Chapter 485 ( Phantom Troupe - I )

"I'm sure you have to be wondering, how did we find you'll so easily" - Cloud said while ignoring the hostility of the spider members - "It's simple, this little girl was spying on you'll this time."

"?" - Sora looked at the criminals in front of her group, only to hide when she saw how they were all looking at her with hatred - "Kyu!"

Without a second thought, Sora disappeared without a trace, surprising Chrollo greatly because now he understood how that strange creature had spied on them without them noticing - "Impressive, but it's not time for that, not when you walked nicely towards us."

"What can I say? It's better to do things as soon as possible" - Cloud replied while catching the knife that had been thrown at his face - "Really? You should have a minimum of politeness and wait for us to finish talking!"

"Keep quiet, you bastard!" - Phinks roared as he narrowed his eyes - "Today will be the anniversary of your death, but don't worry, those bitches will follow you to the afterlife along with the Kurta clan bastard!"

Kyoko frowned when she heard the gratuitous insult, but did nothing to refute the words, not because they were true, but because there was no need to make them.

She knew that from this place, the spider members could only come out in two ways, alive and gloating over their victory, or with their heads being treated as trophies.

"I hope you can keep those words, because I will show no mercy while we fight" - Kyōka said as her smile grew enormously.

Chrollo frowned when he saw how the woman's aura exploded, creating a powerful shockwave that unsettled those present because they never thought she would be this strong.

"Come on, let's get this started" - Kyōka said while thundering her knuckles - "Let's enjoy this battle".

"That bitch is just as crazy as Uvogin" - said Feitan while frowning.

"And she has a physical power equal or superior to his" - Pakunoda answered seriously, after all, of the group she was the one who knew the most about Cloud and the others.

"Then I'll take care of her" - Franklin said as he walked forward, only to see how Shizuku walked beside him - "I can just."

"No, I'm not going to let another one of my friends fight alone while I watch" - Shizuku replied seriously - "I'll help you."

"I join you because that bitch is strong" - Shalnark said while frowning because he could still feel the effects of that woman's aura.

"We'll take care of the woman in the center" - said a man dressed in bandages who was wearing boxing gloves - "What do you think Kortopi?"

The small man with long white hair that only showed one of his eyes, nodded silently as he looked at u his target.

"I hope you are a worthy opponent, because despite being a woman, I will show no mercy" - said the bandaged man.

Kyoko remained silent as she summoned [Staravia], a slightly large gray, white and dark brown almost black bird.

Kuro quickly reacted to the change in her teacher and looked at her opponents while Mimi trembled slightly before calming down, after all, she wasn't a fighting specialist.

"Relax, I know how to defend myself" - Kyoko replied seriously as she stroked Mimi's head to calm her down.

"I guess we'll take care of the [Gourmet Slayer] and the Kurta clan boy" - Pakunoda said as Machi nodded calmly.

Menchi just pulled out her knives and looked at her opponents with hostility, after all, she knew that this was the best time to be able to experiment with the results of her training.

Kurapika for his part just narrowed his eyes, although now that it had come to this, he was no longer thinking of doing everything with his own hands, in fact, it was quite the opposite, he just wanted to see the inert bodies of the [Ghost Brigade] members, regardless of the consequences or who was responsible for dealing them the final blow.

"I guess that leaves the others against me," Cloud said as he looked at the remaining men.

Chrollo maintained his silence as Feitan and Phinks gave him a death stare.

"What about us?" - Shio asked in confusion.

"You guys can help Kyoko" - Cloud answered seriously, after all, he didn't want something the happen to his sultry teacher.

"Ok, we'll protect mom" - replied Sapphire firmly.

Of all the women, Kyoko had the best relationship with them because of her affinity to summoning.

"I'm counting on you" - Cloud said as the chosen groups separated.

* * * * *

"I hope you're ready to give up your life" - Pakunoda said as she looked at Menchi neutrally - "Because this won't be a quick, painless thing."

"Less talk, and more action" - Machi said coolly as she created a few strands of Nen - "Not to try to give a quick death, but the less we delay, the quicker we can go help the others."

"You have a point" - Pakunoda said as she narrowed her eyes.

"This won't be as easy as you think" - Menchi said while releasing her Nen and looked at her opponents seriously - "So I hope you don't regret choosing me".

Machi didn't say anything else, she just ran against her opponent while making hand movements that one would think were random though if they used Nen so they could see what was going on.

Kurapika frowned as he saw how the woman was throwing hundreds of strands of Nen around, creating what appeared to be a spider web.

Pakunoda ran after her ally with her pistols in hands as she used her Nen ability to be able to try and read her opponents thoughts - "A-23!"

"Ok" - nodded Machi as she made a hand seal and threw a few threads in one direction.

Kurapika quickly jumped, and to his surprise, it was right where the threads were going to land, only to let out a sigh of relief when he saw Menchi appear in front of him and cut the threads with utmost ease.

"You have to be more attentive, kid" - Menchi said while squinting - "Those Nen threads are not only stronger than a normal one, but they can also cut you if uses enough force."

"I will, thank you for saving me" - said Kurapika while looking carefully at the blonde woman.

"Be careful, Machi, he can use his Nen ability to seal our power and kill us very easily" - said Pakunoda after reading Kurapika's thoughts - "That's how he killed Uvogin"

"I understand, his chains" - muttered Machi as she watched the chains start to grow around the area where Kurapika was - "Anything else I need to know?"

"Sorry, now that she knows I can read her thoughts, she's trying to block my ability" - Pakunoda replied as she stepped back to a safe distance so she could tell her partner what was going on - "As for the woman, her Nen ability is non-combat, so we have no problem with her, though her other abilities are impressive because she was training alongside those bastards"

"Got it, then we'll concentrate on the woman and then kill the boy" - Machi said neutrally while squinting his eyes.

Menchi was enraged when she saw how she was being belittled, though she quickly let out a small laugh when she heard the two women's words.

She quickly launched herself against her opponents, who honestly did not expect such a crazy action.

Machi without a second thought created more strands of Nen to try to catch the woman, but to her surprise, every time she was sure she had caught her, the strands would magically break.

Pakunoda was also surprised to see this because she didn't understand how she was succeeding because according to her the Gyo (Concentration of Nen in a specific part of the body) that she had used on her eyes, she could see how Menchi was not using her aura to try to defend herself.

"Pakunoda" - Machi said seriously - "I need information."

"I'm sorry, I don't understand how I can't read her memories right now" - Pakunoda said with surprise and seriousness, only to see how Menchi had already arrived a few meters away from them.

"Tch" - Machi clicked her tongue as she prepared for the counterattack, which her partner also did, but to her surprise, she saw how a chain was about to impact on her face, so without thinking twice she jumped backwards in order to dodge the surprise attack.

Pakunoda was in a similar situation, although at the same time she was relatively easier to handle.

She gripped her pistols firmly and fired mercilessly, only to be surprised to see the bullets pierce Menchi's body - "What?"

"[Phantom Knife]" - Menchi muttered as her body seemed to be residual images.

[Phantom Knife] was a technique she had created after training all the time together with Cloud and the others. She used her Nen to be able to create an illusionary mirror image while she used [In (Hide)] to make both her silhouette and presence disappear.


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