm an [Intensifier], that means my ability has to be related to boosting one of my abilities or base Stats" - said Kyōka as she started thinking - "According to the information Silva gave us, this could be boosting my body with aura and thus increasing my offensive power, or it could also [intensify] my regenerative factor."

"I think you'd better enhance your regenerative factor" - said Cloud as he started to think - "Your offensive power is already high, not to mention that your [Race] is one that is characterised by its enormous physical strength and vitality"

"I was thinking the same thing" - replied Kyōka while nodding calmly - "The more levels you gain, the stronger my base power will be thanks to my passive ability, not to mention that my combat style is to fight without thinking about the consequences, making me oblivious to my injuries in the process"

"Well, at least she admits she's a muscle brain" - Kyoko said while folding her arms.

"Hmph" - Kyōka snorted in disdain, but said nothing to refute her companion's words, after all, she was aware of her enormous desire to take on strong opponents, so there was no need to deny the woman's words.

"Ok, we'd better change the subject, how do you plan to do it?" - Cloud asked as he saw how the conversation was heading in a direction that would honestly cause an argument between the two women.

"According to this information, we create a medium with our aura, in my case, I plan to create a kind of aura fruit that serves to heal me depending on the amount of aura I use" - answered Kyōka as she started to think - "But to boost its power, I plan to make it only work on me."

"It makes sense because according to the information we gathered, the more powerful the technique, the more restrictions or votes it needs to balance the balance" - said Cloud as he started to think - "I feel like you need something else to make your technique more effective."

The Nen was a power that increased in potency and effectiveness depending on the goals, desires, and strength of the user, and it was controlled directly by the mind, so when one desired an extremely strong ability, they needed to regulate, or restrict its power so that it could only be used in specific situations. The fewer restrictions the skill had, the less power it possessed at general levels, although this did not mean that simple skills were weak, but that they needed a greater amount of time to reach a level of power equal to more complex skills.

"I'm thinking of restrictions like [Can only be used on me], [Can only be used when the damage it has received is more than 70% of the damage it can withstand], [Can only be used a maximum of 5 times per day]" - Kyōka answered seriously while thinking - "With those restrictions, I'm sure I'll be able to fully recover after consuming an aura fruit, I'm even sure that my physical power will increase by 25%."

"It's not a bad technique" - nodded Cloud as he watched Kyoko try to create different types of basic items that were destroyed after a few seconds - "Relax, take your time".

"It's annoying that I'm the only one stuck, but at least with this I have the time to be able to decide on how to create my skill" - said Kyoko as she muttered in annoyance.

"If you wish, I can help you" - smiled Cloud as Kyoko nodded weakly.

"You're a [Specialist], aren't you?" - Kyōka asked as she looked at the blond - "And from what Silva said, your skill is devour, a skill very befitting of your race."

"I know, it's so ironic that it's not funny" - replied Cloud as he frowned - "But if so, I think I have a perfect skill for me"

"Oh?" - Kyōka's eyes twinkled slightly before waiting for the continuation of the blond's words.

"Sorry, it's a secret for now" - Cloud replied with a toothy grin.

"Hmph! Boring" - Kyōka snorted as she rolled her eyes at him, though she had to admit she was curious as to what kind of ability he would create, no, that was false, what she was curious about was what kind of restrictions would be given to boost his ability.

"Well, I think we'd better get going after we train a bit, there are still many corners of the world to go, and creatures to capture" - Cloud said as he squinted - "We can even go to Netero to get a hunter's license".

"I still don't think it's a good idea for him to give the license to three strangers" - said Kyoko sceptically - "I'm even sure he'll use someone to try to keep an eye on us."

"It's an option, but I honestly don't think it will happen" - replied Cloud as he shook his head - "Netero doesn't gain anything by getting on our bad side, and honestly it's not like we need the licenses, we just want it to save us the trouble"

"Well, you're right about that" - Kyōka said while frowning.

They didn't really need the hunter's license, but it was necessary for them to be able to travel to different places in the world without problems.

"Well, it also helps that we have other benefits" - said Kyoko while blushing because they didn't have much money, and honestly people didn't buy exotic products from people who weren't [Hunters].

"It's a bit classist, but we can't do anything when this world is totally dependent to hunters" - said Cloud while shaking his head - "Anyway, for now let's focus on what we have in front of us and then we'll see what to do".

"Sounds like a plan" - Kyōka said as she shrugged, more so when she still wanted to finish creating her technique as soon as possible now that she knew she could skip all the tedious training.

"By the way, you still have to train the basics to make sure our skills are perfect" - said Cloud as he noticed the change in Kyōka's expression.

"OK" - muttered Kyōka as she sighed with regret because training calmly wasn't her thing, she could do it with utmost ease, but she didn't enjoy the process because it was boring.

She could remember all the dance sessions her mother had put her through during her childhood, and how boring they were, it was for this very reason that she enjoyed the more emotional training sessions, such as sparring matches.

"Ok, we better go rest, we still have some things to do before we go to the place Netero told us to" - Cloud said as he shook his head.

"Just rest?" - Kyōka asked with a huge grin as Kyoko blushed with how bold her partner was, though she had to admit it wasn't a bad idea.

"Really?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow - "We did it for almost three days, even Kyoko ended up unconscious."

"In my defence, you didn't let me rest" - Kyoko replied with red cheeks.

"You didn't want to either" - Cloud replied as he rolled his eyes at her, only to snort disdainfully as he noticed how the woman averted her gaze - "Whatever, we'll rest today, full stop."

"OK" - murmured the two women, then went to their personal rooms because they knew they couldn't resist their urges.


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