Chapter 450 ( Kuruta Island - III )

Ten minutes later, Cloud returned to camp with the little creature in his arms, all to the stunned gaze of Menchi and the others.

"Is that, what I think it is?" - Menchi asked as she swallowed saliva at the sight of the little green rabbit with deer antlers in the blond's arms.

"A Jackalope!" - Kyoko exclaimed excitedly as her eyes flashed like flames.

"!" - the little Jackalope snuggled into Cloud's arms as he trembled as he felt the very heavy aura of the woman who was looking at him as if he were a precious gem.

"Don't worry, no one will hurt you" - Cloud replied as he stroked the little rabbit's fur to stop his fear.

The Jackalope looked up and watched the blond carefully before nodding.

"It's impressive to see how intelligent this little creature is," Menchi murmured in surprise as she saw how the rabbit seemed to understand Cloud's words, as well as the situation he was in.

"How did you find it?" - Kyōka asked while raising an eyebrow.

"I didn't find him" - Cloud answered as he shook his head - "It was him who found me."

"She" - said Kyoko as she calmed down - "This Jackalope is a girl."

The Jackalope looked at Kyoko in surprise before nodding weakly.

"This is getting more and more interesting" - Menchi said as she tried to get closer to the strange creature, only for it to become alert and curl up more and more in the blond's arms, as if it wanted to disappear in his arms.

". . ." - Menchi looked at this with surprise and annoyance because she really wanted to hug that cute little creature, but such it seemed that she wouldn't let anyone come near her, at least for now.

"Did she really come to you alone?" - Kyōka asked in surprise as she wondered if the rumors about the Jackalope were false.

"I know, I'm confused too" - Cloud replied as he shook his head - "Maybe we should let Kuro ask her?"

"That's a good idea" - nodded Kyoko as she called out to Kuro, who quickly appeared at her side - "Kuro, I want you to ask this little girl about why she approached Cloud-kun."

"Nya!" - Kuro nodded calmly as she walked in the direction of the little rabbit.

The Jackalope looked up and gazed reverently at the cat that was the same size as her, after all, she could feel the difference in status between the two.

After a few seconds, Kuro jumped onto Kyoko's shoulder and started meowing.

"Oh, I see" nodded Kyoko after listening to her companion.

"Can you understand that cat?" - Menchi asked in surprise.

"Of course" - nodded Kyoko calmly - "And on a side note, I recommend you not to treat Kuro-chan as if she was just a cat."

"Shaaa!" - Kuro bared her fangs at the blue-haired woman, though far from looking threatening, she looked tender.

"And back to the main topic, Kuro told me that that Jackalope approached Cloud because she felt a familiar aura from him" - Kyoko replied while tilting her head.

Cloud tried to say something, but before he could, Sapphire and Shio appeared beside him - "Where were you two?"

"Investigating the surroundings ~" - Shio replied with an innocent smile - "But we came back to give our report ~"

"Where did they come from?" - Menchi asked in surprise as she frowned, only to widen her eyes in surprise as she saw how one of the two little girls had blue wings instead of arms - "No, it's better to ask what she is."

"[Aragami: Harpy Type]" - Shio replied innocently - "I am an [Aragami: Unknown Type]"

"[Aragami]?" - Menchi asked again because this was a word she had never heard before in her life - "Is that the name of a race of [Magical Beasts]?"

"What are [Magical Beasts]?" - Shio asked as she cocked her head to the side.

Menchi gave her a quick explanation on what [Magical Beasts] were, only to notice how the white haired girl, nodded in realization - "Well?"

"Well, you could say we are" - Shio replied as she tilted her head - "Although changing into a human form is something not many of our race can do, in fact, out of all the [Aragami] in existence, only the two of us could transform into humans, the rest are just humanoid creatures."

Menchi again fell silent as she pondered the implications of Shio's words, after all, she had just heard of a new breed of creatures that were possibly dangerous.

"Relax, they are the last two [Aragami] of this world" - Cloud said calmly as he shook his head.

"Oh?" - Menchi was surprised when she heard this, though she quickly shook her head as she thought about how to report this to her president.

"Oh, I see" - Kyōka said as she nodded - "I see what you meant by familiar aura."

"?" - Menchi raised an eyebrow, but to her annoyance, she received no response.

Kyoko also seemed to understand why, and just like her companion, she didn't say anything because it was related to her lover's biggest secret.

Cloud looked at the little rabbit in his arms with realization, after all, he now understood the reason for her strange action.

The Jackalope had detected that he was not human, but a mystical creature like her, though it was a pity he couldn't take his dragon form, not with a person they barely knew.

Cloud gave the rabbit in his arms a small glance, only to notice how it was still watching him silently.

"Do you think I can tame it?" - Kyoko asked as she looked at the Jackalope excitedly.

"I don't think it's possible" - Cloud answered as he shook his head - "She doesn't feel comfortable with you around, so for now you might as well try to befriend her."

"You have a point" - muttered Kyoko as she sighed regretfully seeing how alert the Jackalope was as she looked at her seriously, as if she knew she was trying something against her, though she didn't know what.

Kyōka decided not to meddle with this because she knew there was no way to do it, so she walked in another direction and got to training.

Menchi had to admit that it was impressive to see how someone as strong as Kyōka, kept training and improving with each passing day.

* * * * *

Two days had passed for the group, and things had returned to normal.

The Jackalope had taken Cloud's head as its new nest, and most of the time it was resting in that place.

Kyoko had tried every method she knew to try to gain the little creature's trust, but it kept ignoring her.

Kyōka's technique had been perfected, and now she was starting to train to be able to use it in the middle of battle, and for that she was asking Cloud to be as serious as possible, something that pushed her to the edge of her limits because of all the injuries she had received.

Menchi wondered if she was a masochist after watching that training, after all, that was the only way to call it, a training for masochists.

Cloud for his part, continued meditating in the river, only this time, he had a little companion for the whole time.

Jackalope was perfect as a pet, cute, smart, and there was no need to teach her what to do or not to do, she was even friendly with Sapphire and Shio, after all, she knew that those two girls were just like Cloud, they were not human.

Back with Cloud, he had managed to think of a Nen power that would suit his needs, as well as the limiters to boost the base power of his ability.

As for said ability, Cloud still hadn't told Kyōka or Kyoko about it, something that started to make Menchi feel bad because she thought she was the cause of it, at the same time this hurt her because she felt that the blond didn't have a shred of trust in her, and she honestly couldn't blame him.

Cloud had noticed the conflicting emotions inside Menchi, and he knew that she was overthinking things, but he did nothing to clear the doubts or comfort the woman, after all, he didn't have to.

The other thing that had happened during these two days, was that the investigation of the area in greater depth, had begun, and to no one's surprise, the group had not found anything interesting for the moment.

Cloud had decided to follow the river because he knew that sooner or later they would find something, be it the strange tribal creatures, or some ruins built near that location, after all, every living thing needed to consume water in order to continue surviving.


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