Chapter 486 ( Phantom Troupe - II )

This was the perfect hunting technique, or at least that's what Menchi wanted to think.

She used all her skills as an [Expert Hunter] to not only sneak up on her prey, but also to give it false information so that she could land a finishing blow.

"Michi, back off, quick!" - Pakunoda exclaimed as her eyes widened in surprise as she saw how not only the chains had appeared in front of her companion, but Menchi as well.

Machi's eyes widened in surprise when she saw this, more so when she saw a knife just inches away from her pupils.

"AAAAAAAAAH!" - the woman's scream of pain, echoed in place as the knife penetrated Machi's eye.

The pink-haired woman quickly stepped back as she used her skill to be able to quickly close the wound despite the deep pain she felt.

"Are you okay?" - Pakunoda asked as she looked at her colleague.

"I just had a knife in the eye, of course I'm fine" - Machi replied as she gritted her teeth to resist the pain.

No matter how she worked her skill, she could only close the wound because ironically she couldn't see the stitches to be able to connect her eye functionally, so for the moment she had lost it.

"That was close" - Menchi said as her silhouette appeared 10 meters away from her opponents.

"Do you think you can use that ability again?" - Kurapika asked seriously.

"No, part of the restriction is that I can only use it once every 10 minutes" - replied Menchi while shaking her head - "Come to think of it, I shouldn't have said that".

"Never mind, now that she has only one eye, she's easier to capture" - Kurapika said while shaking his head, only to frown as he heard the sound of gunshots.

Instinctively, he used his chains to block the bullets, only to squint at the woman.

"Do you think you can keep fighting?" - Pakunoda asked as she looked at her friend - "If not, then I recommend you run away."

"Impossible, I'm not going to leave you behind" - Machi answered seriously.

"No, we need you to stay alive, I on the other hand are dispensable" - replied Pakunoda while continuing to shoot at Kurapika and Menchi - "Remember that you can save the others if they manage to escape from here alive."

". . ." - Machi was silent for a few seconds before nodding - "Do you think you can hold out?"

"Long enough for you to escape" - Pakunoda replied as she continued firing, not caring how many bullets were left in her magazine.

"Ok, I'm going to check the condition of the others, please resist enough to be able to come with help" - said Machi while her cold expression, changed to one of concern.

"Relax, I'm not going so weak to die so easily" - replied Pakunoda as she continued firing at his opponents.

"Good luck" - muttered Machi as she ran off, though this would not be so easy.

Machi jumped to the side as she felt the sound of chains rapidly approaching from behind her, only to turn to see how Kurapika had the same look as a rabid dog that didn't want to let go of its prey - ". . ."

"Don't even think about it, you're not going to escape" - Kurapika said while running against Machi.

The pink haired woman frowned as she used her threads to try to create a trap, but to her growing irritation, this was difficult knowing that Kurapika had a similar style, but what made it hard to fight the boy, was not that he was strong, but the properties that his chains had.

Kurapika had created the ultimate technique to be able to attack the [Ghost Brigade], though at the same time it was useless against everything else.

The young man of the Kurta clan could feel the chain around his heart trembling slightly, waiting for the day he would break the contract.

That was the biggest restriction he had thought of in order to have the strongest technique possible, if he used his ability against anyone other than the spider, he would end up dead because of the sword-like chain around his heart.

"Your death will not be quick and painless" - Machi said as she gritted her teeth.

The loss of one of her eyes was a difficult annoyance to shake off, more so when her opponents could disappear without a trace, making her ability to sense the aura of others, useless against them.

Machi could only rely on her eyes and natural senses, but the partial loss of her sight, and her growing rage, was making it difficult to cope with her situation.

"I know, but until that time comes, I will continue to do everything so that none of you are still alive to repeat what you did to my clan" - Kurapika replied as his red eyes glowed with malice - "Come, we have to end this."

"Tch" - Machi clicked her tongue before disappearing from the place, only to reappear in front of Kurapika, but this was something he was waiting for.

With a wave of his hands, he made the chains he had scattered all over the place, return to him and create a sort of invisible chain dome.

Machi felt the change and tried to step back, only to feel something cold colliding with her back.

"Gotcha" said Kurapika as he made a second hand movement, and in the process, causing the chains to open slightly so he could catch his prey.

A huge grin appeared on his face at this as the chains tightened their grip on his prey's body.

"Michi!" - Pakunoda exclaimed in surprise at how quickly her partner's battle was over, which was ridiculous.

Machi didn't have enormous physical power, but her agility and dexterity was no slouch to that of the other spider members, not to mention that the difference in power between her and Kurapika was enormous.

"I'm sorry for doing this" - muttered a voice behind the blonde woman, who could only watch as a knife pierced her throat in her moment of carelessness.

"How" - muttered Pakunoda as she vomited blood.

"What I said was false, I can continue to use my ability for 5 minutes before my body and Nen are completely blocked" - said Menchi while breathing heavily - "That's the condition I thought of when creating my technique."

The vitality disappeared from Pakunoda's eyes as her corpse fell to the ground, with an expression of devastation on her face for knowing that she couldn't save her partner.

Menchi stood silently watching the life drain from her companion of so many years, only to stare hatefully at her two opponents, unable to do anything to resist.

Kurapika's chains were blocking her Nen after the sword-shaped tip, entered its interior.

"You never thought that the annihilation of my clan, would haunt them, did you?" - Kurapika said as he clenched his fists to the point where he started to release blood from his hands - "You thought it would be an easy thing, kill them all, gouge their eyes out and be rich."

"I regret many things, but that's not one of them" - Machi said neutrally as she felt Kurapika's main chain embed itself in her heart - "You should have seen your companions' expression of desolation, it was thrilling to see how they screamed for us to leave the children alive, only to scream with fury as they watched us kill them mercilessly!"

Kurapika's red eyes flashed with fury as the strength of his chains increased dramatically, gradually increasing the pink-haired woman's pain - "Ugh."

Kurapika was silent for a few seconds before calming down and ordering his chain to destroy the woman's heart.

The second casualty in the spider had appeared as the lifeless body of the pink-haired woman fell to the ground.

Kurapika gave her a cold look before sighing regretfully.

Despite having killed 2 of the [Phantom Troupe] members, he didn't feel good at all, in fact, he just felt empty.

"That's what happens when you make your whole being revolve around revenge" - Menchi said as she looked at the blond boy before shaking her head - "After you accomplish your goal, what will you do?"

"Me, I don't know" - muttered Kurapika as he shook his head - "Maybe travel around the world so I can find a new goal."

"Well, I wish you luck, because maybe today is the day your revenge will end" - said Menchi as he felt his strength abruptly disappear,

Kurapika quickly went to her side and stopped her before she touched the ground, only to walk to a wall and let her lie down.

"Thank you" - Menchi said as she felt her whole body ache.

"No, it's me who should be thanking you" - said Kurapika while looking at the corpses of the two women of the [Phantom Troupe], only to sigh - "If it wasn't for you, it's possible that right now I would have been dead for not knowing anything about my opponents."


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