Chapter 444 ( Test )

"For the last time, cutie, I'm the right hand of the vice president of the hunters' association, so if you follow me, you'll have an assured life" - said a man while frowning in exasperation seeing how Kyōka and Kyoko didn't even seem to flinch.

"You better give up, they want nothing to do with you" - said another man while shaking his head.

It was admirable that this guy didn't give up, but it was obvious that those two beautiful women had no interest in them whatsoever, and even if he hated to admit it, he could see why, after all, Cloud was a handsome guy.

"I'm sorry, but we can't accept your proposal because we're already married" - said Kyoko, who had been the first to speak of the group.

"Huh?" - the man who was trying to woo them, stood silently along with the rest of the people present, after all, they didn't expect that kind of answer - "Oh, I guess that makes sense."

The man quickly retreated into silence, after all, he knew when to give up, a quality all hunters had to have if they wanted to survive in the trade.

"Maybe I should have hit him a little" - Kyōka muttered as she tilted her head, only to notice how Cloud and Kyoka were giving her a blank stare - "What, I was just kidding".

"Sure, sure" - nodded the two aforementioned as they rolled their eyes at her.

Kyōka snorted in response, but said nothing to defend herself, though her expression quickly changed to a serious one when she heard the sound of something heavy falling outside the building.

Everyone present watched in surprise as the smokescreen slowly cleared, revealing a silhouette they immediately recognized.

"President Netero!" - shouted those present as they watched the leader of the hunters' association wipe the dust off his clothes and walk towards the entrance of the building.

"Ho ho ho ~" - Netero smiled as he saw how Cloud and the others were looking at him skeptically, though he quickly walked in their direction - "I see you got here a lot faster than I thought."

"I didn't get to fight Silva, but at least I had some fun fighting that weird man with the dead fish eyes" - Kyōka replied as he folded his arms - "It's not much, but it's something."

Netero let out a laugh when he heard this, to quickly shake his head - "I understand, I guess you've come to fight me again?"

"I'd like to, but that's not why we came" - Kyōka replied while pointing at her boyfriend - "Let's just say we need some information, and a small favor in the process"

"Hmm, I think I know what you wish" - said Netero as he saw how the trio was using their aura passively with more control, a clear effect of having learned about the Nen - "Come, let's go to my office to talk more calmly."

"OK" - Cloud nodded as he followed Netero, ignoring how everyone present was talking amongst themselves as they saw what had happened.

"Those three must be someone important enough for Netero-sama to have come and picked them up himself" - said one of those present as the others nodded.

"Good thing I didn't do anything stupid" - said the man who had tried to flirt with the two women as he sighed with relief - "I'm thankful my instincts are still in tip-top shape."

His friend put his hands on his shoulder as he nodded, only to give him a thumbs up.

* * * * *

"It's good to see you, and I see you finally activated your auras, or rather, learned how to use them properly" - Netero said as he stretched his beard - "Quite a productive trip, don't you think so too?"

"I'd say it was a waste of time" - answered Kyōka as she folded her arms - "You could have informed us about the Nen when we first met, and we wouldn't have wasted so much time."

"True, but let's just say that's not how things work" - replied Netero as he shook his head - "The rules are simple, we can't inform you directly about the Nen because it's a secret hidden from the masses, a secret that only a few clans possess besides us hunters."

"I guess it would be chaos if normal people could use these abilities" - Cloud said as he nodded calmly.

"Indeed" - replied Netero as he nodded calmly - "THE power the something that not everyone should possess, much less normal humans because they are more prone to let their desires dominate their actions."

"I completely agree" - Cloud replied as he nodded because as he stopped being human, he started to notice the way humanity is, ironic, but accurate.

"Anyway, we'd better get right down to business" - Netero said seriously - "What do you wish?"

"We need more information about the Nen, and by the way to know if you could give us the Hunter's License" - Cloud said seriously.

"The License" - Netero replied as he stroked his chin - "I could give them to you, but first I need you to do a little evaluation."

"What do we need to do?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"First, I need to call someone you guys know" - Netero said with a smile as he picked up his cell phone and dialed a number on his list - "Hello? Yes, they're here."

Cloud raised an eyebrow, but after a few minutes, he understood who it was, after all, she was none other than Menchi, the Slayer they had met when they first came into the world.

"Hi, guys" - Menchi said with a smile as she looked at the trio - "I see you have become stronger, something I thought impossible".

"Hello, Menchi-san" - nodded Kyoko as Kyōka just shrugged, though they had to admit that the food she prepared was delicious.

"It's been a while, Menchi-san" - said Cloud as he nodded at the woman's presence, then looked at Netero seriously - "I want to guess that she'll be our examiner."

"Exactly" - nodded Netero calmly - "Menchi is more than qualified to make the decision."

"Well, at least we know our examiner" - said Kyōka as she shrugged - "If it was an unknown person, the first thing I would have done would have been to attack to see if he or she is indeed qualified"

"It's good to hear that we will skip those problems" - said Netero while giving a grandfatherly smile to the girl - "Anyway, the test is simple, you will go to a certain region of the continent and retrieve a unique object that for now is confidential."

"How will we know what object it is?" - Kyoko asked while frowning.

"I want to assume that's part of the test" - answered Cloud as he watched Netero nod.

"Exactly, that's part of the test" - said Netero calmly - "What you have to do is find the object in the middle of the assigned perimeter, oh, and before I forget, it's unexplored territory for different reasons."

"Then how do you know that object is in that area?" - Kyoko asked as she frowned even more.

"Let's just say we have our methods" - answered Netero calmly - "Anyway, do you accept or not?"

"We have nothing to lose, and we have a lot of time to spend" - Cloud replied as he accepted without a second thought.

"Perfect, you can leave whenever you want" - Netero said with a smile as he asked them to leave because he still had something to talk to Menchi.

Cloud and the two women nodded before leaving the office, only for Netero's expression to turn serious all of a sudden.

"Is something wrong, President?" - Menchi asked seriously.

"Nothing that's too dangerous, it's just that I need you to do something for me during the examination of those three" - Netero replied calmly - "I need you to help those three in improving their Nen abilities, and to inform me what kind of powers they created."

"Hmm, I have no problem with doing so, but I feel that things won't be that simple" - Menchi said while frowning.

"They never are, although if I'm honest, I just want to know what kind of restrictions Cloud's ability will have" - Netero replied as he started to think - "He is a [Specialist] and has an affinity with devouring, so his power could be similar to Chrollo Lucifer from the ghost brigade."

". . ." - Menchi's expression changed when she heard this, but quickly returned to normal - "I understand, I will."

"Thank you" - nodded Netero as his expression returned to one of happiness - "Other than that you can do whatever you want, they're not bad people, but it's better to be safe than sorry"

"I understand, you don't have to explain yourself to me, sir" - said Menchi as she shook her head seeing how Netero tried to over-explain himself more than necessary.

"I guess it's age's fault" - replied Netero while shrugging his shoulders - "Anyway, you may retire".

"Hai!" - Menchi exclaimed as she walked out of the office.


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